Thursday, January 30, 2020

Signal Cable Company Essay Example for Free

Signal Cable Company Essay Case 1: Signal cable company 1. Why has the stock price fallen despite the fact that the net income has increased? Ans: The stock price for Signal Cable company could have fallen for a variety of reasons. Stock price is influenced by the performance of the company, investor expectations as well as general market/economic conditions. In the case of Signal, it is clear that the stock price fell despite an increase in the net income. This could be possibly because the company might have made incorrect investment decisions by investing in two manufacturing plants as well tying up more money in inventory. Shareholders may not be happy with this decision and consequently the demand for the stock may have decreased causing a drop in price. In addition, the dividends offered by the firm has increased in 2004 from 0.187$ per share to 0.214$ per share. Once again, this could be indicative to the market of the company being uncertain of what to do with their resources and not having enough attractive investments to pursue. 2. How liquid would you say that this company is? Calculate the absolute liquidity of the firm. How does it compare with the previous year’s liquidity position? Ans: Short term solvency or the liquidity of a firm can be measured using the liquidity ratios. This is a measure of short term liquidity helping assess the sufficiency of current assets to meet current liabilities. The ratios include: i) Current Ratio: 2003= 2.50 2013= 2.06. The current ratio of the firm has decreased between the last 2 years. This is mainly driven by a huge increase in the inventory held by Signal Cable Company as well as an increase in the accounts receivables. This could be because creditors are not paying on or delays on the banking side. ii) Quick Ratio: 2004= 0.608

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Learning How to Read Essay -- Cognitive Process, Childhood, Reading

Learning to read is a complex cognitive process which progresses throughout childhood. In order to develop good reading and written skills, an individual requires both orthographic knowledge and phonological awareness (Waldie et al., 2013). Orthographic knowledge is the ability to use information stored in memory to represent spoken language in written form. On the other hand, phonological awareness refers to the ability to detect and understand sound structure and phonemes (the smallest units of distinct sound in a specific language). Models of reading such as the parallel distributed processing (PDP) models suggest that both orthographic and phonological systems work together to activate lexical semantics (Waldie et al., 2013). Some children have great difficulty in learning to read, and if this problem persists, may be assessed to identify whether or not they have a learning disability, such as dyslexia. In this essay a brief definition of dyslexia will be given followed by a shor t introduction of early research that points towards a biological basis for dyslexia. Specific neural pathways and brain regions will then be identified and findings discussed in relation to specific topographical areas of the brain investigated in dyslexics. There are many different definitions of dyslexia, but most studies characterize dyslexia as a neurobiological disorder resulting in reading impairment despite the intellectual aptitude, sociocultural opportunities, and motivation to read with accuracy and fluency (Lyon et al., 2003). It can also be characterised by difficulties in spelling, working memory and decoding abilities. Furthermore, dyslexia can be broadly categorised into two main types: developmental or acquired, although there are num... ...f Neurology, 7(1), pp. 35 - 46. Rumsey, J.M., Donohue, B.C., Brady, D.R., Nace, K., Giedd, J.N. & Andreason, P. (1997). A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study of Planum Temporale Asymmetry in Men with Developmental Dyslexia. Archives of Neurology, 54(12), pp. 1481 - 1489. Schneider, P., Scherg, M., Dosch, H.G., Specht, H.J., Gutschalk, A. & Rupp, A. (2002). Morphology of Heschl's Gyrus Reflects Enhanced Activation in the Auditory Cortex of Musicians. Nature Neuroscience, 5(7), pp. 668 - 694. Waldie, K.E., Haigh, C.E., Badzakova-Trajkov, G., Buckley, J. & Kirk, I.J. (2013). Reading the Wrong Way with the Right Hemisphere. Brain Sciences, 3(1), pp. 1060 - 1075. Wernicke, C. (1874). Der aphasische Symptomenconplex: Eine psychologische Studies auf Anatomischer Basis (The Aphasia Symptom-Complex: A Psychological Study on an Anatomical Basis). Breslau: Cohn and Weigert.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Racial Patterns in Dating and Marrige

Hope A. Shelby Shelby 1 Soc 290 Professor Doyle 5 November 2012 Racial patterns in Dating and Marriage Just four decades ago On June 13, 1967, President Johnson nominated a then United states Solicitor General Thurgood Marshall to be the first African American named to U. S. Supreme Court. Although, a mere months earlier Thurgood suffered an indignity that today seems not just outrageous but almost incomprehensible. He and his wife had found their dream house in a Virginia suburb of Washington, D. C. but could not lawfully live together in that state: he was black and she was East Asian. Fortunately for the Marshall's, in January 1967 the Supreme Court struck down the anti-interracial-marriage laws in Virginia and 18 other states. And by the end of 1967 these laws were just leftover scraps from an extinct era. While this topic sits extremely close to home because, I myself, have married outside of my race. Together for 10 years, and married for a year we have seen leaps and bounds in just the last decade of what has progressed with racial patterns in dating and marriage.Although times have drastically changed in the past 4 decades from when Thurgood was dealing with his personal struggle, we still see a lot of work a head of use separating all racial and cultural stereotypes that surround dating and marriage. We can currently see that Interracial marriages in the U. S. Is still quite rare. Shelby 2 For example, data from the 5% sample of the 2000 Census reveal that among married African Americans, 94% are married to other African Americans (â€Å"Census Bureau 2000†). Members of other races I found are also unlikely to marry outside of their own group.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Literature Review For A Password - 1674 Words

Literature Review for a Password Reuse Construct to Simplify User Demands The need for a new password comes up often as we are always finding new websites that pique our interest or for some new â€Å"secure† application at work. Yet articles are constantly warning us if we ever reuse a password it can cause a â€Å"domino effect† where all our critical information can be accessed by hackers (Ives, Walsh, Schneider, 2004). With all of these conflicting pressures, is it any wonder many users feel at wits end with passwords? Research Domain Cyber security issues are very real. Unauthorized bank account access is unacceptable. Still, the number passwords users need seems to grow daily as does complexity for them. Additionally, users are†¦show more content†¦If users are able to segment their lives based on security needs, then one or two passwords may be sufficient for each security area. Therefore, is password reuse a dangerous security practice by users or can it be an effective management tool for too many passwords? Research Context The pace and complexity of users lives seem to increase yearly. Users have more of everything to manage, and this is especially true of passwords. Adams and Sasse (1999) actually found users developing their own questionable schemas for creating and managing multiple passwords. However, should this be surprising? Users have been given the aforementioned password â€Å"rules† the average person cannot hope to follow. Yet, users must have passwords. What else can users do but â€Å"bend† the rules? Still, this exposes them to danger as they do not understand the risks associated with their practices. While users may have dozens of passwords, the facets of life are not as complex. The categories of personal finances, work, and recreation account for most user needs. Similarly, the dangers users face are similar for each area. For example, the primary work concern could be industrial espionage.