Friday, May 31, 2019

Fortinbras as Foil for Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- GCSE Coursework S

Fortinbras as Foil for hamlet In the bunco, crossroads, by William Shakespeare, the character of Fortinbras, has been used as a foil for the main(prenominal) character, Hamlet. Hamlet and Fortinbras have lost their fathers to untimely deaths. Claudius killed Hamlets father, tabby Hamlet, and King Hamlet killed Fortinbras father. Both Hamlet and Fortinbras have vowed to seek revenge for the deaths of their fathers. Since the revenge tactics of Hamlet and Fortinbras are completely different, Hamlet perceives the actions of Fortinbras as better than his own and the actions of Fortinbras, then, encourage Hamlet to act without hesitating. Hamlet, after learning that his fathers death was a murder and vowing to bugger off revenge, wants to be certain that what he has been told is the absolute truth before he attempts to take revenge on Claudius. Even after Hamlet is sure beyond any shadow of a doubt that Claudius is the murderer, he hesitates to kill him. Fortinbras, on the other h and, has been taking action even before the play begins. As the play opens, the audience learns that Denmark is in a state of alert the country has been preparing for a war. From Horatio, the audience also learns that the young Fortinbras is getting ready his lawless resolutes(I.i.111) for action against Denmark for the putting to death of his father and for the return of lands previously owned by Norway (I. i. 79-107). These differences between Hamlet and Fortinbras actions are further mentioned in Hamlets last soliloquy (IV. iv. 32-66). Before the soliloquy begins, Hamlet has been informed by one of Fortinbras Captains that Norway is preparing to maintain Poland over a little patch of land(IV.iv.19) and that twenty thousand men are eager to fight for th... ...nts itself. Hamlet is so determined to do something he does not wish to think about the consequences anymore. Works Cited and Consulted Bradley, A.C. Shakespeares Tragic Period--Hamlet. Shakespearean Tragedy Lectures on H amlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. Toronto MacMillan, 1967. Danson, Lawrence. Tragic Alphabet. Modern Critical Interpretations Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. wise York City Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 65-86 Manning, John. Symbola and Emblemata in Hamlet. New Essays on Hamlet. Ed. Mark Thornton Burnett and John Manning. New York AMS Press, 1994. 11-18. Rose, Mark. Reforming the Role. Modern Critical Interpretations Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York City Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. 117-128 Wagner, Valeria. Losing the Name of Action. New Essays on Hamlet. New York AMS Press, 1994. 135-152.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Salem Possessed: The Social Origins of Witchcraft Essay -- essays rese

Salem Possessed The Social Origins of Witchcraft, Paul Boyer andStephen Nissenbaum, Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press copyright1974.The purpose of this book was to examine the history and social life of Salem colonisation to try to figure out what was the cause of the events that occurred there. I believe that the authors achieved their objective at least they did to me. Boyer and Nissenbaums explanation for the outbreak of witchcraft accusations in Salem hinges on an understanding of the economic,political and personal issues which divided village long before 1692. At bottom, geography and history divided Salem Village and Salem Town. hardened in the interior from the bustling mercantile town of Salem, Salem Village remained primarily an agricultural community. Boyer andNissenba...

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Women of The Color Purple Essay -- essays research papers

In the novel, The Color Purple, there are three main characters who demonstrate meaningful traits of women. Celie, the main character, is the most beta of the three. She is influenced by other characters in the novel and is inspired to let herself seek their virtues. Celies two friends, Shug and Sofia, are both strong women who teach Celie how to achieve the happiness she desires.Sofia is a woman with authority in her life. Her life has been a constant struggle and can no longer endure conflict. She is strong physically and that gives her confidence in herself. The only opinion of any value to her is her own. Sofia is very upset with Celie when she tells Harpo to beat her and she reveals to Celie details of her painful past. All my life I had to flake. I had to fight my daddy. I had to fight my brothers. I had to fight my cousins and my uncles. But I never thought Id have to fight in my own house. I loves Harpo. God knows I do. But Ill land him dead before I let him beat me. (42) . Sofia can no longer tolerate this kind of abuse and she thought that when she married Harpo she had finally flee it.Later Celie admits that she told Harpo to beat her because she is jealous of Sofia. Celie is jealous because Sofia can fight back and she knows she cant. Sofia tells Celie how she feels sorry for her because Celie reminds her of her mother and how she never could stand up against her father. Just seeing Sofi...

Justice in Oedipus the King :: Oedipus Rex Essays

Justice in Oedipus the queen regnant        After reading Oedipus the King, one may think that in this story, there was no justice, and cryptograph could avoid their fate.  King Laius and Queen Jocasta, fearing the prophecy of the Delphic oracle, had the young Oedipus left on Mount Cithaeron to die, but the father dies and the son marries the mother anyway. Oedipus, seemingly a good person, also tries to avoid the second prophecy, only to fulfill the first.  But even through all this, I have done some inquiry and feel that there was justice in Oedipus, The King, and their fate wasnt completely sealed.        First, the murder of King Laius.  Laius seemed to die a unwarranted death, but he was not needs in complete innocence, for he had done some malicious things earlier in his life, such as the attempted murder of his son, Oedipus, and the kidnapping and rape of Chrysippus,  a young man Laius fell in love with be fore Jocasta.  And Oedipus wasnt as guilty chthonian ancient Greek law as he is under our modern laws.  It was every Greeks duty to harm his/her enemies, and as far as Oedipus knew, King Laius was an enemy.        Queen Jocasta wasnt exactly guiltless, either.  The great Queen had also tried with King Laius to kill their son, and had no respect for the prophecies of Apollo  A prophet?  Listen to me and learn some peace of mind  no skill in the world, zip fastener world can penetrate the future.  She was also the other half of a mother-son marriage.   Greek law considered the act, not the motive - meaning that even though she nor Oedipus knew they were related, they committed the crime.        Finally, Oedipuss guilt.  In some ways, Oedipus was the most guilty of them all.  Consider his hubris.  He regarded himself as almost a god, assuming that since he alone had solved the sphinxs r iddle, he was the one of the gods favorites.  He was very quick to judge, and judged on the most flimsy of evidence.  He calls on Tiresias to tell him what he should do, and when he doesnt like what he hears, Oedipus says, Your words are nothing - futile, and

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Chivalry :: essays research papers

When Chivalry first began, many citizens felt this was mostly for the courtship of women. However, this also included such things as proper etiquette at the dinner table, charity toward females, and the aspect of religion to the church. Becoming a knight was not an easy task at all. The whole process was more of an apprenticeship program like in todays society. First, at about the age of seven, you were to go to the house of a noble and be their squire. Throughout this period, the young man would gain apprehension as well as skills he would need to develop in battle to become a successful knight. The boy would continue being a squire until he had mastered the use of weaponry and horsemanship and was then recognized by a knight. Then the young man would be "dubbed" a knight. posterior in the Thirteenth Century, the process of becoming a knight became more ceremonialized, as we know of in our society from movies and such. The same process used in Medieval times was adopted and "modernized" for todays workplace. For instance, the new employee is hired, then he learns his/her job. Once he/she is recognized for good work he/she is promoted to a higher level job. Another expectation the knights had to perform was to protect and uphold justice. This meant protecting the poor and innocent people of the land while proclaiming the imaginationls of Christianity at the same time. This concept originated in France and Spain, and spread throughout Europe very rapidly. The chief chivalric virtues were piety, honor, valor, courtesy, chastity, and loyalty. The knight was to be loyal to god, who was the main love of his life. Their idea of love in this case was different then ours. Their love to God was strictly platonic.

Chivalry :: essays research papers

When Chivalry first began, many citizens felt this was mostly for the courtship of women. However, this also included such things as proper etiquette at the dinner table, generousness toward females, and the aspect of religion to the church. Becoming a knight was not an easy task at all. The whole process was more of an apprenticeship program like in todays society. First, at about the age of seven, you were to go to the house of a noble and be their squire. Throughout this period, the young man would gain knowledge as well as skills he would need to develop in battle to become a successful knight. The boy would continue being a squire until he had mastered the use of weaponry and horsemanship and was then recognized by a knight. Then the young man would be "dubbed" a knight. afterwards in the Thirteenth Century, the process of becoming a knight became more ceremonialized, as we know of in our society from movies and such. The same process used in Medieval times was adopt ed and "modernized" for todays workplace. For instance, the new employee is hired, then he learns his/her job. Once he/she is recognized for good work he/she is promoted to a higher level job. Another expectation the knights had to perform was to protect and uphold justice. This meant protecting the poor and innocent people of the land while proclaiming the compositionls of Christianity at the same time. This concept originated in France and Spain, and spread throughout Europe very rapidly. The chief chivalric virtues were piety, honor, valor, courtesy, chastity, and loyalty. The knight was to be loyal to god, who was the main love of his life. Their idea of love in this case was different then ours. Their love to God was strictly platonic.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Final Team Case Essay

Case BackgroundCo-Founders Dave Packard and Bill Hewlett started Hewlett-Packard (HP) in 1939 inside a sm all told bingle railroad car service discussion section behind Packards house. The two finished their studies as electrical engineers at Stanford University in 1934 and became close friends. They decided to start their declargon strain and make a run for it, formalizing their partnership January 1, 1939. (The HP Way). They decide the communitys name with a coin toss that one car garage became the office of Hewlett-Packard. At the condemnation it was started HP had $538 in working capital and little more than a couple hundred dollars worth of assets. It was in that garage that HPs legacy was born, when Bill and Dave created the first HP crossing the Audio Oscillator HP200A. Following the invention of their first mathematical product, the pair moved into a small building complicate the street from their famed garage and hired their first employees. Walt Disney Studios p laced an order for eight HP 200B audio oscillators for the movie FantasiaHPs first plumping sale. (High Tech fetching Success In Silicon Valley).An different milestone was r for each oneed in 1940 when HP sent out its first ever Christmas bonus in the amount of $5. This Christmas bonus set the tone for all bonuses to come, as it quickly turned into a toil bonus and soon helped to shape the party huge profit sharing plan that HP adapts. In 1942 HP builds its first ever company owned building, and in order to protect themselves build it so that it smoke be easily converted to a convenience store should the electronics industry fail. One of the about important milestones for the company was reached in 1947, as HP became a true Corporation. HP in any case caught attention for their Management by Walking Around and Open Door Policy programs. In 1957 HP had its sign public offering of stock and wrote their first set of corpo rove objectives, which set the tone for their care styl e as a company. In 1958 HP make its first sizeable acquisition when they getd F.L. Moseley Company, which further expanded their product line. (Maddox).The late 50s and 60s were an extremely important while for HP as a company as it was during this time that they became a spheric company by building a manufacturing plant in Ger more. It was overly during this time that they created their Di great deal Separation structure where they separated profit and loss account capability in the midst of divisions. This division was thought to help keep employees nimble bandage fostering motivation and creativity. During the 60s HP further developed itself by entering into the medical field with the purchase of Sanborn Company. They also had their stock listed on the New York and Pacific Stock exchanges and were listed in Fortune 500s top companies at 460. It was also during the 60s that HP created its first computer, which was employ in house to control company tests. HP also creates the ir first scientific calculator around this time, which also gained critical success. Further helping pass on HP products Dave Packard was appointed U.S.Deputy Secretary of Defense in 1969. In 1977 John Young became president of HP replacing Bill Hewlett. In the primeval 80s HP took much more interest in the personal reckoning industry as it was during this time that they create the first aggregated foodstuffed personal computer. They also enter into creating printers for use with their personal computers, the printers HP manufactured during this time set the standard for the direction in which printers would evolve. In 1987 Bill Hewlett retired as vice chairman of the board of directors, his son Walter Hewlett and David W Packard (son of Dave Packard) step up to take his place. In 1992 Lew Platt became HP president and headman operating officer who was the first president and CEO of HP to not be a member of the Hewlett or Packard family.In 1993 Dave Packard relinquishes his ch air of the board of directors position to Lew Platt. Possibly one of the most damaging events hits HP in 1996 when Dave Packard one of the original founders dies. In 1999 Carly Fiorina becomes President and CEO of HP. In 2002 HP merged with Compaq Computer. This conjugation created an $87 billion entity which operates in more than 160 countries and has almost 150,000 employees. (Dykman, Davis, & Lamb). Quite a change from a company which 70 years ago started in a 1 car garage shack with 2 college kids who had $500 to work with (Hewlett Packard Company) Today, HP provides consumers a wide range of products and services from digital photography to digital entertainment and from computing to home printing. This comprehensive portfolio helps the company match the right products, services, and solutions to their clients specific needs.Hewlett-Packards Vision StatementWe strive to improve the environmental performance of our customers, our supply chain, and our own operations. We give pe ople the tools and solutionsto build a better today while preparing to address the challenges of tomorrow.MottoPurpose StatementTo lead in the groceryplace by developing and delivering useful and advanced products, services and solutions.Mission StatementCommitted to global responsibility by being economic, intellectual and a social asset, leaven commitment to our employees by promoting creative work that reflects our values, and earn customer respect and loyalty by consistently providing the highest quality and value while achieving finance move aroundth.value StatementHPs values embody the qualities, beliefs, and principles that will ensure organizational success. It is necessary that people work in concert in unison toward cat valium objectives and avoid working at cross purposes at all levels if the ultimate in efficiency and achievement is to be obtained.-Dave Packard Trust and respect for individualsWe work together to create a ending of inclusion built on trust, respect and dignity for all.Achievement and contributionWe strive for excellence in all we do each persons contribution is critical to our success.Results through teamworkWe effectively collaborate, always looking for more efficient ways to serve our customers.Meaningful universeWe atomic number 18 the technology company that invents the useful and the significant.Uncompromising integrityWe are open, honest and direct in our dealings.Issue StatementIn order for the company to remain one of the worlds leading producers of the latest technological advances, HP must face the following issues head-on 1. Their ability to remain a top tier leader in the technology industry through innovative products 2. Strive in meeting the continued needs of various shareholders by change magnitude HP shares 3. Maintain customer loyalty by producing quality yet reasonable prices and exemplarilycustomer service4. Finding ways to reduce our global footprint worldwide through advances in green solutions Manage ment Question What does CEO, Meg Whitman, need to do to retain and recommit HP to the PC bank line and reintroduce products her predecessor discarded?Stakeholder Analysis* Communities* Customers* Employees* Investors* Legislators and regulators* Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)* Suppliers* UniversitiesStakeholder Expectations and Expectation(See Exhibit 1.1)Stakeholders Key IssuesWith the unwavering success of new entrants into the market HPs stakeholders main issue is their ability to be innovative and competitive in the market. Competitors such as Apple has gained a significant competitive advantage in the technology industry forcing HP to evaluate how they do business. SWOTSStrengths* Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a global provider of personal systems, imaging and printing products, and technology solutions. * It is the largest player in the inkjet and laser printer market. * HP is also one of the market leaders in the global PC market. * HP has a very grueling dissemination He wlett-Packards primary strength is its business position. The enterprise has a large amount of cash in hand about $10 billion. * Hewlett-Packard is a global enterprise and especially after its merger with Compaq, the company became worlds biggest computer hardware and peripheralsconsort in the world and has ranked 20th in the Fortune 500 list.* Hewlett Packard is operating in more than 170 countries including both developed as well as under-developed. * Being a global dealer of computer hardware, it gives HP many advantages equal dominating printers market, both laser and inkjet. The company attracts and focuses on consumers from even newly found markets all around the world, multinational corporations, non-governmental organizations etc. * The company competes both at local and international level. * It has change magnitude its competitiveness through policies and strategies that supports free-market economies. * HP is a leading supplier in the growing IT markets.Weaknesses* HP u ses the Windows platform in all its I-PAQ phones. Incidentally, I-PAQ phones have been much criticized for not being very Windows friendly in a lot of user forums. * The inability to react quickly to changing market conditions and demands is a helpless(prenominal)ness of HP. * The company was in a long term debt for many years which kept it from investing in different growth opportunities. * The connect pads of the notebooks of Hewlett Packard like the dv series, dm3, and Envy lines needs improvement. These touch pads are either finicky, unreliable, or are difficult to use because of friction.* The mouse buttons on various HP supplied machines are said to be clumsy to use, too. * Poor shelling life of HP products plagued some mainstream systems and net books. * The past acquisition of Peregrine made the HPs portfolio even more diverse and complete but HP Open Views lack of mainframe management capabilities created several problems. * Another weakness was that it did not yet hit a CMDB product that includes discovery and mapping. This cause many customers to switch the brand.Opportunities* Expansion in alternative client computing architectures and other emerging mobile computing devices gives a good opportunity for HP. * The mobile phone market is forecasted to grow tremendously. * The recent acquisition of EDS puts HP at a strong position in the computer market and makes it portfolio more impressive. * Hewlett-Packard was able to generate large number of revenues and profits from its different deals andraised more than six billion which it can use to pay off its debts as well as invest in different research and development activities. * If the products by the company are supplied at reasonable prices, there will be more chances of growth as the demand would increase. * The company has formed Customer Solutions radical that helps in selling the complete IT solutions, products and services by HP.Threats* Hyper-competitive environment Companies such as Dell, Toshiba, Lenova Group and Acer are formidable competitors for HP. * It competes in terms of price, brand, quality, technology, distribution and range of products, among other factors. * Other mobile operating systems such as Symbian, iPhone, and Linux are on the rise and they too pose a threat to HP. * direct in global market direction many competitors and therefore, the company has to be at the forefront of changing technologies as well as addressing the changing customer demands and needs. * The global economic recession is also a threat for the companys sales and profits. The prices have also fallen as the stock markets are at historic low positions. * Many other competitors including Dell are entering the printer business whereas IBM has become a market leader.3. Organizational project AnalysisDivision of Labor in the Ambidextrous OrgainzationOrganic characteristics such as decentralization and employee freedom are excellent for initiating ideas, but these same conditions of ten make it hard to implement a change because employees are less likely to comply. Employees can ignore the innovation because of decentralization and generally loose structure. HP has such problem and it is necessary to overlay the double-faced approach, which speaks to incorporate structure and management cultivate that are appropriate to both creation and the implementation of innovation.The ambidextrous approach looks at HPs design elements that are important for exploring new ideas versus the design elements that are most suitable for exploiting HPs reliable capabilities. Exploration means encouraging creativity and developing new ideas, whereas exploitation means implementing those ideas to produce routine products. HP can be designed to transmit in an organic way for exploring new ideas and in amechanistic way to exploit and use the ideas. Research under HP could use an ambidextrous approach by designing for both exploration and exploitation perform better and are signi ficantly more successful in launching innovative new products or services.Through research, using this model as an overlay, HPs creative department should use the organic structure to expand its capabilities such as reducing their global worldwide footprint through advances in green solutions. The economy of China has been growing at a robust rate since last few years. Chinas recently released five-year plan signifies a new phase of growth through the expansion of domestic consumption, driving a low-carbon economy, fostering innovation and achieving balanced social and economic growth (Datamonitor PLC, 2012). The growth of HPs mobile tablet PC market, entry into the smartphone market expects to grow strongly in the coming years. The growth is expected to be driven by the demand from the US and Asia Pacific regions.In 2010, the market was led by the North American region with approximately 35% market share. By 2014, Asia Pacific region including China expects to lead the tablet PC ma rket (Datamonitor, 2011). In February 2011, HP launched the HP TouchPad, a 9.7-inch tablet PC that runs on webOS 3.0. The company plans to make available this product in the coming months. The companys increased focus on the tablet PC segment will enable it to benefit from the growing market (Datamonitor, 2011). HP entered the smartphone market with the acquisition of Palm, a provider of smartphones powered by the Palm WebOS mobile operating system, in July 2010.The launch of new smartphones with an updated version of WebOS will enable the company to effectively compete with each other players in the market, including Apple and Google (Datamonitor, 2011). In addition, provide the healthcare markets with products beyond the capabilities of their competitors. HP has been focusing on providing healthcare solutions in recent times. In January 2010, the company and McKesson collaborated to work on electric health record (EHR) adoption at independent physician practices. HPs solutions tar geting healthcare sector will enable it to increase its revenues in the company years (Datamonitor, 2011).The creative department could use an organic structure to explore anddevelop new ideas to face intense contention from Apple, RIM, and Nokia. Under an organic structure, HP will be able to react quickly to those competitors having a positive effect on revenues and gainfulness of the company in the long run.Looking at the mechanistic structure HP could exploit capabilities and apply routine implementation of innovations. An example of this looks at HP leading market position in the global printers market. HP ships more than one millions printer per week. Strong market position in various market segments provides economies of scale for the company, including increasing their customer base (Datamonitor, 2011). The Four Types of Change Provide a Strategic Competitive Wedge Managers can focus on four types of change at bottom organizations to achieve strategic advantage. These four types of change are technology, products and services, strategy and structure, and culture. These factors provide an overall context within which the four types of change serve as a competitive wedge to achieve an advantage in the international environment. HP has an unique configuration of products and services, strategy and structure, culture, and technologies that can be focused for maximum extend to upon the its chosen markets.Technology changes are changes in an organizations production process, including its knowledge and skill base, that enable distinctive competence. These changes are designed to make production more efficient or to produce greater volume. Changes in technology involve the techniques for making products or services. They include work methods, equipment, and workflow. In the case of HP, the competitive-intelligence (CI) chief of HP has focused his intention to offer free shipping for printer cartridges, its development of print status monitor software which will prompt customers to purchase replacement cartridges, and numerous technical specifications. Only but a few minor errors, the CI team had nailed everything prices, specs, software details (Varchaver & Burke, 2007).Products and services changes pertain to the product or service outputs of HP. New products and services are normally designed to increase the market share or to develop new markets, customers, or clients. If mightilyapplied, HP can bring together existing technologies in a new way to serve a new market. HP has a all-inclusive product portfolio. HPs services segment offers consulting, outsourcing and technology services across infrastructure, applications and business process domains. Its services encompass the data center and the study (desktop) network and communications and security, compliance business continuity warranty support technology consulting and systems integration solutions (Datamonitor, 2012).Strategy and structure changes pertain to the administrat ive domain in an organization. The administrative domain involves the supervision and management of management, policies, rewards systems, labor relations, coordination devices, management information and control systems, and accounting and budgeting systems. Strategy, structure, and systems changes are usually top-downthat is, mandated by top managementwhereas product and technology changes often come from the bottom up. To make the strategy successful, they identified a new set of key performance metrics to racetrack how effectively the company was meeting goals of competitive costs, high quality, and great service. This change also proved to be successful in the long run.A culture change refers to changes in the values, attitudes, expectations, beliefs, abilities, and behavior of employees. Culture change pertains to changes in how employees think these are changes in mindset rather than technology, structure, or products. Culture change can be particularly difficult because peo ple dont think their attitudes and beliefs easily.The four types of change are interdependent a change in one often means a change in another. The structural change was an outgrowth of the technology change. HP is an independent system, and changing one part often has implications for other parts of HP. Porters Competitive Strategies- Michael E. Porter studied a number of business organizations and proposed mangers can make the orgainzation more profitable and less vulnerable by adopting either a differentiation strategy or a low-cost strategy.Appling a low-cost lead strategy means managers ask to compete through lowercosts, whereas with a differentiation strategy the orgainzation compete through the ability to offer unique or distinctive products and services that prevail a premium price. Each strategy can vary in scope from broad to narrow. That is, an organization can choose to compete in many market and customer segments or to focus on a specific market or buying group.Applin g this model to HP revels the organizations focuses on low-cost leadership strategy with a broad scope where HP provides goods and services to customers at cheaper prices. HP uses the low-cost strategy with their printer / copier product line where beggarly controls to produce products more efficiently than its competitors.Low-cost leadership strategy using a broad scope is concerned primarily with stability rather than fetching risks or seeking new opportunities for innovation and growth. For HP, this means it can achieve higher profits than competitors because of it can efficiency and lower operation costs. Also, this strategy puts HP in a better position to prevent loss of market share. 4. Identification and Evaluation of Alternatives1. Encourage technology change by using skunkworksPros Focuses on breakthrough ideas for HPGive super talented employees time and freedom to keep HP on the cutting edgeThis group could be highly autonomous and secretive while creatingCons May crea te a subculture under HPs visionRisk of skunkworks wasting resources and come away with nonentity to showIdeas may be behind competitors organizations skunkworks teams2. Empower employees through the bottom-up approachPros Employees are motivated to assure out the best ways to get their jobs doneSupports the right culture that drive high performanceEmployees at all levels feel part of the vision / change or the organizationCons Employees ideas could go nowhereIdeas could get lost between the layers of managementEmployees may become focused on looking for shortcuts in the process 3.Discover a distinct pattern of tailoring innovations to customer needs by using the Horizontal Coordination ModelPros Increases the amount of new product developmentImproves the different possible developed productsGives HP the edge in meeting customer needs and circumventing manufacturing / marketing ideasCons If not properly applied, the connections is lost between employees and customersIf not proper ly applies, the coordination between departments are not sharedMust be driven by top managers to function well5. Recommended Alternatives- Based on the models and discussed alternatives, I recommend HP will be best able to adapt to the changing external environment by proceeding with the Horizontal Coordination. This means HPs technical, marketing, and production employees share ideas and information. All departments would have a say if / when a product gets introduced in the market. Specialization means every department are highly competent at their own tasks. Boundary spanning means each department under HP vision will be cerebrate with involvement on new products and has an excellent linkage with relevant sectors in the external environment. Under boundary spanning, employees are aware of recent scientific developments and military force are closely linked to customer needs. Horizontal coordination stresses the importance of sharing ideas between technical, marketing, and produ ction.I would not recommend using skunkworks or the bottom-up approach. Skunkworks has a great possibility of developing a subculture that may not support HPs overall vision. Using the bottom-up approach may go dry after employees discover their ideas are going unnoticed or getting lost while traveling through the layers of management.6. Implementation and ConclusionElements for self-made Change- Regardless of the type or scope of change, there are identifiable stages of innovation, which generally occur as a sequence of events, through innovation stages may overlap. For a change to be successful implemented, HPs mangers must make sure each element occurs in the organization. If one of the elements is missing, the change processwill fail. 1. Ideas. Change is an outward expression of ideas. Ideas can come from within or from outside the organization, 2. Need. Ideas are generally not seriously considered unless there is a perceived need for change. A perceived need for change occurs when managers see a gap between actual performance and desired performance in the organization. 3. Decision to adopt.The decision to adopt occurs when managers or other decision makers choose to go ahead with a proposed idea at HP. 4. Implementation. Implementation occurs when HPs members actually use a new idea, technique, or behavior. Materials and equipment may have to be acquired, and workers may have to be trained to use the new idea. This is the most difficult part for HP. Until people use the new idea, no change has actually taken place. 5. Resources. Change does not happen on its own it requires time and resources, for both creating and implementing a new idea. Employees at HP must provide energy to see both the need and the idea to meet that need.In conclusion, strong market position in various markets segments provides economies of scale for the company, besides increasing its chance of winning customers. However, intense competition will adversely affect the revenues and profitability of the company in ling term (Datamonitor, 2011).Works Cited1. Daft, R. (2010). Organization Theory & Design. (11th ed.). Mason, OH South-Western, Cengage Learning. 2. Datamonitor. (2011). Hewlett-Packard Company3. HEWLETT-PACKARD COMPANY Palo Alto, California. (2008). Microwave Journal, 51(7), 120-126. 4. Hewlett Packard Company. 2007 November 19. 30 March 2008 . 5. High Tech Winning Success In Silicon Valley. (1984). Ebony, 40(1), 37 6. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Film and Popular Cinema Essay

After reading this weeks assignment and researching different types of film and popular cinema, I have cognise some of the differences between the two. I always thought they were the same thing but found that to be far from the truth. Film is a way of putt art into motion. I viewed several pieces on different websites, in particular, on YouTube. I watched one called White Noise. It had no plot or storyline, but showed actually interesting art concepts and pieces. Many artists made work addressing social, sexual and racial issues, renewing links with what survived of the community video movement of the 1970s. By 1990 video installations had feature in several large international exhibitions and were a familiar presence in galleries and museums, assuming fresh authority through the work of such artists as Gary Hill and Marie-Jo Lafontaine.Read morePhilippine Cinema Analysis EssayArtists making single-screen work exhibited increasingly on television, and the medium of video was mergi ng with that of the computer. Film, no longer novel nor wholly dependent on a gallery context, had become part of an increasingly elaborate network of electronic communication (Mick Hartney, 2009). ordinary cinema is designed around selling tickets and making money at the expense of catering to the demands of global audiences. An example of popular cinema is any of the fall movies. They are movies produced from the novels written by Stephanie Meyer. The first movie was a huge success, making audience demand for a sequel a high antecedency of the producers and distribution companies.The same result came of the sequel and they made the third. Originally, the deal was to make a movie for each book, but if the movies did not succeed in the case office the projects would have been terminated. As, a matter of fact, it is so successful that the last movie based on the last book has been split in half(prenominal) to make two more subsequent movies instead of one. I find myself apprecia ting both of these forms of art. I have opened up when it comes tothe appreciation of art because I have learned the subtle, and some not so subtle differences between different art forms.ReferencesHartney, M. (2009). Video Art. Retrieved fromhttp//, H. M. (2010). A World of Art (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of genus Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Tropical Rainforests vs Tropical Grasslands

Discussion Based on the data at Tables 4c. 2 and 4c. 3, it is evident that the tropic rain wood has high(prenominal) species vastness than the equatorial grassland ecosystem. However, when found in the indices on Diversity, Similarity and Dominance in the tropic grassland and tropical rainforest data, the Simpson Indices favor the data for the tropical rainforest as more divers(a) than the tropical grassland. The Simpson Indices, as defined in Cuevas et. al (2012), is base on authority and as the number of dominant species in a community ar few, the species has low diversity.The tropical rainforest ecosystem showed a higher index of dominance than the tropical rainforest resulting to the higher values it obtained in the Simpson Indices of Similarity and Evenness. This means that roughly of the dominant organisms present in the grassland argon quite a similar and the same due to the higher Simpson Indices on Equitability and Diversity while it is a different side for t he forest. First, we need to identify the forest larn rate as a auxiliary or primary growth vitrine. From the tables of species richness and number of species seen in an bea, we underside deduce that the forest study site is a secondary growth forest.Secondary growth forests are products of secondary succession. Secondary succession, as described in Campbell (1996), is the type of succession that occurs when the soil is intact and withstands a goodish amount of nutrients that asshole support life. This succession is primarily dependent on the pioneer species (e. g mosses, widows weeds and etcetera ) which scats the soil from its lifeless state. Since pioneer species are mostly small and more adaptable to the raspy environment, we can say that the organisms or individuals present in the forest study site are products of secondary succession.A primary growth tropical rainforest, in turn, has the following characteristics a barren soil, presence of few organisms that can f lourish at extreme conditions (pioneer organisms) and development of communities in a newly formed home ground (Ricklefs, 2008). However, the study site showing the higher species diversity based on Shannon index is the tropical rainforest study site. Comparing data presented at Table 4C. 4, the tropical rainforest showed that pull down in the degree of interference of the species, the tropical rainforest showed a wider variety of species compared to the tropical grassland.The Shannon Indices are withal dependent on the species richness or the number of species in a given area. (Begon et. al, 2006). Also, some species or individuals are specific in terms of their habitat. This species are sometimes common in a given habitat while uncommon in another type of habitat. For the common species in the grassland, Imperata cyndrica, Mimosa and Elepantopus are examples of species that are generally common due to their intercepted lengths or relative covers, as seen in Table 4C. 2, whi ch yielded considerable values for it to be sort out as common.Grassland individuals form in clusters and are difficult to recognize as individual species, which is why determine them as separate individuals is not practical and difficult. They are counted through the relative cover that their nodules occupy. These individuals may comport the following factors that endureed them to develop in their present habitat good interspecific competitor, highly adaptive to harsh environment and efficient distribution of nutrients and essential compounds to the plant itself. However, some species are elevated in grasslands. Examples of the noble-minded species in the grassland ecosystem are Desmodium, Sorghum, and Borreria.Based on the intercepted lengths and % cover of the species in Table 4C. 3, the species are rare due to low values it yielded on the parameters (i. e. intercepted lengths, relative cover and etc. ) and thus, regarding it as rare. This species or individuals may be rare due to low interspecific competition and are not yet adapted to their environment. They may withal be dispersed randomly and landed on a grassland ecosystem that offers unfavorable conditions to the growth and development of such plants. Species that are quite common in the tropical rainforest are the Palosanto, Caryota cumingii and Cariota rumphiana.Even if the species or individuals are high in numbers compared to other plant species present in that area, we cannot conclude that these plants are the dominant individuals in the tropical rainforest. There may be certain reasons why these individuals are high in numbers. We should include factors such as reproduction rank or processes since these individuals have different ways of propagating their seeds and also the nutrient availability of the given area in the study site that the individuals really thrive for specific nourishment the place or area provides.Also, the forest has a larger area for growth and development of species and a larger area would signify that it could accommodate more species than the grassland ecosystem. The diversity of individuals in an ecosystem is affected by many factors including the area, nutrient availability and presence of biotic interactions such as competition, mutualism and etc. that would allow species or individuals to grow and develop for a higher diversity in an ecosystem. Begon et. Al, 2006) Conclusion Based on the data gathered and computed, we can say that even if the tropical rainforest species or individuals showed lesser dominance on one another, they exhibited a wider variety of species than the tropical grassland organisms. In the computation for the Shannons Indices of Diversity and Evenness, the tropical rainforest is a better candidate for a more diverse and even distribution of species compared to the tropical grassland.The same goes for the Simpson Indices of Dominance, Diversity and Evenness of the tropical rainforest that was more favorable than the t ropical grassland. However, presence of viable resources, the area of the ecosystem and specific biotic interactions, such as competition in clumped-distributed plants, greatly affects the diversity of plants since plants tend to disperse and develop in places or areas that have lesser competition and high amount of viable nutrients.Since the tropical rainforest showed most of the characteristics needed for a plant individual to diversify, we can conclude that the tropical rainforest is more diverse and exhibits higher species richness than the tropical grassland ecosystem. However, It is strongly recommended that the increase of transect size or area for research study regarding the diversity and richness of species to validate the errors in this exercise. Introduction A community, as defined in the Dictionary of Ecology (1962), is a group of one or more populations of organisms in a common spatial arrangement or area.Tropical Rainforests vs Tropical GrasslandsDiscussion Based on the data at Tables 4c. 2 and 4c. 3, it is evident that the tropical rainforest has higher species richness than the tropical grassland ecosystem. However, when based in the indices on Diversity, Similarity and Dominance in the tropical grassland and tropical rainforest data, the Simpson Indices favor the data for the tropical rainforest as more diverse than the tropical grassland. The Simpson Indices, as defined in Cuevas et. al (2012), is based on dominance and as the number of dominant species in a community are few, the species has low diversity.The tropical rainforest ecosystem showed a higher index of dominance than the tropical rainforest resulting to the higher values it obtained in the Simpson Indices of Similarity and Evenness. This means that most of the dominant organisms present in the grassland are quite similar and the same due to the higher Simpson Indices on Equitability and Diversity while it is a different case for the forest. First, we need to identify the forest study site as a secondary or primary growth type. From the tables of species richness and number of species seen in an area, we can deduce that the forest study site is a secondary growth forest.Secondary growth forests are products of secondary succession. Secondary succession, as described in Campbell (1996), is the type of succession that occurs when the soil is intact and accommodates a considerable amount of nutrients that can support life. This succession is primarily dependent on the pioneer species (e. g mosses, weeds and etc. ) which tends the soil from its lifeless state. Since pioneer species are mostly small and more adaptable to the harsh environment, we can say that the organisms or individuals present in the forest study site are products of secondary succession.A primary growth tropical rainforest, in turn, has the following characteristics a barren soil, presence of few organisms that can flourish at extreme conditions (pioneer organisms) and development of communit ies in a newly formed habitat (Ricklefs, 2008). However, the study site showing the higher species diversity based on Shannon index is the tropical rainforest study site. Comparing data presented at Table 4C. 4, the tropical rainforest showed that even in the degree of randomness of the species, the tropical rainforest showed a wider variety of species compared to the tropical grassland.The Shannon Indices are also dependent on the species richness or the number of species in a given area. (Begon et. al, 2006). Also, some species or individuals are specific in terms of their habitat. This species are sometimes common in a given habitat while rare in another type of habitat. For the common species in the grassland, Imperata cyndrica, Mimosa and Elepantopus are examples of species that are generally common due to their intercepted lengths or relative covers, as seen in Table 4C. 2, which yielded considerable values for it to be classified as common.Grassland individuals form in cluste rs and are difficult to recognize as individual species, which is why counting them as separate individuals is not practical and difficult. They are counted through the relative cover that their nodules occupy. These individuals may have the following factors that allowed them to develop in their present habitat good interspecific competitor, highly adaptive to harsh environment and efficient distribution of nutrients and essential compounds to the plant itself. However, some species are rare in grasslands. Examples of the rare species in the grassland ecosystem are Desmodium, Sorghum, and Borreria.Based on the intercepted lengths and % cover of the species in Table 4C. 3, the species are rare due to low values it yielded on the parameters (i. e. intercepted lengths, relative cover and etc. ) and thus, regarding it as rare. This species or individuals may be rare due to low interspecific competition and are not yet adapted to their environment. They may also be dispersed randomly an d landed on a grassland ecosystem that offers unfavorable conditions to the growth and development of such plants. Species that are quite common in the tropical rainforest are the Palosanto, Caryota cumingii and Cariota rumphiana.Even if the species or individuals are high in numbers compared to other plant species present in that area, we cannot conclude that these plants are the dominant individuals in the tropical rainforest. There may be certain reasons why these individuals are high in numbers. We should include factors such as reproduction rates or processes since these individuals have different ways of propagating their seeds and also the nutrient availability of the given area in the study site that the individuals really thrive for specific nourishment the place or area provides.Also, the forest has a larger area for growth and development of species and a larger area would signify that it could accommodate more species than the grassland ecosystem. The diversity of indivi duals in an ecosystem is affected by many factors including the area, nutrient availability and presence of biotic interactions such as competition, mutualism and etc. that would allow species or individuals to grow and develop for a higher diversity in an ecosystem. Begon et. Al, 2006) Conclusion Based on the data gathered and computed, we can say that even if the tropical rainforest species or individuals showed lesser dominance on one another, they exhibited a wider variety of species than the tropical grassland organisms. In the computation for the Shannons Indices of Diversity and Evenness, the tropical rainforest is a better candidate for a more diverse and even distribution of species compared to the tropical grassland.The same goes for the Simpson Indices of Dominance, Diversity and Evenness of the tropical rainforest that was more favorable than the tropical grassland. However, presence of viable resources, the area of the ecosystem and specific biotic interactions, such as competition in clumped-distributed plants, greatly affects the diversity of plants since plants tend to disperse and develop in places or areas that have lesser competition and high amount of viable nutrients.Since the tropical rainforest showed most of the characteristics needed for a plant individual to diversify, we can conclude that the tropical rainforest is more diverse and exhibits higher species richness than the tropical grassland ecosystem. However, It is strongly recommended that the increase of transect size or area for research study regarding the diversity and richness of species to validate the errors in this exercise. Introduction A community, as defined in the Dictionary of Ecology (1962), is a group of one or more populations of organisms in a common spatial arrangement or area.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Brand Architecture

BMW is one of the most recognized premium car manufacturers in the world. Brand associated with quality, class, exceptional design, outstanding performance and innovation. BMW has a well-structured stigma hierarchy where at the incarnate crisscross level BMW pioneered the luxury sports car category by combining distinct style and performance consideration. BMW has a smart positioning with corporate brands and offers a large fleet of models that vary in price, quality and performance.Below is a brief brand- product matrix Product ModelsEntry level blue vehiclesEntry level small sedanLuxury medium SedanSport Coupe & convertiblesTop of the line Luxury4WD & SUV Recreation Outdoor 1 & Mini serial 3 Series 5 Series Z4& 6 Series 7 Series X Series Points of parity are that they are luxury vehicles and points of difference are BMWs performance features. Clear brand positioning and well-differentiated sub- brands shows in 1, 3, 5, 7 serial publication. These brands cover different segments of the market in relation to price, size and quality.New models introduced later to expand the brand portfolio like X3, X5, Z4, M3, and 6 series. The 1 & 3 series models brought clean customers into the companys brand franchise, with the expectation that later these customers will be switching to higher priced models like 5 and 7 series (design to attracts rich and flush(p) business people). BMWs branding approach helps the company to expand coverage throughout different segments and markets, provide brand protection and minimize overlapping.Each of the sub brand names has a well-defined role and positioning, which does not overlay with the other sub brands. Individually each car model offers unique benefits to its client segment. BMWs brand hierarchy is characterized well in the firms strategy by displaying the mutual characteristics of all BMW cars throughout its portfolio, which are linked with luxury, performance, joy of drive and quality. At the same time there are very cl ear distinctive features and uncommon characteristics of each of these sub rands revealing their uniqueness and differentiation. For example, the 3series mid size luxury sedan targets drivers that are aged between 25-34 years of age with older body but younger in spirit. These people get a line driving as an escape from their normal routine, and they are looking for a sedan that has some performance qualities. On the other hand the 7 series models targets the high-end sophisticated business consumers who desire to demonstrate success.I would like to give an example of brand hierarchy for BMW (from top to bottom) corporate (or company brand) is the brand BMW, umbrella brand would be Mini series, the individual brand would be Mini Cooper, and lastly the modifier will be the Clubman model. Clarity and brand awareness is strongly employ in BMWs brand. This helps to improve consumers understanding about the product range and also communicate clearly the similarities and differences bet ween the different models. BMW have a high level of awareness on recognition and recall.This maximizes the transfer of equity from the brand to the individual models, which improves trials, and leads to repeat purchases. The image is favorable, strong and relevant. The most common connective with BMW brand is performance, style and luxury. BMWs principle in designing their brand portfolio is to maximize market coverage so that no potential customers are creation ignored, but on the other hand minimize brand overlap, so that different models from the portfolio are not competing among themselves to gain the same customers support.Each sub-brand has its feature distinctive target market and positioning. As a result of BMWs exceptional brand architecture in the last Global 500 brands for 2012 survey, BMW win very high. From all car manufacturers worldwide they ranked as the second best car manufacturer brand after Toyota (Brandirectory, 2012). References Bibliography Brandirectory. (2012). Global-500-2012. Retrieved from brandirectory. com http//brandirectory. com/league_tables/table/global-500-2012/

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Macbeth by William Shakespeare Essay

In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, ambition, strength, and insanity play major roles in how the characters Macbeth and Lady Macbeth behave and react. In this twisted horizontal surface about man slaughter and the thirst for former both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth represent all 3 of these behaviors at some point. However, their behaviors progress in truly different ways. Throughout the play, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth gradually evolve into each other bringing out opposite personality traits from their previous opinions. It is well known that only if wanting something is not luxuriant to actually get it.One must have the desire, the ambition and must work towards obtaining a certain goal. In the inauguration of the play Macbeth has the desire to become king, but lacks the motivation and ambition to work for it. He doesnt have the violent drive that Lady Macbeth possesses and is frankly comely a moral man with moral values. He acquires the ability to see right from wrong and shows that he has a very strong conscience when he says, I am Thane of Cawdor. / If good, why do I yield to that suggestion/thought of killing Duncan whose horrid image doth unfix my hair/ and make my seated heart cut at my ribs/ against the use of nature?(1. 3. 146-150). Here Macbeth shows that the thought of killing Duncan makes him uneasy, nervous and frightened. Already his senses are warning him that what he is thinking is wrong, but unfortunately enough for Macbeth he is mentally weak and easily convinced. Lady Macbeth on the other hand has all the strength, ambition, motivation and desire to become royalty. She knows her husband well and knows that he will not take action against Duncan, so she decides to take matters into her own hands. Lady Macbeth calls upon the forces of evil to unsex her here, / and fill her from the crown to the toe top- full/ of direst cruelty. achieve thick her blood, / stop the passage to remorse (1. 5. 48-51). In this speech there is no perplexity that Lady Macbeth is clearly willing to do whatever requirement to take hold of the thr genius. Her strength of purpose is contrasted with her husbands tendency to waver and it will be her ambition and strength that questions his manhood, which will drive him onward to a life of misery and violence. Macbeth is a mentally weak character that undergoes a drastic mental change after committing cold blooded murder. He is progressively becoming more evil as his inhuman deeds allow his evil nature to take control of his thoughts and actions.Macbeth becomes paranoid about losing power and obsessed with proving his manhood. He associates manhood with fighting and bloodshed when he says, What man dare, I dare. / Approach thou like the rugged Russian bear,/ The armed rhinoceros, or th Nyrean tiger,/Take any shape but that, and my firm nerves/ Shall never tremble. (3. 4. 121-125) Just as Lady Macbeth was, Macbeth becomes a manipulative mastermind who is so power thirsty and driven by violen ce that he would kill anyone, even his best friend, to get what he wants.As Macbeths mind relocates to a state of paranoia and violence, Lady Macbeths conscience slowly starts to eat her away forcing her to resort to a life of misery, insanity, and eventually death. Her guilt is so strong that she is preoccupied in her sleep by the image of blood. Lady Macbeth could not rest peacefully without trying to wash all the blood absent of her hands, Out, damned tactual sensation out, I say(5. 1. 30) she would mutter as she wandered around the castle carrying a candlestick for light and rubbing her hands together trying to rub off all of the guilt.Shakespeare makes a valid point in this play that the future of your life does not depend on someone else, but is in all in all your hands. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth could have avoided their own misery and downfall if only they did things differently. Dont get too caught up in yourself but be tolerant and be grateful for what you have because a lot of people would love to be in your position than their own. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth gradually become different people, one for the better and one for the worse.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Bidding on the Yell Group Essay

1. Introduction beef Group consists of ii melodic linees that are operating across countries. discolour Page is a classified directory business in the UK, while scandalmongering Book is an independent directory business in the ground forces. These businesses are currently owned by British telecom which is under pressure to reduce its heavy debt load and had been wavering for months about the future of these twain Yellow Pages divisions. Apax Partner and Hick M hold are two private fair-mindedness firms that are interested in the acquisition of the Yell Group by using debt for a majority of the purchase charge and justice for the remainder. The deal is crucially important to both Apax and Hicks M hold because of its high visibility simply by virtue of its size and complexity, it will leave its mark on the reputations of both PE firms. But the team faces a challenge when valuing a cross border business involved in the LBO. Not only are those business located in different m arkets, but they besides are characterized by different branch prises and interchange flow characteristics. Furthermore, to individually one business social unit faces an immediate uncertainty.2. Overview of LBO The Equity Sponsor borrows the debt pct of the purchase price, typically through public or private bonds and bank loans issued by the company and contribute the equity portion typically through a private fund. Debt is serviced and repaid with the companys operating bills flows. The buyer later sells all or a portion of the company and realizes a return on its initial equity investment Sale of Sponsor equity typically through an initial public go or a sale to a st gaitgic buyer or another LBO firm.The LBO performance focuses on cash flows gene ordaind by operations and the use of the cash to pay down debt, thereby increasing equity value. Additionally, improvements in operating performance can increase value. Assuming the enterprise value remains unchanged, as deb t is repaid, value reverts to the equity holders, thereby generating equity returns. Through this cross-border LBO, our team wants to achieve three fundamental goals a) Determining the enterprise value of Yell Group by measuring its ability to generate sufficient cash flows to meet required equity returns while complying with leverage parameters. b) Calculating financial ratios and other measurements to determine the match sheet and credit impact of the LBO c) To justify whether they can get reasonable returns given financial projections and leverage assumption in the model. Our team is aim to use as ofttimes leverage as possible to minimize initial equity check and do an aggressive financing structure that can be effectively syndicated to the market.3. Yell OperationsWhen valuing Yell, we find that Yell currently has two well-established business lines in two different markets. While the environment is different in each market, Yells business lines achieve somewhat steady cash f lows that are on pace with market growth, even the OFT is expect to recommend the imposition of a limit on the annual increase in rates for advertising in the U.K. market. The projected EBITDA for both BT Yellow Pages in the U.K. and Yellow Pages USA combined are more than enough to c everywhere the make doable interest expense. Furthermore, with the ambitious growth plan, Yellow Book wishs to toughture much of the predicted market share gains. A good LBO candidate should have some characteristics on its business specific and industry specifics. That mover, the underlying Yell fundamentals and belligerent advantage should be much more scrutinized by the team. Indeed, BT Yellow Pages as a market-leader in the classified directory business and Yellow Pages USA as a market leader in the independent publisher of business directories.Finally, shortly before Apax and Hicks Muse had initiated talks with BT executives about the future of Yell, the telecom giant had announced plans to p ay down its debt, so this deal should be a fire-sale transaction, the sale of Yell is good for BT and its shareholders. However, BT Yellow Pages and Yellow Book USA represent two very different businesses. The U.K. business is subject to heavy regulation which will restrict the price. Thus the only way to expand profits is through the advertizement volume.Unfortunately, the growth in the classified directories advertising market has been declining over the last few decades and will probably continue in this tendency even though the marrow advertising market has seen increasing growth. The dominance good opportunities for this business could be the additional divisions that BT Yellow Pages owned. Prospective investment indicated these businesses are in the untimely stages. The U.S. market is an important source of new business for SMEs throughout the state of matter and the independents are projected to increase their market share from 11% to 30% over the 2000 2005 period.For Y ellow Book, this growth is to be fueled by expansion efforts as launching new directories into contiguous markets and launching wide area books into cities without an independent presence. In terms of the industry life cycle, BT Yellow Pages is most likely in the late maturity / early decline stage while Yellow Pages USA was still in the growth phase. These factors combined with the buyers investment horizon will influence their exit strategy. Yell Group Ltd. provided Apax and Hicks Muse team with projections for both BT Yellow Pages and Yellow Book USA based on what a authority growth in the upcoming years.Since Yell is trying to sell their business, we have to be careful about the assumptions used to come up with these projections. As a financial buyer, we tend to leave the day-to-day operations with management and thus would hope that they can meet their projections. These poesy should be viewed conservatively, as Yell would want to make the company look as attractive as possib le to potential buyers. For BT Yellow Pages, their growth is dependent on the number of advertisements sold in a given year and the advertisements prices. Thus, as a potential buyer, these areas need to be scrutinized to come up with a reasonable projection. The growth rate (nominal) of advertisement volume from 2001 to 2007 may be as high as the rate of onetime(prenominal) years at 6.6%, and for SMEs, BT Yellow Pages were considered a must buy, since the yellow pages are their principal means of reaching customers in UK.Yellow pages advertising expenditures tends to be more stable than other forms of media advertising and do not fluctuate widely with economic cycles. For advertisement prices, the trend is slightly increasing from 2001 to 2003 and flat thereafter. Yells management seems to be too optimistic here as the OFT is expected to announce its new recommendation for the following years soon. Since the cap is 6% below the inflation rate and the projections for inflation is 2. 4% in 2002, 2.3% in 2003, and 2.0% thereafter, the advertising prices should be expected to show a decreasing trend. For example, the Weighted amount Advertisement Fee in 2002 should be 621.78 = 645 x (1 + 2.4% 6%).The year-over-year revenue growth for Yellow Book USA ranges from 10.0% to 15.0% with an comely of 12.5% and a compound average growth rate of 12.4%. Organic growth in the US market is 4-5% and so the additional growth for Yellow Book USA must be coming from new market launches as well as increasing market share as an independent publisher. The growth rates seem sort of aggressive and so additional new market launches may be required in years 2005 and 2006, currently not projected, to ensure that there is a buffer to hit revenue projections. It may make sense to also decrease the revenue growth rate to be more realistic and use yells projection as an upper limit case. We think it important to segregate essential revenues from new launch revenues and only apply an EBI TDA brim to organic gross revenue while separately adding in the impact of new launches in order to roll the two very different types of markets together.This approach also affords an opportunity to give a more sophisticated treatment to operating income from new launches. We believe that a 17% EBITDA margin on organic sales is a more realistic position for 2002, improving at a 2% increase per year as business goes up until the 25% target rate is hit in 2005 and maintained thereafter. Capital Expenditure and depreciation also need to be reviewed as they are somewhat positively related, which means an increase in Capital Expenditure usually results an increase in depreciation and vice versa. Overall, the numbers for both markets should be viewed with skepticism as these are Yells projections and may not reflect the buyers expectations in terms of the growth in the market.4. Transaction Assumption The following transaction assumptions must be considered at the beginning of LBO analy sisa) BT Yellow Pages has its price adjusted for inflation as stated by the OFT. b) The U.K. discount rate is metrical using the comps Telefonica Publicidad e Informacion and Enriro. c) The U.S. discount rate is reckon using McLeod USA and World Pages. d) The model assumes the debt is held in the U.K. and the U.S. business line will have its cash flows converted to U.K. denominated pounds at the spot rate- For the base case, the terminal figure value growth rate of BT Yellow Pages is 3.47% which is a forecast of the compound average growth rate of FCF from 2002 to 2007 based on our projection. aesthesia analysis should be applied to see how the growth rate of terminal value would cloak the general valuation. e) For the base case, the terminal value growth rate of Yellow Book USA is 4.3% which is the historical growth of the RBOCs. Sensitivity analysis should be applied to see how the growth rate of terminal value would affect the overall valuation. f) New launches in the U.S. are forecasted to return 5% EBITDA to Sales in the first year. This is a conservative direct and sensitivity analysis should be applied to see how the EBITDA margin of new launches would affect the overall valuation. g) Once launched, the new markets are assumed to reach organic EBITDA margins in the following year. h) The risk premium of both markets is set as 6.5% and sensitivity analysis should be applied to see how the risk premium would affect the overall valuation.5. Valuation MethodIt is accepted that CCF valuation is widely used for LBO. WACC is not applicable here because the calculation of WACC assumes constant D/E ratio. ground on the debt repayment schedule, it is unlikely that the firm will be able to maintain a constant ratio. CCF is ideal for this transaction because the debt repayment schedule is cognize in advance. CCF separates the calculation into two parts unlevered cash flow using unlevered cost of equity and tax shield using the unlevered cost of equity. For our calculation, CCF is more qualified due to the known debt repayment schedule and the more conservative valuation. Coming up with an accurate valuation becomes more complex when dealing with different specie of cash flows from cross border assets.Yells two business line, BT Yellow Pages and Yellow Book USA, operates and generates revenue from their respective countries therefore, we must look each asset as a separate part. We could do a separate valuation on each asset based on the home countrys currency and financial projections. To determine a representative discount rate, we used betas and Debt/EV ratios of comparable listed companies in Exhibit 10 from each region. For example, for Yellow Book USA, we only used betas and Debt/EV of comparable American firms and not European firms and we assume the risk premium is 6.5%. We also had to take into account discrimination in risk-free rates by face at country-specific yield on 30 years Treasury Bills when calculating the cost o f equity for each asset.Depending on the capital structure, each asset may have tax benefit from tax-deductible interest payments. The interest tax shield must be calculated using the local countrys corporate tax rate therefore, each business line may have different cost of debt. At Yell, we used the U.K. tax rate of 30% because the acquired company is incorporated in the U.K. thus everything is consolidated in pound. When building a valuation model, we also consider the growth potential of each asset separately as well.We take into account the firms local business strategy, competitors, and overall market potential to develop a representative perpetuity growth rate. Once we get the enterprise values for both assets, we can then use the spot rate to convert the enterprise values into pound for comparison. All these factors play a vital role when forecasting revenue growth / free cash flows, ascertain the discount rate and eventually calculating a fair enterprise value for the firm. Using our pro forma assumptions and CCF valuation, the total acquisition fee is 2.09 billion (shown in excel). The U.S. business is valued and converted to the pound to reach a total valuation. These values include the 5% in transaction fees.6. Sensitivity AnalysisSensitivity is done on five major variables. The first variable is the terminal growth rate of the U.K. business since BT Yellow Pages represents a huge part of the total valuation (see excel file for the sensitivity of growth rate on BT Yellow Pages valuation). If the terminal growth rate is 5%, the total acquisition price with fees is 2.28 billion, compared to the 2.09 billion with the base case of 3.47% growth rate. The second variable is the terminal growth rate of Yellow Book USA. This scenario analysis doesnt affect the overall valuation much as the Yellow Book USA only accounts for a small fraction of the overall valuation.For the third variable, the analysis performed is the change in regulatory imposition when ke eping the terminal growth rate of UK business at 3.47%. Currently the base case is that revenue decreases by the inflation subtracting 6% annually. The results are shown in Sheet Sensitivity Tables. When there is no regulatory imposition applied and the price grows with inflation, the acquisition price with fees is 3.01 billion. If they can negotiate with the UK regime to reduce the rate to 5%, instead of 6%, the acquisition price with fees is 2.30 billion. It is highly sensitive to the change in regulatory imposition.This implies there is significant acme if the regulatory imposition is lower than 6%. For the fourth variable, we change the projections of Yellow Book USAs EBITDA margin of new launches in order to create a range where revenue projections are uncertainty. But there is not much of a difference among those valuations. The last scenario analysis performed is the risk premium for both markets, at the very beginning we assumed a 6.5% risk premium, but we also want to get a range of the valuation as the numbers changes. The results are from 2.4 billion to 1.85 billion. Overall, we are confident that the bid would be somewhere between 1.85 billion to 2.3 billion.7. Conclusion For this financial acquisition, we are more opportunistic and thereby looking for value creation based on the assets itself in order not to overvalue the target firm and thus overbidding for the company. In addition, we are looking to expand its presence on the European LBO market. We viewed Yell as a compelling investment opportunity, particularly in light of the companys growth potential, low valuation and leverage capacity. This deal will leave its mark on the reputations of both PE firms.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Crime Rates Essay

What we usually have in mind when we talk about the criminal offence evaluate is a well k outrightn accompaniment that crime rates are increasing. So,people who are related to this issue should try to find a solution so as to solve the problem .Up to now many countries have tried to decrease crime rates. However,many of them have failed .Everybody has a significant roles so as to decrease the crime rates such as parents and governments.First of all, it is worth bearing in mind that parents should train their children so children will not change the crime rates .Thus,crime rates will not increase . Parents should raise awareness their children because according to research conducted children who are conscious about crime do not commit a crime at any rate parents should not leave unattended their children because generally rambling children have amount of influence on the crime rates.Also parents should be interested in their children .Experts said that slummy person involve in a c rime easily .Therefore parents take care of their children.Read moreIncreasing Crime Rate in nows Society in IndiaIt is last but not least governments should make provision as fight with crimes because researchers believe that only if governments attach brilliance to crime rates , can they decrease the crime rates .Governments should provide equipments so as to overcome to crimes.Thanks to more equipments , governments can reduce the crime rates .Governments should be in contact with other governments because increasing of the crime rates are not seem just one government.So, they can help apiece other about this situation.To sum up t should be noted that parents have a considerable amount of effect as decrease the crime rates .Nowadays every segment of society is looking for a way to solve as decrease the crime rates.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Lennie & George in “Of Mice & Men” Essay

In the story Of Mice & Men, John Steinbeck creates a pair of low-class companionship as the storys main character. This pair of companionship, George and Lennie is very distinguishable from each some other, nonhing a kindred, no matter talking slightly their attri just nowes, personality, IQ, etc, except that they both carry the kindred American dream as they spend their hard days traveling to numberher and functional in the ranch.Lennie is portrayed as be child kindred. He breasts up on George as a pargonntal figure Lennies lips quivered and tears started in his eyes. Lennie seek reassurance from George like a child does from their parents. He displays the excitement of a child Tell me about the rabbits, George. Tell me about the rabbits.Steinbeck suggests that Lennies dependent on George and that we all rent companionship even if the relationship is unequal.Not only is Lennie portrayed as being childlike, but as well very forgetful I forgot, tried not to forget. H iodin st to god I did George. Lennie always gets in annoyance, and always needs George to help him out. Course you did. Well, look Lennie if you jus happen to get in trouble like u always done before, I want you to come mature here and hide in the bush. Not only does he make himself in trouble but alike gives trouble to George An whatta I got, I got you You cant keep a business enterprise and you lose me ever job I get.Steinbeck wants to give the readers a hint or preparation that a serious event is deprivation to occur with Lennie, he alike wants to convey that although Lennie is big, it doesnt mean that he has a big mind nor can he be independent and look after himself.Lennie is similarly being put in a character with characteristics like an animal His huge companion dropped his blankets and flung himself down and drank from the green pool drank with long gulps, snorting into the water like a horse. Lennie enjoys keeping mice, but as a turn out always kills it They were so lit tle, Id pet them, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinch they heads a little and they was dead because they were so little.Steinbeck wants to show that a big man also has a sensitive side, and that being strong also has dis profits, especially for Lennie who enjoys to pet mice and as a result kills it very quickly receivable to his big, strong hands.Lennies physique is described by Steinbeck as being big, strong looking, but is also described to have body parts in which imitating an animal A huge man, shapeless of face, with large, pale eyes, with wide, sloping shoulders and he walked heavily, dragging his feet a little, the way a consume drags his paws. Although Lennie is very immature, but he is a very helpful and great worker Say, you sure was right about him. Maybe he aint bright, but I neer seen such a worker.He damn near killed his partner buckinbarley. There aint nobody can keep up with him. God, aw efficacyy I neer seen such a strong guy.Steinbck points out tha t even an immature, childish man like Lennie with low IQ, can also work better than a normal man, and that we should always give a chance to tidy sum like Lennie to work like a normal person with no impairment against them.Lennie is a very simple minded man, and does whatever George tellshim to do. He never approximates for himself and wont crucify to rate if it was dangerous or not, he simply just does as he says, like get over and servant Tell you what made me stop that One day a bunch of guys were standin around capital of California River.I was feelinpretty smart. I turned to Lennie and says Jump in and he jumps, couldnt swim a stroke. He damned near drowned before we could get him. Not only does Lennie always listen to Georges demands, but he also never rejects him and never dares to argue with him. He never got mad with it neither. Ive beat the netherworld outa him, and he could bust every bone in me just with his one han, but he never lifted a finger against me.Steinbec k expresses to readers that Lennie looks up at George at a higher status, like an nonsuch and believes that whatever George tells him to do, isfor his own good, which is why he listens to George not minding if it is dangerous or not.Where as the other main character in the story Of Mice & Men, known as George, is totally different from Lennie. George is suggested to protect Lennie too a great deal, and that he doesnt let Lennie talk when he is suppose to. When he sells Lennie too much, people might mistaken that George is hiding something about Lennie. Then why dont you let him answer? What you try to put over?. George also uses a special technique to make Lennie listen to him, from this technique he gives pressure to Lennie so that he will always keep Georges words in mind. and you aint gonna get in no trouble, because if you do, I wont let you unravel the rabbits.Steinbeck points out that George is protecting Lennie too much, and that he should always let him try and let him communicate more, socialise more and approach the outside world more, or else he would depend on George too much and takes it as an advantage.George is also suggested to be smart, and has a lot of common sense. He uses his sensitive sensitivity to apprize and lead Lennie to the right track Tastes all right, dont really seem to be path though. You never oughta drink water when it aint running, Lennie. Not only is George sensitive but he is also very smart in the ability to judge correctly You never had none, you crazy bastard. I got both of em here. Think I let you carry your own work card?Steinbeck shows the readers that it is an advantage for Lennie to be looked after by George, for George has the power to untie him from troubles he makes, and knows whats best for him. Steinbeck also tells the readers, that the people with the same problems as Lennie should always be helped and be guided to the right way, instead of being discriminated.George also gets very fed up with Lennie s ometimes, having to escape with Lennie from the troubles Lennie has caused from time to time. God amighty, if I was to live completely I could live so easy. I could get a job andwork, and no trouble. No messiness at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want. But on the other hand, he also cares a lot about Lennies feelings, and always persuades him to think towards the positive side when Lennie is depressed. Aw, Lennie I aint taking it outdoor(a) jus for meanness. That mouse aint fresh, Lennie and besides, youve broke it pettin it. You get another mouse thats fresh and Ill let you keep it a while.Steinbeck suggests that in order to be companionships, we will have to care for one and anothers feelings, Steinbeck also coveys that there arent any perfect pair of companionship, for there has to be arguments between people, since humans are born with these characteristics.George having to be a trustworthy companionship with Lennie, always believes in his partner no matter what happens. He will always trust Lennie for whatever he does, and the decisions he makes. Lennie never done it in meanness. All the time he done bad things, but never done one of them mean. George makes the relationship between Lennie and him like a family, George tells Lennie about their dreams, and how they are different to other people, as if its going to come true. George gives hope to Lennie making him feel better and have a target so that he wont feel that he is working for nothing and that they are working to make their dream come true. But not us An why? Because because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you, and thats why.Steinbeck tells the readers that although these low-class workers are poor and lonely, they havent got a stable home. But George and Lennie are different. For they carry a hope, a dream. This is why George and Lennie are never lonely. Steinbeck also suggests that an American dr eam in those days, does not come true easily.Overall I think that John Steinbeck wants us to know that we should use Lennie and George as an example to how we should treat people with the same problems as Lennie is facing. Instead of discriminating them, we should always give them a hand of trust to help them. John Steinbeck also suggeststhat although Lennie may have mental problems, but from this information, it doesnt mean that Lennie is useless. He may be stupid, but he is very hard working and may be better than most normal workers working in the ranch. John Steinbeck also wants us to know that although people like Lennie often creates serious problems due to his stupidity, this doesnt suggest that he can use his low IQ, and stupidity as an excuse to not face the problem and just find another job, not caring what he had done before.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Macroeconomics Written Assignment

Many argon saying that the U.S. economy is indicately on the initial stage of experiencing economic recession due to the dissymmetry that is happening on major industries in the market (, 2007). With the pressing condition of the U.S. economy, it is the role and responsibility of the national regimen to provide the necessary solution to address the impeding economic recession in the linked States. A balance in providing policies, monetary and fiscal policy, must be secured by the federal regime in order to have a sustainable solution for the present instability of the U.S. economy.The instability of the present economy is being attributed to the decline of households usable income in the market during the first delineate of 2006. Many economists said that the deterioration of households disposable income was caused by the lowering of occupys of works class by the end of 2005. The GDP growth send of the United States was down by 0.6 share, from 5.2 percent to 4.6 per cent, after the economic instability starts affecting the domestic market.Due to this limited disposable income of households or consumers in the market, the domestic consumption declined dramatically causing tremendous amount of loses on unlike industries in the market. kindred for instance, the housing industry has been suffering to fiscal difficulties as the demand of consumers for housing market hit their financial stability hard. In this regard, it would be better to focus the policies of the federal government on addressing the limited disposable income of the households and the low wage rate of the working class in the market.Economic Policies for U.S. Economy Recovery wholeness of the possible monetary policies that the federal government could implement would be the lowering of interest rates of various financial securities such as mortgages for industries in the market to provide financial support. This lowering of interest rate would give these industries enough room t o stabilize their financial condition and would serve as the stepping stone of their fast-flying recovery.The low demand of the consumers in the market creates enough pressure for the sales and profitability of various industries to actualize badly leading for financial problems of companies in the domestic market. With the lowering of the interest rate, companies can at once soak up much money that they need in order to restore their accounts and cover the losses that they will let by continuing their operation. The only side effect of this policy would be a possible high school inflation rate a few years after increasing the interest rate in the market since there will be an ontogeny in the money supply in the economy.As for the fiscal policy of the government, it would be better if they would pass a law that would increase the minimum wage rate of every worker in the United States in order to improve the disposable income of every household in the United States. With this, the volume of consumption of consumers will improve thereby creating an improvement on the sales and profitability of various industries in the market.One possible side effect of this strategy would be higher unemployment rate and inflation rate as various industries either layoff some of their workers or increase the prices of their products just to give room for the increase in the minimum wage rate that the federal government will impose. In order to counteract this possible action of the private class, the increase in the wage rate of the workers will be accompanied by the provision of government subsidy for those companies that will outride the said policy and will not layoff workers or increase the prices of their products in the market. With this, the government can restrain the worsening of the inflation rate and unemployment rate in the market.In this regard, the above mentioned alternatives will be the nigh suitable solutions on todays economic instability. The potentia l side effects of these policies can now be minimized through the aid of the countermeasures that is included on the policy (2007). Is the U.S. Economy in nook? Retrieved May 1, 2008, from http//

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Provide Displays in Schools Essay

1.1 Describe the school miscell some(prenominal) _or_ system of government for let ons Our school policy for displays is quite dated and maybe updated soon. It describes why we have displays in school and how this impacts on the children. There is a section on organising and actively involving children in the displayed performance. We have no rules on backing or mounting. It is left(a) to whoever is doing the display to pick and choose their colours and mounts. We atomic number 18 asked to take care as to how we secure items on the display (we dont like drawing pins) and to keep in the restraints of finance. Different classify are allocated different areas of the school for their displays. We notify put up wall displays, table top and shelve displays. We flush toilet make mobiles to display break.1.2 Describe the importance and purposes of displays in schools. Displaying pupils work is a powerful way of demo them that their work is valued. It creates a sense of achievement . It tail assembly very much boost pupil motif. They should praise effort as well as perfect work. It should be that there is a piece of work by every child on display somewhere. Displays can be used to communicate to another(prenominal)s what the class is doing. This can include other students from different classes, other teachers, official school visitors, parents and members of the community.1.3 Describe how displays are used in the learning process. Displays can be evidently decorative. They can make the classroom brighter, and a more enkindle and stimulating place. This, in itself, can have a direct impact on pupil motivation and therefore on pupil learning. Display materials can include direct teaching aids much(prenominal) as anatomical models or number lines. They can use useful reference material to reliever pupil learning or information that is important for students to memorise such as number tables, patterns, spellings and other important factual information. D isplay materials can include supplementary teaching aids that simply enrich or reinforce what is being taught, helping to bring a subject to life. If a foreign country was being studied as part of geography, a display ability include pictures of people and their costumes, famous landmarks, and so on. Displays can be used to set the scene for a new teaching topic.They can form the central base of a piece of class work or a topic they can be a means of recording work that has been done. For example, the call of a display might be What we did in Science. Displays can be part of some on-going work such as an aquarium with tadpoles may be studied and their growth monitored and recorded on graphs to form part of the display. A nature table is another example of a display to create interest. Displays can be used to promote class management. They can include lists of routines, responsibilities, tasks and rules. They can include directions, labels and instructions. They can be used to form part of record keeping. They can be used to record pupil and class progress or topics covered. Student awards, such as star of the day and house points can be displayed1.4 Describe the requirements and procedures for carrying out a risk assessment for displays. There are no procedures printed out in the school policy for risk assessments. They are things you should watch out for especially when working at any height. Staff are instructed not to climb on chairs, tables or other furniture to access display boards. Consider the weight, shape or size of the display when working from a step ladder. Areas where ladders or other access equipment is to be clearly defined by use of signs and barriers if necessary. We have kick step fashion stools in school. Make sure equipment use is safe. We are encouraged to wear appropriate footwear, on or low healed with non-slip soles. Prepare displays as far as possible before putting them up. Do not work above pupils. Try and work with someone else if possible. Use a staple remover and not scissors or a knife. Ensure you clear up completely when you have finished.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Literature: the Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Katrina Van Tassel

A. Compare and contrast the characters of Ichabod crane and Brom new wave Brunt. Think about their job/social class position. Think about the different shipway that they behave in general, and also toward Katrina Van Tassel. Think about how they experience each other. In the invention the legend of sleepy hollow, the story takes place in lower region of New York in a town called Tarrytown. In the city of Tarrytown the town of Sleepy Hollow had received its name, for all the haunted head-in-the-clouds things that happened there, and the legendary story of the Headless horseman. There are several important characters that make up the story. dickens with genuinely important significance are Ichabod Crane and Brom Van Brunt. Ichabod Crane was a native from computerized axial tomography who had moved to Sleepy Hollow to instruct the chelaren of the Vicinity. He was a tall, lanky man who if looked at uncover a resemblance to a scarecrow. He was a superstitious school teacher of the children in the town. He was a dexterous, yet easy lived man. Scholar man yet looked like he was famished and had not eaten in weeks, skinny long lanky arms and legs small head with big eyes. Brom Van Brunt on the other hand had bad intentions. He was a muscular good looking man who was very strong.He only when cared about money, inheritance, and telling stories to scare people of the headless horseman. The one thing Brom Van Brunt and Ichabod Crane had in common was they both wanted to win the hand of Katrina Van Tressel. The only child of the Dutch farmer. Both men were after the same thing but behaved very differently. Ichabod was genuine, where as Brunt was not. He only wanted power and money. He wasnt after love like crane was. He thought by telling scary stories of the headless horseman galloping through the woods hunting take in people and killing them.Brunt enjoyed telling these stories to scare crane while he would be out unaccompanied in the woods. They both tried to steal the heart of Katrina. The difference between the characters is Crane had been kind and smart and his scholarly ways helped earn respect from Katrina, who he had wanted to ask him to marry her. Where as brunt only had his tough macho man ways which didnt score much trust or want from Katrina. There social classes were completely different. Crane was smart, kind, friendly and helpful with the children. He had gained respect from the mothers in town. Brunt didnt he was the town rowdy. Wasnt as mature as Crane was.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Care at the end of life Essay

It is a fact that humans be born to die. What was formerly considered a essential part of support has changed to an discover that whitethorn be more painful for the patient, family, and wishgivers delinquent to the advances in medical do. New procedures shake off allowed life to be extended yener than ever before. The headland is has the dying experience correctd? This paper go out include a review of death and dying from the perspectives of the patient and bidgivers. An unfortunate case will be discussed, and the organizational structure, culture, and governance that led to this situation will be reviewed. Recommendations for the changes necessary to prevent such cases in the future will be included.Ms. Smith was a 66 -year -old female with breast cancer that had metastasized to her lungs and liver. She had two adult daughters who lived in her home town and unrivaled of them had a young child. Mr. Smith was a 70- year-old retired factory urinateer. Ms. Smith had g one through lengthy chemotherapy and radiation treatments that had left her weak and debilitated. She developed pneumonia and experienced a respiratory stopover. She was placed on a breathing device and was weaned off the ventilator after two weeks. She remained in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Her family stayed with her as much as the ICU visiting hours allowed, but she was often alone and told her family that she was in pain and valued to die.The nurses wereconcerned slightly her pain unavoidably, but were as well worried that too much medication could urinate another respiratory arrest. Ms. Smith languished in the ICU for two months until she did have another respiratory arrest and died without her family at her side. She and her family had agreed that she would not go back on the ventilator, and the physicians had written a Do not Resuscitate (DNR) order. They had planned to move her from the ICU, but they hesitated to place her on a regular floor. Everyone come to in t he case believed that it was not handled well, and a team was assembled to determine how to mend the occupy of the dying.A review of the books free-base that this institution was not alone with their concerns that the care of the dying filmed to improve. Autonomy is one of the affectionateness bioethical principles that focuses on the right of every individual to make choices regarding health care decisions. Providers and caregivers spend a slap-up deal of time instructing and coaxing patients to take control of their own health. But these providers are often surprise and upset when patients with life-limiting illnesses express a desire to control the timing and circumstances of their end-of-life experience (Volker, Kahn, & Penticuff, 2004). In their athletic field, they found that people with advanced cancer expressed a wide variety of preferences for personal control and comfort, and that numerous cute to remain as involved as possible in their daily lives for as long as possible.Organizations can play a key role in policy changes to support the needs of these individuals. Providers are trained to see death as the enemy, and sometimes forget that death is a natural part of the human experience. Joe Cantlupes story in Health Leaders stated that we dont always deal with the issues of death and dying very well in our culture (p. 14, 2013). The Institute of medicate published a report that concluded that many patients die in pain, are not referred to hospice in a timely manner, and the improvements in care have not led to improvements in care at the end of life. Fortunately, thither have been efforts to study the patients perspective of death and dying as well as the perspectives of nurses and physicians. These studies are leading to a break attending of the experience and the methods needed to improve the tonicity of end of life care (Cantlupe, 2013).It may seem strange to consider quality about end of life care, but it is recognized as an ethical obligation of health care providers and organizations. Singer, Martin, and Kelner examine 126 patients on dialysis, diagnosed with AIDS, or residents of long-term care facilities, to determine their views on end-of-life issues. Their results identified five domains of quality care at the end-of-life. These were adequate pain and symptom management, avoiding inappropriate prolongation of dying, achieving a sense of control, relieving burden, and strengthening relationships with love ones (p. 163, 1999). The participants expressed fear of lingering or kept alive when they could no longer enjoy their lives. many an(prenominal) stated that they would not wish to go on life support if they were not going to improve or have a chance to live a normal life again. Several mentioned that existence placed on life support was the same as being a guinea pig. at that place were conflicting reports on the choice of dying at home or in a hospital. few wanted to be at home, but others felt that was a burden on the family (Singer, Martin, & Kelner, 1999). Another study by Gourdji, McVey, & Purden in 2009 interviewed palliative care patients about the meaning of quality of life at this spirit level of their illness, and the factors that would improve their quality of life. They found that several factors, including their approach to life, their approach to their illness, and their ideal of quality of life wrought their end-of-life experiences. These patients stressed that they most wanted to continue what they had been doing for most of their lives for as long as possible. They alike wanted to help others when possible and live in a caring environment. They often mentioned the use of humor and a positive attitude in the environment. When they discussed their illnesses, they expressed frustration with their physical limitations, and hopelessness when the disease reoccurred.As providers began to understand the gap between their traditional training and the needs of patien ts, researchers began to evaluate the skills needed to provide a better quality of end-of-life care. Nursing had long considered the choices made about artificial nutrition or hydration, palliative treatment, or symptom control to be in the medical domain, and the breast feeding role was often unclear. Nursing is involved in the end-of-life care. They are with the yardbird on a 24-hour basis, they use apatient-centered approach to care, and they have experience and expertise in caring for dying patients and their families. Case studies have found that the nurses involvement in end-of-life care is not only about the technical decisions in the care process, but also that the daily interactions that nurses have with patients vulnerabilities make them ethically sensitive to the needs of the patient and family (Gastman, 2012).The International Council of Nurses (ICN) developed a code of ethical motive that stated that nurses are responsible to alleviate suffering as well as promoting he alth and preventing illness. By expanding the scope of end-of-life care beyond the narrow medical definitions, and aligning the code of ethics with a broader definition of end-of-life care to expand beyond the hospital setting, nursing can become more involved in end-of-life care (Shigeko, Nague, Sakuai, & Imamura, 2012). The role of the primary care provider in end-of-life care has also been studied, and these studies have found that despite the continuity and comprehensiveness of primary care, few Americans die under the care of their familiar provider. Many patients have reported feeling abandoned by their primary care provider at the time of death. Care at home by primary care providers benefits many patients and the health care system overburdened by hospitalization cost (Silveira, & Forman, 2012).On the other side of the care spectrum, the role of the intensive care provider also can be improved. White and Curtis (2005) studied the need and the impact of shared decision- makin g on critically ill ICU patients. They found that while involving families in end-of-life decisions is a complex task that requires excellent communication skills, the more time spent with families discussing and explain the issues, the high the family satisfaction. The hospital where Ms. Smith died was the average institution with an organizational structure that included a Chief medical checkup Officer and Medical Directors of each specialty area. There was a Chief Nursing Officer as well as Nursing Administrators responsible for the care of patients. They had been very focused on treating illness, and considered themselves successful. The review by the improvement team helped them to see that they needed to change their perspective and consider less paternalistic alternatives to caring for patients at the end-of-life.These alternatives usually save cost as well as providing better care at end-of-life. The reimbursement for palliative care programs has been slow, and this haspro mpted many hospitals to team up with local hospice programs or nursing facilities to decrease cost. alleviant care has been shown to extend the life of patients, reduce cost, and be more satisfying to the patient and family. Multidisciplinary teams that include physicians, nurses, sociable workers, psychologists, and spiritual counselors, work together to relieve the suffering, pain, depression, and stress that is often a part of chronic illness. These teams may also include nutritionists and therapist when needed by the individual patient. These programs listen to even the simple requests of patients and families. They work with the patient to get them to the best environment for them and to allow them dignity and control at the end of life. These teams are also moving to the outpatient area to prevent or decrease hospital admission and improve quality of life (Cantlupe, 2013).ConclusionMs. Smiths hospital should implement a multidisciplinary palliative care team. They should also add education to the program so that the patients and families are better informed about the results of care decisions such as ventilation, hydration, and nutrition. The hospital personnel need to be trained about palliative care and keel their paternalistic approach to a patient-centered approach. It is doubtful that Ms. Smith would have remained in the ICU for two months if there had been a palliative care program in place. She may have been able to transfer to an inpatient hospice center where her family could stay with her, and she would not have died alone and in pain.ReferencesCantlupe, J. (2013, September). A fresh look at end-of-life care. Health Leaders, 12-22. Gastman, C. (2012, September). Nursing ethics perspective on end-of-life care. Nursing Ethics, 19(5), 603-604. Retrieved from http// Gourdji, Iris. McVey, L., & Purden, M. (2009, Spring). A quality end of life from a palliative care patients perspectiv e. Journal of Palliative Care, 25(1), 40-50. Izumi, S., Nagae, H., Sakurai, C., & Imamura, E. (2012, September). Defining end-of-life care from perspectives of nursing ethics. Nursing Ethics, 19(5), 608-616.