Tuesday, April 30, 2019

EEIG case, on alliances Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

EEIG case, on alliances - Essay ExampleA. (QA) (Fazio, 2007). The target markets for this establishment were multinational paint manufacturers and automobile manufacturers. The present case entails well-nigh the management of EEIG and besides the perspective and situation after its incorporation. In addition, this case to a fault illustrates around the strategies espouse by these companies to operate in the market. This study to a large extent enlightened us about the Quimica del Atlantico, S. A. (QA) and its business operations. This company was founded in the year 1932. It is headquartered at Baracaldo, Spain. Initially the company used to manufacture nitrocotton paints, and air drying for the automobile body parts. It was in like manner the first company to have supplied such products to the markets of Spain (Renart and Pares, 2010). The company had exhausted significant amount of resources and efforts towards research and development and for that the company has been able t o introduce new products and services in the market. Through this report, the internal and external business environment of the company will be analysed. Furthermore the strategicalal choices made by the companies will be also illuminated. Beside, how the strategies were implemented will be also emphasized. lastly based on the evaluation, a conclusion will be drawn and some recommendations will be suggested. External & Internal Business Environment Analysis Environmental analysis is often referred to as environmental scanning. According to some eminent authors analysis of the environment help companies to identify factors that may influence the operation. Additionally, it also helps the companies to forecast the impact these factors have on the company (Robinson, 2009). Through the process of environmental scanning organizations also identify opportunities and threats in the existing business environment. The business strategy of a company also the Great Compromiser highly depend ent upon the situation of the external business environment. Apart from the external environment, the internal environment of a firm plays a crucial role in the formulation of strategy and also to capitalize on the opportunities of the external business environment (Von Der Gracht, 2008). In this context, Quimica del Atlantico, the paint manufacturing and marketing company of Spain embraces various strategic capabilities. all the same it also possesses some weakness which impacts the companys operation and holds them back from achieving their goals. One of the major qualification of the company is its competency in the field of research and development. Quimica del Atlantico spends significant amount of resources and efforts towards R & D activities. This has promote the company to come up with new and innovative products and systems in the market. Apart from that, the company also has the capableness of utilizing technology to the fullest extent and therefore technology innovati on can be manifested as one of their strategic capabilities. The company has presence in several industries of the world, which provides them an opportunity to increase their total revenue. In addition, the company also enjoyed strong competitive position in the Spanish market. The biggest weakness of the company comes in the form of little export activities. The case enlightens that export has only accounted for 1.5 % of the overall sales of the company. The operational changes that were

Definition of Shame, Unforgettable Shame and Self perception Essay

Definition of Shame, memorable Shame and Self perception - Essay ExampleKaufman (1993a, pp.5-6) defines shame as wound within inward self which is deeply disturbing to the self, causing the sickness within the self and the soul which always leads to the feelings of inferiority. This post has been supported in the work of Evans (1994, p.103) who states, with shame there is a sense of inferiority in which the different is perceived as more powerful and capable of inflict injury on the self, usually via scorn, contempt, or humiliation. Jane Middelton-Moz (1990, p.xii) and Holly Vanscoy (2006) both pose written that the hurt emotion feeling arise from the consciousness of something embarrassment, humiliation, dishonourable, unacceptable, mistaken etc done by oneself or another. In my opinion, the various(prenominal) who faced shame always perceives him or herself as flaw, unwanted, neglected, surplus, or fundamentally broken.Nearly every gentlemans gentleman being experience sh ame at some point in his or her life. Most of shame stories in their lives become the haunting one. The un departtable rather haunting shame memory follows people throughout their lives. Shame incident might have happened a long time ago, but memory remains even after years. Sometimes the individual becomes very successful in the country or in the community, but the memory of unforgettable shame encumbers clinging to even the developed and successful self. During the research, there were numerous instances when I found a general capital of New Hampshire of psychologists and therapist closely the idea that adult personality is greatly influenced by early childhood experiences. Those who go through shame during early childhood time period could never let their memory of the incident go forever. It remains and leaves extremely powerful impact on adult self perception. For understanding shame in childhood and its manifestation in adulthood in the form of low self-esteem, we need to understand the thought of self itself. Self is fundamental part of Carl Rogerss personality theory. He refers to it as, the organized, consistent set of perceptions and beliefs about oneself.Self is a humanistic term that describes us as person. It is not only influenced by a persons experiences throughout life but also the interpretation of these experiences. Major factors that influence human self concept are childhood experiences and evaluation by others (cited in McLeod, 2007). Bradshaws idea of a toxic shame seems to be intriguing in this regard. He (1990, p. 47) wrote it as the feeling of being flawed and diminished and never measuring up. The strong inner emotions and feelings of being insufficient, neglected, inadequate, defective and unwanted keep haunting the individual. Bradshaw (1990, p. 47) further attributes the toxic shame as a nucleus of the wounded child some which he or she keeps revolving. For instance, the individual, who faced traumatic or hurtful experience during their childhood which they could not forget all the way through their life are called wounded child and prone to shame. According to Adler, a neglected child has never known love and cooperation in the home therefore, he finds it very backbreaking to develop these abilities as an adult. They do not know how to gain affection and respect from other people. As adults usually they are cold and hard (Frager, R. & Fadiman, J., 1998. p. 111-112). The shamed self is considered to be unable to cope with the ticklish situation. As an object of scorn, humiliation,

Monday, April 29, 2019

Coaching Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Coaching - Term Paper ExampleIn simple terms, teach is training or development that involves an individual (coach) supporting the learner (trainee) in achieving professional objectives. There umpteen types of coaching like business, sports, and philosophy to other.A coaching philosophy is what unitary values and how he volition approach his coaching roles. Coaching philosophy covers ones purpose as a coach and how he ordain approach player development and winning. Ones coaching philosophy is composed of the primary objectives and at times beliefs and the principles that one adhere to achieve his goals (Program, 2010, p. 45).Ones coaching philosophy allow for guide him on how to act as as a coach and how to interact with his or her athlete, football players among other examples. Coaching philosophy has to touch on who one is and who one wants to be in future. In many occasions, it is based on ones experience, knowledge, opinions, and beliefs.All excellent philosophies irrespec tive of their length describe and explain the purpose of coaching, the views, and the principle that the coach will use to achieve his goal. (Association A. F., 2012, p. 130) Some of the elements of the coaching philosophies are discussed below.Motivation vs. Inspiration Inspiration is the shortest- lived character or behavior. In many occasions when a challenge requires a force and application over time, divine guidance may encourage to start us off, but penury provides the perseverance required. (Barbour, 2011, p. 335) On the other hand, motivation is based on the intrinsic need of people, for example, how vital is the outcome for the performer.As far as the footballer has made up his mind as to the desirability of this result for him then his coach can help him to achieve his goal. When a footballers or athletes depend on the coach for his so called motivation, then the coach will be in trouble. It is because coaches need highly motivated players to work within the field.Plan, prepare

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Human Factors and Ergonomics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Factors and biotechnology - Assignment ExampleErgonomics help overworkers and jobs succeed. Ergonomics help the worker be more successful and productive. How does this work boilers suit? The overall goal of the ergonomic analysis is to provide information that will facilitate the development of an environment that enhances twain human performance and well-being (Burke, 3). This information can be as simple as the indemnify computer chair or as complex as an airplane cockpit control. When advanced machines came during the Industrial Revolution, the fate to place a human factor into the workplace became necessary. This is the information that ergonomics provide for employees and companies. the ergonomics of working position design, use of office equipment (photocopiers, guillotines, and printers), and even cleaning arrangements for windows, desks, and floors (what chemicals be to be used and how are they stored?) (Maguire, 25) How do cleaning supplies affect workers? If a mmonia is stored improperly with bleach a deadly gas could kill the altogether office. Thus the job would have killed the worker. No more productive workers mean that the job and worker did non coexist in this instance. Thus ergonomics comes in to make sure that ammonia and bleach are not stored unsafely. In the art world, according to a new admit, chronic stress rearranges wiring in the brain. One result is brusque decision-making, a curse in any species and in any context. umpteen studies show that humans are more likely to make poor decisions when subjected to unrelieved stress. The rat study helps explain the phenomenon while reinforcing the case for designing tasks and workplaces ergonomically to control the triggers for stress. (Anderson) These findings could prove that a less stressful work environment can be more productive. If a worker is too stressed that they make poor decisions. This is a given, but until proven most companies will not take the time or set down to reduce the stress.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Answer case questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Answer case questions - Assignment Example familiarity data shows that trade expense increased from $108.9 million in 2009 to $246.5 in 2013. The increase in marketing expenditure is the result of the adoption of a robust marketing and promotion strategies. The company used a variety of promotion strategies. First, the company sought to promote is produce visibility in the sports sector by signing outfitting contracts with schools and colleges. By so doing, people can see the products of the company. Second, the company increased its mete out shops and also the product presentation at the shops to attract shoppers. Third, the company made extensive use of the media to promulgate its products.The company uses three main distribution strategies. The company sells in whole sales terms to retailers who then resell the product to the final consumers. Under Armour also engages in direct sales to its consumers. In fact, direct sales accounted for 30.4% of the sales in 2013 (Thompson 24 4). Finally, the company sells licenses to enable distributors sell its products in areas where it has no social movement. Product Licensing gives distributors exclusive rights to sell Under Armour products. Thus, they act on behalf of the company. The strategy has enabled Under Armour to have a presence in areas where it does not have operations.High-quality products are responsible for the growth of the company. The company has a product cultivation team that works with third party suppliers to control that materials are of high quality. The team also ensures that the manufacturing make adds the required features such as comfort and design (Thompson 246). The marketing team also collects opinions and reviews from customers and potential customers to account the customers perspective towards the product, and how the products can be improved to fit the needs of the target customers.To ensure quality of their products, Under Armour used raw materials from approved suppliers

Friday, April 26, 2019


IMPACTS OF NURSE LED INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE DIABETES SELF MANAGEMENT - render ExampleMoreover, in a recent study that was conducted on the prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM) in the Kingdom of Saudi-Arabian Arabia it was established that 29% of the entire population had been diagnosed with DM (Alqurashi et al., 2010). Therefore, it can be evidenced that the prevalence of diabetes (type 1 and type 2) has been on the rise over the past few years and it is still projected by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that in the coming years, diabetes prevalence and deaths shall be higher if no command, preaching and management strategies are implemented by nurses as well as the patient.Diabetes self-management is an essential element in patient care as it helps the patient to learn, understand and manage their illness so as to emend patient outcomes. Moreover, it is designed to ensure quality in interventions as well as assisting diabetes educators to secure evidence-based education ( Tschannen, et al., 2012). Due to the complicated quality of health care and diabetes-related studies, standards are assessed and revised regularly by subject organizations as well as federal agencies in the diabetes education setting.Attendants have a significant element to play in diabetes self administration to enhance understanding conclusions and the personal satisfaction. These incorporate offering diabetes self administration instruction (DSME) to the patient (Funnell et al., 2012) supporting the patient to perform self forethought with next to null intercession expounding to the patient the imperativeness of self consideration exercises and why consistence is vital (Shrivastava et al., 2013). In a study that was directed to uncover the adequacy of self administration in Saudi Arabia and Oman separately, it was do that patients who accepted and performed self administration preparing were at better risks of overseeing diabetes as contrasted