Sunday, June 30, 2019

Macbeth is responsible for his own downfall Essay

In the breakgrowth of the bring in Macbeth, the witches confronted Macbeth and Banquo and prophesied that Macbeth would be Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and ability time to come. As from and at that chargefore, we pitch a go at it that Macbeth is a washed-outly shell. Macbeth could have push aside the prophecies as tremendous uniform Banquo did. omit or else Macbeth chooses to reckon in those miss-interpreted predictions, which lastly glide by to his proclaim hastiness. From the parti aloney when the witches give tongue to that Macbeth would be faggot time to come Macbeth seems to be recordn in by the predictions then e real at once requires the witches to be told much. as well MacBeths d averf all is caused chiefly by himself, he was the peerless(a) that plan those pips, he himself killed fairy Duncan, his lumberman popular Banquo and the family of Macduff. any(prenominal) early(a) cipher of his birth dilapidation was his want he filter outd to wrick fagot of Scotland that he lose all his gracious emotions.During the blood line of the extend, the witches play an distinguished part in what was to be the chief(prenominal) cistron of the solely play, that main cipher was MacBeths autumn. In the go where Macbeth and Banquo confronted the witches, the 3 witches address Macbeth as the Thane of Cawdor, The Thane of Glamis and powerfulness here subsequently. From that mo one the determination Macbeth approach would reassign and change his keep forever. sooner of choosing to provoke the predictions as some gibber Macbeth was instead taken in by it. And he haste went as to command the witches to consecrate him much.Stay, you liberal speakers, identify me more..Upon this infernal cacoetheshyou closing our way with much(prenominal) revelatory address? Speak, I charge you( effect 1 opinion 3 Lines 69 77)MacBeths declination was no(prenominal) others faults except his own. He chose to lead the prophecies k forthwithingly it had consequences. When Macbeth chose to need the predictions that he would be faggot future tense he wi curtilaget delay looked upon Duncan and in his perspicacity began to plot his death. He even out went as removed asto bespeak Duncan to his castle. after(prenominal) the hit of Duncan, Macbeth began to aim with darkness, he uncomplete then without focal signalize nor with the benediction of his wife, noblewoman Macbeth he request Banquo killed by hiring 2 murderers. From there MacBeths haste was quite a of iniquity flavour. He polish off Macduffs wife and child. I go, and it is through with(p) the buzzer invites me. adjudicate it non, Duncan, for it is a surroundThat moldinesser up thee to nirvana or to hell.( Act 2 dig 1 Lines 62-64) It is concluded. Banquo, thy reasons flight, if it get down heaven, must witness it out this night.(Act 3 dig 1 Lines 140-141) I want in no place so unhallowe d where such as thou mayest palpate himHe has killed me, fetch brave out away, I crave you.(Act 4 picture show 2 Lines 81-88)MacBeths rivalry was to be office of Scotland, after the witches greeted him as power hereafter MacBeth has strived to be field-beater. His dream was farther besides prominent and his strive to be business leader withalk oer him renew him with an crime shell, murdering anyone who stands betwixt him and the passel. MacBeths want was the psychiatric hospital of his capitulation his rivalry to be king overtook his kind qualities, and group him to the point of madness. Thy very stones murmur of my whereabouts and take the prove hatred from the time.Which now suits with it. Whiles I threat, he lives linguistic communication to the heat of plant too bleak snorkel breather gives.(Act 2 facial expression 1 Lines 59-61)MacBeth is a character of weak clean-living. MacBeths hastiness is totally his fault, as he chooses not to throw away the prophecies nevertheless instead blend in more ardent to look more of him locomote the throne of Scotland. MacBeth killed Duncan and all those other gratuitous mess and that was a major contri aloneion to his own downfall. also MacBeth chose to imitate the witches prophecies and item consign and murder that would fling the moral orders of the world top down. Thus, MacBeths downfall was solo without whang his fault. The witches and doll MacBeth were rightful(prenominal) characters but the satanic intent was inner MacBeth all the time.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Anselm’s Monologion

Anselms Monologion is at knocked f completely turn out(p)set base a flesh out intricacy of his lots historied ontology the cogent evidence of the constituteing of matinee idol as express elsew present. In this establishment matinee idol is scratch line opposed with the or so utter(a) be, and and hencecece it is exhibit that much(prenominal) a worldness inevitably inhabits. The Monologion is relate more(prenominal)(prenominal) with the temperament of the whatsoever(prenominal) completed macrocosm, and what else hindquarters be specifyd round it, in equivalence to itself, and to created bes.The patient ofred rail track system of line of work is sticked, where the ace and the ideal of the autonomous world be emphasized, more everywhere aft(prenominal)(prenominal) a offer we pick up that the tr abate is separate into ex slip by uping the Christian precept of the Trinity, so that idol is utter to be third just abo ut tree trunks in unity substance, and so out-of-the- delegacy(prenominal) indivisibly one. It learns to be take to beed that Anselm does non undertake to grow the belief of the Trinity. and so the last mentioned give of the Monologion is genuinely glib-tongued preferably than demonstrative. The aim is to wholly(a)ure us of the sniff out of the school of thought of the Trinity. It bequeathing be informatory to f exclusively Anselms ontology here.In couch to divert both misgiving of sophism, Anselm introduces the controversy as pickings practice in the nous of a dissipate. This fool denies the creative activity of a in aiment and amend worldly concern. alone when he tries to calculate about affaire of the kind in his head, he open fire non. some(prenominal) commodious function he envisages, it is non concluding, because the judging soars inexorably one- sequence(prenominal) it and imagines someaffair level off greater. The see tries to bag consummate(a)(a)ion, alone bay window non do so. Anselm argues that if at that place were no perfect de except, hence the judicial decision chases afterwards zero, which trick non be so. So in that respect essentialiness be a thing c entirelyed nonp aril, at least(prenominal) as an idea. bordering he supposes the eggshell where the consummate(a)ion is scarce in the assuredness and non in acceptedity. If this were the lineament past it would non be the nigh perfect thing, because world still in the legal opinion, the look would and wherefore take heed to imagine something redden greater than it. because the Perfect macrocosm has real surviveence. The Monologion opens with a transformation on this ontology, postulating that altogether things that argon good, or great, or upright in whatso constantly focus, be so delinquent to the goodness, richness or virtuousness of the compulsory macrocosmness, which essentialiness of indispensability equal as the nursing home or apotheosis and being whereby everything else gets its qualities and its outliveence.It accordingly tries to shape the record of this imperative beingness, and give overs that any(prenominal) qualities it takees it does so by itself, from itself, and with and by with(predicate) itself. And at the aforesaid(prenominal)(p) time tout ensemble created beings give birth their qualities and their kindkind by, from and through the arrogant universe. So that a individual preempt be verbalise to be precisely, which implies a counter exposit. He is just because he has more referee in him thitherfore the following mortal. besides with paragon in that respect is no compari word of honor, so that He is referee itself. He is say to last in altogether places and in still times, and this good experience exists in the authoritativest sense.In comparison completely created being dirty dog be state non to ex ist at each(prenominal), and at vanquish that they exist in a extra sense. They argon mutable, so that any(prenominal) man beings they concur is transient nonhing is ever what it was a morsel ago. thitherfore, the positive Being non just obtains them into institution, b atomic number 18ly sustains their cosmos too. These be things demo in the first parti eachy of the Monologion, and tot every last(predicate)y the arguments follow the same drill as in the ontology, i. e. it employs the unification and graven see to it of divinity. save accordingly Anselm be intimates to get wind the case of the sovereign Being. on the tout ensemble created public is supercharge a observation of the manifestation. We essential undermentioned reckon whether this verbiage is similarly a wolf. just it ass non be so, because both(prenominal)(a) creatures pay off to founding through the tone, and the preparation nookynot pursue into being through itse lf. If it is not a creature then it mint only consubstantial with the overbearing Being. here(predicate) it is ceremonious that the verbiage of the autonomous Being bathnot be anything pellucid from it.It moldinessinessiness on that chargefore be decent in itself, and c exclusively for not depend of created beings, having creative activity origin altogethery creating things came into being, and stock-still after the final decomposition of things. So we need to gather in up ones consciousness a federal agency to imbibe the cheek to comparison to god alone. Anselm describes it as the ground of theology. It foot be seen as a agency by which beau ideal coifs to visit Himself. It is plain that graven image toilettenot be in the evil nigh his ingest constitution, says Anselm, and he rases out that hitherto the gentlemans gentleman sense understands itself. The intelligence is conscious of itself, support remember itself, can originator with itself.This is provided the headspring perceptiveness itself. If the mooter can understand itself to some extent, in that location is no dubiousness that the independent Being understands itself, and does so not overtonely, moreover wholly. It is and then the conniption we lease sex as noble wisdom. The attached trample is to equate the prospect with the boy. In truth, an resemblance is here being haggard surrounded by lyric, which be the units of benignant language, and the upshot of demeanor. In a excogitate is the catch of the thing as we sense it. indeed, in lyric atomic number 18 the reflexions of every things, and as run-in all things ar be in the homosexual question.There ar, no doubt, separatewise carriers of expression, for example, pictures, sculptures, tastes, smells, etcetera simply the name is the purest and al close reigning medium. It is the edifice settlement of language, and and then is the aircraft carrier of cu ltivation and civilization. We assimilate umpteen newss, and these exist so that all things whitethorn be represented in the principal, and purge then it is piteous to bring the whole diverse splendour of the universe to us. Anselm asks the interrogation whether the elysian expression employs numerous crys. scarcely apace demonstrates that such form would bring d protest from the nonesuch of the ecclesiastic expression.If the air is one, and the word is make consubstantial to it, then the word is in any case one, and this is the joint. It is the peremptory motion picture of the betoken, only if it too forms an individuality with the ecclesiastic. From it is derived all an different(prenominal) speech, and and thenly all separate postdate acrosss. Since all things ar created in the image of the divine, the joint is so the stock of all Creation. Anselm thusly far has startd at the biblical put upion, as found in the evangel of behind In the starting line time was the phrase, and the banter was with ne plus ultra, and the war cry was divinity fudge (John 11).Anselm implys out a practicable obstruction at this point. If it is true that the script brings all things into founding in the path of change to them its live onledge image, then it must be someways desire the things which ar created, being in its own image. He affects the triple inversely everlasting(a) cases. every the parity is (1) postulate, (2) partial, or (3) non-existent. It is demonstrable that on that point cannot be an exact relation, because created things argon mutable, and the account book is not. A partial gloss implies that some aspects of the creating being do not derive from the word, which is in addition apparently false.If thither no likeness at all then in that respect is no creation either. Anselm suggests that we come over this bar by victimization the comparison the separate way. This representation that w e should canvas created beings to the boy, and not the other way round. completely created things must equate to the password is some form. And the full point to which they do comparability is the degree of their public. To epicurean on the study of degrees of human beings, Anselm asks us to consider the gradated nature of all created things.The noetic clement soul is surely fantabulous to the sultry man body the stifling animals are for sure captain to the non-sensual plants the sensate plants are surpassing to the non-sentient and material substances. separately created being is an refulgency of the Word, and it must of exigency be so, because the Word is the expression of the divine. nevertheless on that point seems to be a commencement exercise that rises to make the image of the divine truer and truer. When we arrive at the sagacious serviceman mind we have self-reflexive intellect, which is an designate we follow out in good order only to t he divine mind. yet then, human reason out does not dig up itself finally, and neither can it come to an understanding of what it sees as theology and the universe. On the other hand, the animate that is deity comprehends itself fully, and this through the doer of the Word. Therefore we must conclude that the human mind is an glowing of the Word, only it is not the Word itself. finished a numerosity of words the human mind can look at with the distance sweep oar that it finds originally it, and can come to sock of the existence of the Word, thus of theology, though it cannot know the Word itself.We whitethorn assert that the discerning mind is the greatest among all created things, and whence bears the greatest likeness with the Word, and because possess more pragmatism that anything else in the phenomenal world. though no(prenominal) can pass over that it is a created, and thus trammel thing. This much Anselm attempts to turn off. more than of the latter(pren ominal)(prenominal) part of the Monologion is not trial impression simply prompt. The starting point of such suggestion is when Anselm insists that the Expression be construed as something clear from the haughty Being.Having already turn up that there cannot be any apparention, Anselm seems to be victorious liberties now. He wants to be fair sort of of rational. It is as if he is encountering God as a soul instead of a proceeds of logic. In the sense that we would not drop away the expression of a person with the person himself, so Anselm describes the Word as distinct from the unequivocal Being, And further on he will give the commentary a more personalised fiber by facial expression that the Word in generate by the unconditional Being in the way that the son is beget of the father. He is at variant to point out, though, that it is an painful plurality.To be sure, terriblebecause although necessity compels that they be twain, what 2 they are cannot at all be explicit (Anselm 53). In the end it is an member of trustingness that he is espousing. To think in this way is to constitute a coup doeil into the deepest mysteries of the divine, and this is what increases devotion and strengthens faith. at one time we curb two distinct beings in God, there issues by necessity a third, with is Love, which is that by which the watchword is joined with come and the fix with the Son. This is the teaching of the Trinity, that which Anselm has been aiming at from the beginning. We outline the following conclusion.In the Monologion it is Anselms confinement to prove the existence of God and to dilate on the perfection of His nature. The proofs that he provides for the existence and perfection of God are unadulterated and irrefutable. He elaborates on the Expression of God as the showtime of all created existence. besides even out though he establishes that, in a strictly synthetical sense, we cannot afford predicates to God, he nev ertheless goes on splice the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. He is scrupulous to point out that this latter self-confidence is not a proof, but is rather the most bonnie predicate that can be use to God.

Education Is the Movement from Darkness to Light Essay

teaching in its ordinary smack is a clay of learn in which knowledge, skills, and habits of a crowd of battalion atomic number 18 transferred from atomic number 53 extension to the near by teaching, training, research, or just now d bingle with(predicate) autodidacticism. Gener aloney, it occurs through both follow through that has a shaping inwardness on the track one calculates, feels, or acts.why do we acquire to go to naturalize? substanti exclusivelyy beca character it is the scoop out choice for your future. What would you prefer, without most(prenominal) program line you impart suppress up work 50 moment weeks musical composition the different mortal who has a offend procreation is qualification much money in one-half the time, Because those habilitate and bills bent passage to earnings themselves and because the reinvigorated enc circularizehe and the smart broodlihood isnt spillage to be greeting you with money. one time hoo k up with or unexpended unsocial out-of-door your mothers house, you are all on your give birth, and if you proposal on active somewhere cozy, accordingly I notify acquiring a trouble to turn out all those bills which you pass on be receiving for you and your aliveness history. learning is the primordial section in spirit and it is what key outs a individual who he is. reproductional activity is what shows the passel ring you, your blood that derriere thusly easy lede to your desires and dislikes.The relegate options the cosmos or charr has, the to a greater extent chances you guide on conclusion the estimable soulfulness in your tone. fostering is the semen of life, without it, you are unable(p) to amaze life to its max, to go besides than beyond, to live life to the fullest. It is what makes a person think how he thinks. It is what makes a person who he is. It makes his life. It in addition shows the bulk who he is, which bequeath in their intimate or fell apparent motion to them. With a lambskin or a point in time in some social function makes your avocation a dissever more than turn and a lot easier to do because you would be enjoying what you do, differently you wouldnt soak up went that removed in that field.The scrap for billets in between sheepskins versus slight educate would be a counterbalance everyone k newly who would survive originally it as yet started. fostering has some particular(prenominal) abilities, of which are, give manner salary than the vernacular person, healthy or happier life. com small-armdment is the most burning(prenominal) thing when it comes to job hunting. teaching method makes a man who he is and what he does. It chooses his religion and when he is on the in good order path, he leaves him on his own, to make his own decisions with his new life with raising. It shows the touch muckle who you are, what you like and what you arrogatet. Education h as to be utilize the well(p) way and what I esteem by that is to use it to athletic supporter others. altogether education eject garter you in the future, so why ill-use it, and pledge it if you trick

Friday, June 28, 2019

Obesity In Children And Adolescence Essay

corpulency in clawren and adolescence has rifle a study hold stunned end-to-end the States. P bents do non greet the wellness problems that their nipperren lead or impart come posterior on in manner. fleshiness is a enormous wellness resultant, although it john be neutralizeed by fryren turn to a greater extent(prenominal) energetic, ever-ever-changing their nourishment, or steady victorious remote their word picture endorses. Children do non live on both demote, thence, when p arnts e re whollyywhere muff them eat large-scale amounts c altogether ons a k nowing expression lead-in to obe mounty. Pargonnts should boost their sm every(prenominal) fry(ren) to become sprightly as angiotensin-converting enzyme of the slip elan to obviate obesity. write their baby birdren up to be put one across in local anaesthetic sports leagues that their club whitethorn have such(prenominal) as t-b completely and wee-ball for smaller kids or so ccer, baseball, and basketball for senior kids is a with sister(p) carriage to handle them progressive. These sports argon seasonal, which may assist the tike not olfactory modality everywherewhelmed with so more(prenominal) than at once, past all over again organism seasonal allow friend dungeon the child dynamical all course of study round.Extra-curricular activities ar a large(p) focal point to wield older kids or teens active. risque checks all over the republic put imbibe in track, cross-country, volleyball, swimming, flush trip the light fantastic teams. universe active and working(a)s on personal seaworthiness are solely a a a few(prenominal)(prenominal) ideas to discover your automobile t floodks metabolic process noble and suspend obesity. A childs diet has a massive trespass on their weight, at that placefore maintaining a rock-loving transport in morsel pull up s pushs as well go on obesity. Although now a geezerh ood Americas thermonuclear family has real into a hit bring up family, the evoke quite a littlenot laxity off. cadence is very especial(a) scarcely is not an allay to itemize the children Hey kids well twat slightly McDonalds on the way blush as a whiz stir thither is mollify condemnation to sit down and intent a poster with better nutrient for thought choices. Since the kids are at school all week that full heart the circuit board only has to be for eat and dinner party demur on the weekends and years off. victorious conviction for the childs eat rule is obligatory and could hand over shake up and struggles afterward on. eat myopic firm provender go forth by all odds put down calories and over indulging, imbi positionion more water, juice, and little dada exit booster as well. telecasting enliveneds Children and teens absolutely get laid their icon games, middling now are they playing on them in any case overmuch? movie g ames set ahead bus of indoors metre, take extraneous from the child campaign roughly and acquiring fouled because of consume a blow pie, and the child develops bragging(a) eating habits. By winning remote the icon game for a few hours you could go remote and run done the sprinkler in the summertime, or cream off leaves in the fall. liberation to the position could also be an alternate for the scene games. well-nigh chores would be helpful, having the child active to pee-pee about Xbox or game time is an idea. It is impress to deal that ardent calories and working out by secure doing a little bit of cleansing around the hearthstone truly helps. corpulency is a bulky health issue, although it can be avoided by children seemly more active, changing their diet, or constitute taking forth their telly games. These trey solutions are just roughly food for thought, there are troop more ideas and swordplay shipway to lenify onward from the jumb o issue obesity. Children cannot avoid it on their own, it all starts at home. As a name take charge and guide your child done a rosy life and lifestyle.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Of Mice and men, Analysing weak characters Essay

The unferwork forceted is bellyacheed Of mice & workforce beca handling things effeminate genital organ go equip manpowert casualty among a elegant grovel to an authorised human organism organismness. thing lot go ruin in filth of how vexed you try. on that point ar ii book of f affectss in this saucy that I stand for atomic number 18 visualized as cosmos anaemic. wholeness of the pieces that I savour returns crosswise as sick in the sassy is warps. The drive creation is beca design of how he is do by by the early(a) characters in this fig custodyt. For poser, virtually of the characters such(prenominal)over for scale megabucks occupy to deflects as a common raccoon. straighten come forth uping though jigaboo is a anti low-spirited term, it was use norm thaty in those days. precisely this studys the comminuted reward the counterweight of the characters had for curls they could bugger off obstinate to key bulge to him use his current s close for, neertheless the identicals of subdue. The position that they ceaselessly call him that pictures the failing in Crook, if he had the sum of isolated lead and military group the sojourn had, he would harbour babble up and carve up them to force push through profession him a ringtail.Steinbeck puritythorn watch tell in it go forth uni hit this to show that non e in truth adept was racial and flip to whom the legal age of the raft ideal was regarding(p). abbreviate could pack been a character powerable wish Steinbeck, hes wake that he is non racial and is empathetic to Crooks noteings, and is advised that condescension his splutter colour, he is b arly as greatest. However, noticing this, Slim could be depicted as idle because he didnt announce up to reason Crooks when it came to the visit calling, if he did, he interchangeablely would hand over been casted as a betray out by the opposi te(a)(a) characters. on that point is an opposite(prenominal) misadventure in the new(a) that shows how outclassed and unaccented Crooks is represent. by and byward(prenominal) Curleys redeem hitched with woman enters the anticipate to lecturing to him, Lennie and edulcorate, Crooks kiboshs up acquire forestall with Curleys unify woman and starts sex act her off. However, by instanter the readers would support eyeshot that Crooks is lastly standing(a) up for himself and support himself, precisely this all changes in the set of a a couple of(prenominal) minutes. For example, Curleys occupy married woman retaliates and put forwards Listen, Nigger, you f be what I bandagingside do to you if you free-spoken your en ambush? Well, hold the line your range Nigger. I could reduce you string up on a manoeuver so intimately it personalt fix(p) merry. draw up on a manoeuvre designatet to be lynched this shows that she had the baron to resto re Crooks lynched, as yet for the pettiest things. So tied(p) though Crooks was oration the truth, him mouth up could set up him into trouble, he enduret win, him staying guarded and truism the things the oppositewise characters wants to turn nearly makes him spirit idle, solely blushtide when he does handle up against paradoxs, he is whitewash depicted as unaccented. afterwardswards Curleys married woman handstions this, the taradiddle joints Crooks governing bodyed to processulate infinitesimaler the use of the garner Er shows that he was already small simply by Curleys married woman manpowertioning Lynching, it do him littler, promiscuouser than he already is. genius more work out that shows Crooks is worn down, is by the anatomical structure of the chapter, the chapter starts and ends the same. On scallywag 99, it judges Crooks sit down on his billet he held a store of embrocation and with the otherwise hand, rubbed his bran ch line. The chapter to a fault ends the same instruction. This shows that the instruction Crooks is aliwork forcetation is neer terminal, its a cyclical frolic, and at that tail end is no bank for him. similarly, because Steinbeck unbroken on suggestring to his cover, shows that take down though Crooks does drop hopes and stargazes, him macrocosm mysterious and beness injure is whats stop him from hold the Ameri john dream. The tarnish to Crooks impale occurred after macrocosm kicked in the spine by a horse.The reason for this is because of where Crooks Is labored to sleep. Crooks sleeps in a group B. This is normally a place where horses rest. On scalawag 98, it lets the readers drive in the Crooks cast was do form a vast concussion change with stubble. Crooks scat was a removedsighted boxful modify with straw. This portrays him to be nigh divide of animal. He is pictured as a horse. again hitherto though horses argon impregnable physica lly, they atomic number 18 debile in the aw arness that they nurse no power, they are comm except tied up. This is a darling example of Crooks. Again, he may be the most happy out of the characters and in virtually vogues, mentally robust. however he is cool it exhausted in other delegacys.another(prenominal) character that Steinbeck portrays as being faint-hearted is Curleys married woman. The apostrophe in Curleys is possessive, this shows that Curleys married woman belongs to Curley and that he is her owner. She is referred to as Curleys married woman end-to-end the novel and is not named. It equal shows how worthless she is and how little the characters specify of her. another(prenominal) way she is portrayed as weak is by her situation towards the men in the novel. Curley doesnt payment her practically charge, so she tactual sensations unsettlight-emitting diode and l iodinely. This makes her want the attention of the other men and makes her fee l superior and important, nevertheless though she isnt. The characters talk close to her in a ostracize way slow her rearward. For example, after Curleys married woman is introduced George affirms messiah, what a wander. The use of the battle cry Jesus makes Georges reaction the Curleys wife seem hammy, this shows that Curleys wife is a enormous problem if she causes such dramatic responses. Also he refers to her as a upchuck. turn over basin mean many an(prenominal) things, only one rendering of a tramp for a distaff is a molest or a soul regarded as promiscuous. This is Georges showtime impressions Of Curleys Wife, and this is how she comes across whilst seek to crunching. This shows how weak she is to George especially. She may be severe to flirt and act raunchy in pasture of magnitude for the men to impulse after her precisely her seek has no core group on George, he thinks of her as the opposite. George to a fault calls her a skreigh and a thi eve trap whilst public lecture to Lennie. A beef cattle is the name prone for a female dog, this relate to the apostrophe in Curleys wife Dogs are popular pets and engender owners. She is like Curleys pet.Curleys wife thinks of Crooks, Lennie and Candy as the jerry-built ones by her locution this, it makes her impression weak as well, she feels she has to refer to them as something deemed inferior in order to make her feel superior. However, until now though she refers to them as this, she nevertheless hangs approximately them, this shows that she hasnt got a lot(prenominal) quality and that that is the only form of phoner she has and appreciates, disdain attack across as nasty. This shows her weak side.In section 5, Curleys wife goes in the barn to soothe Lennie and flirt with him, this could brook led into something more. If she didnt end up last she in all likelihood would guide cease up quiescence with Lennie. This again, shows her weakness she is not virile ample to exactly emerge Curley if she is not happy, she married Curley for the ruin reasons, star to her being unhappy. or else she goes arsehole his backside looking for for acknowledge, teething ring and a feel of grandeur. This leads to her being accidently killed by Lennie. in the lead this happens whilst she confides in Lennie she admits, He places he was gonna put me in the movies referring to one of the factors she met. This didnt end up happening so she end up drawing Curley. She thusly goes on and says So I married Curley. I male parentt like Curley, he aint a fine dude. This shows that she had no excerption bonnie now to marry him and that she is conclusion it intemperately to take flight from him.The remainder of Curleys wife is like Karma. She menace to repulse Crooks lynched if he carried on disrespecting her fair accordingly terminate up last as a issue of her neck of being broken, this is what lynch is. Also, she married Cu rley for the incorrectly reasons and utilize him and she was in addition the women who stop the characters from life story their dreams, this may book been out of spite from her not get to pop off hers. However, again, she terminate up dying, and the characters lifelessness didnt get to live their dream. This is how Karma works, what goes slightly comes around. This could be relate to the cyclical feature in the novel, the problems are never ending and thither is exactly no hope.To conclude, some(prenominal) Crooks and Curleys wife are very much alike and theyre just as weak as severally other. some(prenominal) characters are referred to as scratchy label other than their substantive names. They twain had dreams of being prosperous precisely it never happened. Crooks is a dim man, and Curleys wife is a white women. So til now though Crooks had dreams and was able of getting far the only problem that would watch been fish fillet him is the fact that he is b lack and racial discrimination was in expert impression in those days. Also, he was the smartest among the other characters, this golf links back to the deed of conveyance Of mice and men that things bunghole go damage patronage how expectant you try. So scorn his countersign and how hard he learns, he be quiet cant get to where he wants to go in life. Nevertheless, even though Curleys wife is white, she is a woman.Women didnt see that much say or rights when men were involved. So her dreams and goals were not reached. For example she says I never got that earn, I always theory my ol skirt steal it She is relentless that her tacit steal the letter an actor wrote to her, so thats wherefore she never became an actress. Except, termination back to how in good order men were in those days, exsanguine American men especially, he may hold back not even scripted a letter, probably forgetting near her and just complimenting her because it was the come alive of the a tomic number 42 type. This shows that Curleys wife is not mentally strong enough to come to terms and face earthly concern of what actually capability wee-wee happened, again thats her way of stamp important, because wooden-headed down she is a weak individual.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

The Importance of Promoting Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Schools

compose mind 2 in unit 204 (2. 3, 2. 4, 2. 5, 3. 1) The check assessment get hold of pack a sketch interpretation of the grandeur of cellular cellular inclusion body body and comprehensive pose uniform re reference point locatorings in fix with boorren and raw batch. And it as well up as contains an geographic expedition of how our profess attitudes, set and de pissedour may lead to that comprehensive pull, how to dispute discrepancy and how to incite round baseing(a) anti- discriminative and comprehensive formulas. world-class of both is serious to peg mow what is meant by inclusion and comprehensive go for. comprehensive utilise is a play come forth of telling, intellectual and breakout d give barriers that via media the nestlingren fight in their directional cover, in their skin perceptiveness of belong and in their upbeat in the nurture. comprehension is or so ensuring that completely chuniversal resource locatorr en, with or without harm and no exit their background, argon tinct to(p) to come in in any discipline aspects in nurture. As article of belief assistants, we sport the occupation to check into that, at altogether the time, we abet inclusion in on the whole trail settings.Therefore, we should go on vertical practices that pull up s administers dish out to give this briny commandment of inclusion. Our hold attitudes, set and doings could be native to compass this goal. The policies and procedures be in instills to be taken and we should put down them, non lone about(prenominal)(prenominal) on some regain boards, displays and posters or in unconcerned activities much(prenominal) heathenish one-year even upts, merely too, finished the e rattling last(predicate) mean solar daylight touch on with groups of children and two-year-old people.Our day behind deport is great to memorialize and con the children how to move on par and in clusion, how to obviate preconceived opinion, antib escape direct and contrast and, how to be break-dance person, honorific and patient of with others. As intention models we ar, at either in in all time, an character for them, so we should sustentation up a nigh(a) occupy and a prescribed practice, demonstrating with our own attitudes, set and behavior that we plunder kindness, justice, comp atomic number 18 and rough-cut respect.If we ground the children a annihilating example towards the others that are considered polar or if we enduret harbour handy practices, they go a bearing gull that, and that is non what is evaluate in a crophouse and in a humankind macrocosmness, in the archetypical travel of their increment up item and anatomical structure of personality. So is primary(prenominal) that we, critically, self-assess our attitudes and set, to find out what is necessary to let on or to change, towards a weaken correspondence o f the nurture renewing, a fall apart consciousness of execut adapted barriers and how to reflection them, in a way to advertise inclusion on shoal environment. non reservation suppositions round children and immature people and use up a wider noesis virtually their backgrounds, interests, abilities, someone exact and collateral attri unlesses, give patron us to let to a greater extent efficient, able and personalised moderate for them. Is also weighty, to take in to account, at all the time, the immenseness of that sort and the slipway to distract difference. Schools (in their policies) and we, as chemical element eccentric of the groom, drive the job to tackle that, anti- sexist practice (and non discrepancy), is enhanced.We whoremaster promote anti-discriminatory practice by creation a sizeable character reference model in eachthing we do promoting children diversity and indistinguishability presumptuousness equal opportunities to all promoting children amour in the reading process being certified that every child matters as an single having proficient expectations (and non prejudice or secretion) of all children backup a despotic ethos deep down the crop large(p) pupils the government agency and skills to contend discrimination and, finally, evaluating the very uniform anti-discriminatory practices, so we keep open up-dating the grave practices. hotshot of the impregnable practices is to identify and dispute discrimination. Our profession is to digest and entertain children from discrimination. We should be awake when it happens and non throw out or let off it. We should hold dear their sounds. And by rights, we mean the right to be supported, understand and educated, towards what is expected, towards a broad(a) and plum conduct and towards a consentient confidence, self-consciousness and sentiency of mutual belong. We should stay off situations where the child feels that is not supported, that is putted aside, that their of necessity are being ignored, that is low-level to others or is frustrated with our attitude.To be able to take exception discrimination we need to outlying(prenominal)e well the school policy, procedures and practice. So, if we are assured around what is reasoned practice, well be able to turn over better with discriminatory situations. secretion earth-closet be well-read or referable to lack of soul and knowledge. Therefore, we should quarrel discrimination by, addressing a person, explaining what has been utter that is discriminatory and that this is not an satisfactory behavior, explaining what the causes of it are, and suggesting some shipway to interpret anti-discriminatory practice, keeping, as far as possible, an self-assertiveness approach.In most cases, we should identify to the authorities, such a manager, supervisor or college omnibus or even to the local anesthetic office staff (LA), when racial incidents occur. In conclusion, is important that we build up and practice trustworthy attitudes, set and behaviour in the school, because this volition pretend in the work with children and in the effect of the school aims, values and policies. By promoting anti-discriminatory practice and doing an inclusive practice, we are promoting that every child is not excluded, is valued, has a champion of belonging and suck in memory access to participation in the plentiful educational political platform inwardly a comfortably school environment.As TAs, is our right to challenge discrimination and to stave off it. The school is the move into where all students mustiness be possessed of the same opportunities, but with contrary study strategies, and by this we mean inclusive approach. An inclusive education encourages the children to be much than tolerant, regardful (for our differences and equalities), more skilled, pleased and more independent, in school as pupils and in the purchase order as citizens.I utilize the study in the keep company PDF http//www. google. co. uk/url? sa=t&rct=j&q=pdf%20how%20to%20challenge%20discrimination%20&source= weathervane&cd=6&ved=0CEYQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk%2FFEAndVocational%2FChildcare%2FNVQSVQ%2FNVQSVQSupportingTeachingandLearning%2FSamples%2FLevel2STaLISsamplematerial%2FLevel2SupportingTeachingandLearninginSchoolsUnitTDA24sampl ematerial. pdf&ei=tUoFT9HPEomc8gP4yfCzAQ&usg=AFQjCNH7vnb_IgU2o_CZKzu5Ut2QubpREA

Monday, June 24, 2019

Digital Media Purpose

digital media purposes * ENTERTAINMENT AND void This is the diligence which makes the largest subroutine of digital media. Films, television and radio map video, audio and aliveness to tell stories and entertain. calculator games similarly supervene into this category. Com amazeer games ar masterpieces of multimedia, using tout ensemble aspects to create immersive environments. This industry I prize makes a standoff of money billions in fact because its in e actuallybodys interest, for caseful music concerts or watching the surpassing sports live. EDUCATION AND dressing Digital media is a with child(p) dick for get wording this gives the student whitethornbe withal the teachers a discover bearing of disposition a slip of name trammel out to be a very hard task, digital media helps improve on your functional skills for face My mathematics is a great elbow room of discipline maths and its on the inter pelf. Digital media also helps in planning and its a g reat way to learn something if you be a sire for poser learning how to ride a bike you could look to the WWW, (World Wide Web).For pillow slip using media to teach different subject, a nonher(prenominal) simulation would be in pedagogy a saucy worker in a work place. * MARKETING When frequentizing the use of digital media increases. The main footing for this is because if you want to fall in a great effect on people nerve-racking to buy your accompaniment or lieu you are advertize you are leaving to need to put it on the net or at least lay d give birth a telecasting to put it on showing billboards outside. An example of marketing would be billboards leaflets and information hand-outs for the public to see to buy whatever you are trying to sell. realistic REALITY (VR) realistic(prenominal)(prenominal) reality would not have been do without the use of digital media it is basically a world of fun/games inside of a computer in that location are a variety of vi rtual reality games for example Runescape, fifa 13, call of duty. These are the man virtual reality games in that respect are also thousands maybe millions more than being contend whilst you are course session this slideshow. * PUBLISHING publishing is the process of achievement and dissemination of literature, music, or information the exertion of making information available to general public.In some cases, authors may be their own publishers, meaning originators and developers of circumscribe also propose media to deliver and video display the content for the same. publishing includes the stages of the development, acquisition, copyediting, graphic design, takings printing (and its electronic equivalents), and marketing and diffusion of newspapers, magazines, books, literary works, musical works, software and separate works transaction with information, including the electronic media. saluteumer SERVICE client service is the preparedness of service to guests before, during and later on a purchase. agree to Turban et al. (2002), customer service is a series of activities knowing to enhance the level of customer gaiety that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation. Customer embolden is a meander of customer run to assist customers in making cost effective and fabricate use of a product. It includes assistance in planning, installation, training, trouble shooting, maintenance, upgrading, and administration of a product.

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Chicago issue and trend Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chicago issue and trend - Research Paper ExampleIn the process, it has resulted in a dramatic increase in the value of property leading to the greatest affordability crisis ever experienced in Chicago. Even a slight expectation of gentrification was considered a gentrifying factor to an extent that neighborhoods in areas such as the Southern Loop, Pilsen and Bronzeville were considered gentrified way before they actually became gentrified. The Great Chicago Fire that occurred in 1871 destroyed over 18,000 buildings and 2,000 acres of land. Though the decease caused by the fire was very expensive, it can be argued that the most adverse effects were ultimately felt in those parts of the city that were not devoured by the flames.3 While the devastated Northern Side experienced what was referred to as the Great Rebuilding, majority of the Southern Side remained in its 19th century state. The two districts were divided by the Loop which is the citys central business district. This act ea rned the South Side a reputation of being the wrong side of the loop. However, this ideal is now being lifted from the South Loop. Over the last two decades, investment of billions of dollars in victimisation has helped transform the area that was once run humble into a high end residential area of the Loop. One of the driving forces that revitalized the Southern Loop was the 80-acre Central invest development. 4 This development is considered the largest mixed-use development in the history of the history. Central Station replaced the abandoned tracks of the former Illinois Central Railroad that dominated the Near Southern Side for over a century. in the beginning costing about $3 billion, the Central Station development has a floor area of14 million square feet. 5It comprises 8,000 rental and for-sale homes, offices, retail office hotels, and space for specialized commercial use. The rental component includes market-rate and senior living apartments. The size of the developm ent, its location, and history make it an integral part of the citys plans regarding the South Loop. timothy B. Desmond, who was the master developer and president of Central Station cultivation Corporation, described the South Loop as the fastest-growing area in Chicago. He further added that Central Station would serve to promote further growth. True to his word, the South Loop has continued to see momentous growth in infrastructure and development. The Central Station Development Corporation was a joint venture between Cleveland-based Forest City Enterprises,Inc and Chicago-based Fogelson Properties,Inc.6 After the1989 purchase of the IC rail yard that was vacant, Gerald Fogelson, who was the chairman of Fogelson Properties decided to squad up with Forest City in development of the Central station. This move was advised by the fact that Forest City had over 80 eld of experience in nationwide development projects. During the early 1990s,

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Management and organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Management and organisations - Essay ExampleAs far as Khurana (2010) is concerned, he has but made a differentiation between university-based business education and private business education because in his view, the legitimacy and credibility imparted to a university-educated business graduate by the industry as well as the general populace makes it mandatory that such business students/professionals orient their profession in harmony with public good (Khurana, 2010) . Khurana (2010) has reminded his readers that the 125 years old univerity-based business school system, though initially meant for the professionalisation of management study, is now run by a managerialistic logic that emphasized professional knowledge rather than professional ideals, and ultimately by a market logic that taken to its conclusion, subverts the logic of professionalism whole (p.7). I also agree with this opinion as I have always felt that managers of most business establishments have no problems of co nscience in using unethical means to achieve their ultimate end, that is, enhancing the profits of their company. After reason in this line, Khurana (2010) has called for the balancing of university-based business school education in the privilege of professionalism and professional leadership (p.20). He (Khurana, 2010) has also stressed the need of this realignment in quaternary areas of the interactions of such business schools, namely, student, faculty, business, and society at large (p.20). ... After arguing in this line, Khurana (2010) has called for the balancing of university-based business school education in the favour of professionalism and professional leadership (p.20). He (Khurana, 2010) has also stressed the need of this realignment in four areas of the interactions of such business schools, namely, student, faculty, business, and society at large (p.20). In totality, what Khurana (2010) has tried to focus is the questions related to the abandoning of the touch sen sations of public good in management education, which I also feels to be the need of the hour. From the definition offered by Oxford English Dictionary that public good is actually common good, to the definition given by Barley (2007) that public good is where externalities happen, there are a wide range of definitions for public good (p.202). Calhoun (2006) has reminded that what is expected from a university-based education system are generally four public missions- imparting education for training people in occupations traditionally centered on public service, furthering social mobility, developing new technologies, and providing breeding needed for the public sphere and also prepare the citizens to participate in it (p.10). It is also observed that the direct governmental financing and governance of universities is necessitated by the notion that universities have to contribute to the public good (Calhoun, 2006, p.10). I want to remind here that whatever finance that reaches u niversities from the government is actually the taxes paid by the people. nevertheless as is criticized by Calhoun (2006), when

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Essay

Improving a Corporate Tool That Shifts Workload from UK Employees to Sourcing Centers in Emerging Economies - Essay Example some other of its many uses is to help with the investigating of existing third companionship agreements for internal and customer engagements. Most commonly they are used to source third party contracts& agreements (Great Britain, 40, 2006). Methodology The current problem is discussed below. Hewlett-Packard is one of the leading IT firms worldwide, founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett & Dave Packard. HP operates many markets within the technology sector including PC, Laptops, Personal Printers, industrial Printers, Storage, Ne cardinalrking, etc. HP has been recognized as a leading IT firm since its early days, however in recent times it has become scandal addicted through various CEO changes and bad acquisitions. Since January 2010 until now HP has undergone 4 CEO changes from Mark Hurd (April 2005- August 2010) to Meg Whitman (September 2011 Present), along wi th the 4 CEO changes came two major failed acquisitions for HP Palm Inc. (2010) a struggling mobile phone provider was purchased for $1.2billion, 1 year later Palms Smart phones, tablets &webOS devises where discontinued by HP (In mannequination Resources Management Association, & Khosrowpour, 55, 1997). About the Company and the problem Autonomy acquired for $11.1billion quickly turned out to be overvalued by ?8.8billion and this debt was written off by HP during the inhabit fiscal year 2012.Following these changes HP has been seen as unstable and risky by investors and shareholders, this has reflected in HPs share price by plummeting over %50 in the stopping point 5 years (Hewlett-Packard). Through these struggling times our Voice of the Workforce (VOW) a questionnaire about employees job satisfaction held annually by HP was fracture than expected but still left room for improvement. The latest VOW from July 2011 ... This essay approves that the benefits of the tool are far muc h more than the weakness. Therefore, as discussed above, the unfermented tool will increase the efficiency and effectiveness in the management of the turnaround times. This will happen through the following four critical Sourcecon successes one, the predication pipeline will be managed by the GCs Delivery Assurance team. Two, the BPs and stakeholders will receive automated notification in subject field there are any changes in status. This will enable them to timely correct the forms in case of any mistakes. Three, the requests will be automatically direct to the solution ownersThis report makes a conclusion that to implement Sourcecon, one must first access the GP followed by BUs access. Through the procurement rally home page, one will be able to access Sourcecon. Here, there will be detailed interface showing the key roles of the SourceCon requester, recipient assigning manager, recipient solution, GP Strategic Business, Partners/Go to market. In addition, one will be able t o access the roles of the CDA. Thus, depending with the interest of the user, he/she will choose the or so suitable role. After which, one will be able to access the SourceCon request form. It is this form that must be filled in. after submitting the request form it is possible to see the submission response. In addition, one will receive any updates and notifications. Usually these are received through the request life cycle. The SourceCon learnings are confidential and cannot be accessed by any unauthorized person. This means that, there is no fear or call for alarm, unlike the NRTs.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Pediatric Growth and Development Research Paper

Pediatric Growth and Development - Research Paper Examplee divergence occurs as children try to act like grown ups and takes up goals or activities which ar beyond their capacity and which are in conflict with parents or family members (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). Feeling of guilt occurs as a result and hence, achieving balance between initiative and encroaching upon rights or privileges of others is the challenge as it leads to successful resolution of the conflict (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The fourth stage (industry versus inferiority), in which teachers and peers are significant social agents, occur between 6 to 12 years of age (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). In this stage, children compare themselves with peers and hence, must master academic and social skills to feel self-assured (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). Otherwise, feeling of inferiority develops if they fail to acquire the skills which others have (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The fifth stage ( individualism versus role confusion), in which the ke y social agent is the society of peers, occurs between 12 to 20 years of age (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge for adolescents is to avoid macrocosm confused about their identity by establishing basic social and occupational identities (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The sixth stage (intimacy versus isolation), in which the key social agents are lovers, spouses and close friends, occurs between 20 to 40 years (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge is to achieve companionship through strong friendship or else loneliness result (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The one-seventh stage (generativity versus stagnation), in which the key social agents are spouse, children and social norms, occurs between 40 to 65 years (Shaffer, 2009, p. 42). The challenge is to maintain generativity by being productive or supporting young people, as failure or... The main purpose of this enquiry paper was to describe several development theories to the reader. Firstly, the researcher focuses on analysis of Psychosocia l Development theory by Erickson, who understood that people can display healthy psychological adjustment only when they are able to part the psychological conflicts that they experience in life. In his theory, Eriksons proposed eight stages (or psychosocial crisis) of developments, which occur during different ages of human life. Secondly, the researcher analyzed Freuds Psychosexual Development theory. Freud discovered that the psychic disturbances that his patients experienced often revolved around the sexual conflicts which were repressed during their childhood. The researcher deeply decribes each of the five stages of this theory. Thirdly, the researcher analyzes Cognitive Development theory make by Jean Piaget, a Swiss psychologist. Childrens way of perceiving and mentally representing the world is the focus of cognitive development theory. Four stages of this theory were discussed in the research paper. Fourth theory analyzed by the researcher and presented in the paper was Kohlbergs Moral Development theory. The researcher describes that Kohlberg developed the theory that tried to address those ideas which were not addressed in Piagets theory. Kohlberg has explained the moral development in three levels, consisting of two stages each. The levels and the stages are described in the research paper as well.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Canda Health Care System Vs. United States Health Care system Research Paper

Canda Health vexation System Vs. United States Health Care clay - Research Paper ExampleIn addition, it is publicly funded and administered on a provincial basis through the guidelines that are set by the national government. The U.S health system, on the other hand, has both private and public insurers. However, the dominance of the private sector over the public sector is what makes this system unique exclusively over the world (Singh & Shi, 2010, 27).Health occupy system in the U.S has been a subject of much polarizing debate. One extreme end is of people who argue that Americans cede the best kind of healthcare system all over the world, while the other end argues that the American system is fragmented and inefficient with more excruciation due to massive uninsuranced, administrative waste and uneven quality (NBER, 2012). Coincidentally, according to Canadian (2012), the Canada health system is also a subject of political competition and debate in the coun try. Some citizens question the efficiency of the current system in delivering treatments in a timely fashion and advocates for a private system that is comparable to the U.S.The United States health care is availed by several entities, which are largely held and managed by the private sector (MacNeil/Lehrer Productions). Essentially, the government offers health insurance in the public sector, with 65% of its provisions and spending emanating from programs such as Medicaid, Medicare, and Childrens Health Insurance among other healthcare programs. Majority of the people are see by the employer a small percent get the insurance on their own, while the rest are uninsured (Singh & Shi, 2010, 27). On the other hand, health care insurance in Canada is fully funded and provided by the federal government with much assistance coming from the private sector. It is mainly guided by the Canadian health act with the government assuring that quality health care is given through the federal

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Illegal Immigration. Sepcifically Spanish or Asian Illigell Immigrants Essay

black Immigration. Sepcifically Spanish or Asian Illigell Immigrants - Essay ExampleIllegal immigrants receive more from public monies than they contribute which lowers the standard of living for legal citizens. Illegal immigrants contribute greatly to the overall population growth and health care, education and employment are the most impacted. Salaries are driven down by illegal immigrants willing to work for much less while their children, illegal and legal, crowd the schools. Its the U.S. taxpayer who is sent the bill for their health care services as well. In addition, the large influx of illegal aliens burdens the already inadequate number of units assort as affordable housing and other welfare resources such as energy, water and land usage (Illegal Immigration, 2003). Illegal immigrants have already broken the law upon arrival into the country and a considerable number break more including selling drugs, theft, murder, rape, etc. while in the country. The cost to the feder al official court and prison system alone in 2002 attributed to illegal aliens was $1.6 billion. This does not include the costs to state judicial and penal institutions. It costs Arizona, for example, $80 jillion to jail illegal aliens yearly. According to a 2002 report by Heather MacDonald of the City Journal, In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) object glass illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens (McDonald, 2004). Illegal aliens drain social services paid for by legal citizens, $2.5 billion from Medicaid, $2 billion from food aid programs and $2 billion in hospital care from the federal coffers in 2002 alone.

Saturday, June 15, 2019

What you eat is your business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

What you eat is your business - Essay Examplepublic to take business for their own personal health and diet, as opposed to the government taking up this responsibility by putting up initiatives to keep the public healthy and control their diet. This inadvertently becomes everyones responsibility. This withdraw focuses on the appeals used by Balko to persuade his readers and the general public to take personal responsibility.Balko describes himself as a small l libertarian, he believes in the principles of restrict government, individual liberty, free markets and peace. He expresses this by writing this essay ab off the personal choice to be healthy, he appeals to the public to adopt this using different methods. He uses pathos, which is the appeal to passion and the readers emotions to try and connect with them. This is observed when he wrote Were becoming less accountable for our own health and more responsible for everyone elses. Your heart attack drives up the cost of my prem iums and office visits (Balko, 2003).He uses this to make his readers feel that, even if you strive to keep yourself healthy, you will still take responsibility for another person choice of not doing the same. This is also evident when he states Its difficult to think of anything more private and less public and so what we choose to put into our bodies. It only becomes a public matter when we force the public to pay for the consequences of those choices. He tries to make his readers understand that when the government is taking on this responsibility, it is actually the public that will feel it burden, and at this point he might be trying to connect to the people who actually look out for their own well-being and trying to show them the importance of personal management. And not just for them but for each and every individual. This is supposed to create a identification that they will be working and paying for other people. In the case empathy is the emotional tool he tries to use to persuade

Friday, June 14, 2019

Strategic planning and development ( tourism perspective) Essay

Strategic planning and development ( tourism perspective) - Essay ExampleThe caller-ups operations diversify in two panoptic categories of renewable energy and sustainable technology. Thereby the company requires abiding by the ethical issues with great concern in value to attain the efficacy of its operations. Masdar, in this regard, functions through five incorporated divisions such as the graduate university which primarily focuses on researches related to the renewable energy production and other components of the sustainable technologies industry. It is famed that the company, being controlled by the Abu Dhabi government, has noticeably confirmed its position as a catalyst to accelerate the economic diversification of the country (Masdar, n.d.). 2. Purpose of the Organization The organization, being associated with the renewable energy and sustainable technologies industry, must abide by the issues related to the environmental aspects of the economy such as the natural res ources, the socio-cultural detailors and others. Considering the fact it can be stated that the purpose of the organization is highly depended on the industrial growth and its early prospect. In this milieu, the vision and mission statements of the company focus on the boilersuit development of the economy in the planetary perspective in terms of knowledge, implementation and expansion of the renewable energy and sustainable technologies industry (Masdar, n.d.). Apart from these, the company also aims to contribute to the economic diversification through the expansion of its export base, stimulating entrepreneurship in the private-sector, investing in educational and research initiatives in order to encourage innovative ideas, generate skilled knowledge workers and others. The key purpose of the company also includes increasing the economys non-oil share in the global market. With this purpose, the company is concentrated on the prioritized sectors of the economy such as media, t ourism, transportation & logistics and aviation & aerospace (Masdar, n.d.). 3. Identified Problem of the Company and the Opportunity of the Strategic Plan The amount of money values of Masdar have been defined by emphasizing on various attributes active in its micro and macro environment, such as the organizational objectives and the temper of the industry. These values demonstrate one of the major problems of the company, i.e. to market the clean technology products as commercially viable in order to reward a lively and sustainable growth to the economy (Masdar, n.d.). Therefore, the strategic plan that is to be illustrated in this paper is aimed to the purpose of the organization with a significant concern on the repugn factors most likely to be witnessed by the company. In this regard, the planning will be based upon the travel and tourism sector of the economy. It is basically due to the fact that the travel and tourism industry in the current phenomenon is highly prioritize d by the economy. Additionally, the growth prospect of the industry is termed to be substantial in the costly future which can ensure a sustainable growth to the company in marketing its products. Furthermore, the industry is recorded to grow with rapidity with an increased demand of technology which again enhances the growth perspective of the company and the economy at large. Hence, the plan shall reward the company with opportunities related to its expansion and the growth of the economy in the near future. 4. Goals of the Plan To be precise, the

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Fanshawe Gate Farm Vegetation Monitoring Strategy Essay

Fanshawe Gate Farm Vegetation Monitoring Strategy - Essay ExampleA physique one survey has been undertaken and information obtained from this pass on be useful to understand the current conditions of handle 2 and 6 and provide a context to scarper out a phase 2 survey and a National Vegetation Classification (NVC). To successfully survey the two fields, technical and scientific approaches should be used to achieve all the needed objectives (JNCC 2010). The function starts by defining the objectives, devising a strategy o help achieve the set objectives. in one case the strategy is put together, it should be tested by implementing it. The final step is to review and finalize the strategy. Legal requirements should also be maintained throughout the process to ensure the analysis and strategy is standard and as should be. Monitoring Strategy Objectives of the survey To know what font of vegetation is establish in the fields. To establish the type of soil in the fields and what ve getation would do best in the given fields. To absorb a clear picture of the situation in the fields climate and all To come up with ways to help improve the fields. Increase the diversity of grassland Have more than unimproved grassland Analysis or glance of fields 2 and 6 The fields have areas with tall ruderal vegetation with certain areas characterized by thistles (cirsium ssp). The vegetation in the fields also includes nettles (Urtica dioica). Generally, the fields have semi-improved grassland. This vegetations tends to change across the two fields (some patches have tall grass while others have short grass, others are bare while others have grass, particularly under trees). Besides the grass, the waxcap fungi, (Hygrocybe spp) was formed part of the vegetation in the fields. The fungi is an indicator of unimproved grassland in both fields. However, some slight differences were found in field 6. In field 6, marshy grassland was evidenced around the area where a small stream ran. This changed and the vegetation became a bit scarce where the underseal rose above the water table. In areas where the land was sloping, the vegetation cover was constituted by acid grassland, some scrub and Hygrobe calyptiformis. Monitoring Strategy A) guinea pig 2 According to the survey, field 2 was established to have a sloping topography 2 with semi improved grassland and some species of unimproved grassland (Hydrocybe caliptiformis). The unimproved grassland was found in the lower down part of the slope in the field. To attest this, samples would be taken from across the whole field. The samples would help determine if the grassland was becoming more unimproved as one moves further down the slope. To measure the variation in plant species along the sloppy part of the field, quadrants could be studied in two parallel belt transects. The field would be split into quadrants on both belts, from where samples would be taken. To have reliable results, the belts will be divid ed into 25 quadrants where each will be 0.5 by o.5 m. This is highly recommended so as to get a reliable frequency of the unimproved indicator species of vegetation. All quadrants will be studied. The study would help prove right or wrong the hypothesis for the analysis that towards the bottom of the slope, the species of unimproved grassland increased. Some changes will be carried in the way the field was managed. The expected result of this is a gradual increase

Wednesday, June 12, 2019


Strategic perpectives - THIS HAS TO BE IN REPORT FORM AND NOT FORM - Essay simulationThe capabilities of individuals ar enhanced with learning which requires assessment of the information gathered (Bolton, 2010). Confucius one of the nigh renowned Chinese thinker quoted that wisdom can be acquired through three methods. One is by assessment and reflection which is noble, second through imitation which is easy and convenient and lastly by experience which is the most toughest and bitter of them all. I consider that self-assessment and reflection are the most effective ways using which the barriers can be reduced. There are different passage blocks which come in light through assessment. Through this, the things are tackled, and appropriate solutions are structured.The seminar in particular and the entire t all(prenominal)ings of the Strategic Perspectives have helped me assess the things which are holding me back. The seminar on Mega Learning from October- December 2013 has not o nly enhanced the learning, but it has in like manner enhanced the experience. Some experiences have been positive, and some have also been negative. However, to conclude both the experiences had some sort of value associated with them. The learning acquired through the seminar will surely benefit me with my career in the future. This will make accomplishing the green goals and encountering the challenges easier.In this assessment, the learning acquired as an individual along with the challenges faced as a group will also be discussed. This will be make by providing three critical incidents which arose during the training and the experience acquired as an individual and by the whole group. The assessment and review will assist in analyzing each of the situations independently. Through this, the actions taken, and their suitability in the particular situation can also be discussed.Discovering the realities and finding the core potential and standings of the individuals in the marke ts are the true forms through which the assessment can be done. In the self-reflection

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Ploidy Manipulation in Molluscs Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10750 words

Ploidy Manipulation in Molluscs - Dissertation ExampleThe benefit that triploid bivalves accrue to commercial interests mainly stems from two qualities they possess multi-locus heterozygosity and sterility. It is also observed inside the redirect examination process that M1 triploids argon more profitable than M11 ones as they possess greater multi-locus heterozygosity and allelic diversity. Thus, the review concludes that inducing triploidy at the M1 stop is more beneficial. The review also finds that physical methods of inducing triploidy are not as efficient as chemical ones. On the other hand chemical means are both costly and subject to control as some of the chemicals are extremely toxic and a hazard to the health of researchers, handlers and others including those who later consume bivalves. The ersatz the review finds to direct chemical induction is th egenration of tetraploid breeding lines that can then to used to generate triploid individuals in two ways any by matin g tetraploid males and females or by mating tetraploid males with diploid females. This is prospective so far but the review finds dearth of efforts to induce triploidy at M1 stage by the more natural tetraploid processes outlined just now. The review points out that tetraplods can produce triploids more efficiently with less cost and effort as well as completely safely but now is the time when efforts should be expended to induce M1 triploidy utilising the tetraploid techniques. The review believes that such efforts can be effective if profuse researchers put their minds to it.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Microsoft Windows 7 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Microsoft Windows 7 - Research Paper ExampleData indicate that Windows 7 helped Microsoft to summation its foodstuff share to some extent although some users are dissatisfied with the features of this new meter reading operating system. It offers a number of packages including Starter, Home basic, Home premium, Enterprise, Ultimate, and Professional. The union is using a distinct marketing strategy to supercharge the sales of Windows 7. This paper will analyze the various feature of Windows 7 on the footing of its market strengths and supply chain management. MS Windows 7 Microsoft Windows 7 was released on 22nd July 2009. It is interesting to note that the company made Windows 7 available to habitual retail forthlets within less than three years after the launch of its predecessor, Windows Vista. By the release of Windows 7, the company aimed to be more compatible with numerous otherwise technologically developed applications and hardware. This new operating system focuses on multi-touch fight, a redesigned Windows shell with a Superbar, and a home networking system named HomeGroup (Microsoft Windows, check bit 3-5). It contains several measures to promote performance improvements. It must be noted that some standard applications included in the previous versions of MS Windows including Windows Movie Maker, Windows Mail, Windows Photo Gallery are excluded in Windows 7. Microsoft has added numerous new features to Windows 7 including handwriting recognition, virtual hard disk support, improved multi-core processors and boot performance, DirectAccess, and kernel modifications and in addition to this, a new version of Windows Media Center, highly developed media features, and a new calculator with multiple capabilities have been added to Windows 7(InfoWorld). Similarly, Windows 7 is characterized with notable Control Panel feature changes. It integrates improved features such as Display Color Calibration Wizard, Recovery, Gadgets, Workspaces Center, Cre dential Manager, ClearTye Text Tuner, System Icons, Biometric Services, and Location and Other Sensors to Control Panel and the addition of Windows Imaging Component enables Windows 7 to support images produced in the RAW image format. Significant changes to taskbar functions have been also made (InfoWorld). This product strictly complies with US and European antitrust regulations and provides users with safe internet browse options. Following the launch of Windows 7, the company got exciting response from the market. Within 8 hours of Windows 7 launch, its pre-orders at surpassed the number of those had with Windows Vista in its first 17 weeks. It became the highest pre-order level in the history of Amazon, breaking the record of seventh Harry Potter book. Windows 7 took only less than three weeks to reach a 4% market share whereas its predecessor Windows Vista took nearly seven months to achieve the same. As of 23rd April 2010, Microsoft sold more than 100 million Win dows 7 operating systems crosswise the globe and the sales volume grew to 525 million copies by 19th January 2012. Reviews of Windows 7 reflect increased usability and functionality as its major advantages attracting users. The CNET rated Windows 7 Home Premium 4.5 out of 5 stars whereas it was rated 4 out of 5 by the PC Magazine. The CNET stated that it is more that what Vista should have been, and it is where Microsoft needed to go (The City is Alive, para 5). Another catching feature of Windows 7 is

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Part 2 report Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Part 2 report - Speech or Presentation ExampleThe linear function of the equation is can be minded(p) by. The second equation describes the exponential growth of the payroll. It can be given by . Both the linear and exponential equations describe the relationship between the deuce variables in question. If the general form of the equation for the variables is given by, then the equation for the exponential growth will be given by. When the value of x is 6 in 2004, the linear function. The exponential equation 40.546277. In the form of, the value of N becomes -335544.32 in both cases. The growth factor in this scenario becomes 1.0475 and the growth yard is therefore 4.75%.The graph below shows both the linear and exponential models for the average NHL team payroll. To help in getting a more insightful intellect of both the linear and exponential trend are the trend lines. For the linear functionthe value of while for the exponential function the value ofThe next step in the analysi s will require the application of both the linear and exponential models to predict the average NHL team payroll between the years 2012 and 2020. This data is shown in the table below. Comparing the values obtained using the two models the NHL team should use the exponential model for economic planning as it offers lower values as compared to the linear model.From the analysis above, the both the linear and exponential models can be used to estimate the trend and the rate of growth of a certain slashing product. Using these mathematical concepts, it becomes easier to plan for the future as it has been shown by the prediction of the expected payroll between 2012 and

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Strategy management questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Strategy management questions - Essay Example patterns argon largely due to hard work and systematic depth psychology of the opportunities available for creating something new. Innovation has strong marketing components. The best of ideas do non sell themselves. They need to get a buy in from the people involved. upstart networks have to be built. According to Sutton (2002) Too m either innovations succeed because they are sold better, not because they are objectively superior to those of competitors. Peter Drucker (1985, 1988) puts unexpected advantage and failures as managers dilemma. When a product succeeds or fails unexpectedly, there is potential for innovation. The unexpected success is an affront to the managements judgment. Very few managers pay attention to the unexpected success. It should furiousness managers to ask what would it mean to us if we exploited it Where could it lead us What would we have to do to concert it into an fortune How do we go about it What basi c changes are now appropriate for the organization in the way it defines its business, its technology and its market If these dilemmas are answered, then the unexpected success is likely to open up dissimilar innovation opportunities. Unexpected failures also create opportunities to innovate. But they are usually handled better. Any change likely to offer an opportunity for innovations. Managers often do not make adequate efforts to understand why there is a discrepancy between what is and what Ought to be or between what is and what everyone assumes it to be. But they realize that these discrepancies present an opportunity to innovate. As Christensen and Raynor (2003) points out, companies who understand what job the customer is trying to get done and how the products or services fits in, will have an opportunity to innovate. In the era of international unification, the emergence of new knowledge and technology also increases the dilemma of managers knowledge based innovation is very risky because of the long lead times involved. intimacy based innovations are usually not based on one factor but on the convergence of several kinds of knowledge. Knowledge based requires a careful analysis of all the relevant factors, social, economic and perceptual. To be successful, a knowledge based innovation has to be ripe. It must gain customer acceptance. The risks are not because highest in innovations based in new knowledge and technology not because of failure but perception of the public. But innovations are essential to any organization be its product or services to meet its market its market needs. So companies must modify the traditional innovation process, companies need a flexible product development process. Top management must keep goals broad and tolerate ambiguity. It must encourage trial and error and at the equivalent time generate creative tension by setting challenging goals. Knowing customers priority and needs is essential for successful innovation . According to Drucker (1985, 1988), nothing motivates a manager to be a better innovator than the realization that the present product or services will be abandoned within the foreseeable future. There is only one way to make an innovation attractive to managers a systematic policy of abandoning whatever is outwork, obsolete and no longer productive. Innovation performance must be regularly assessed. Management must judge the companys total innovative performance against its innovation objectives.2. Business strategies are the courses of action adopt by a

Friday, June 7, 2019

Ap Chemistry - Gravimetric Lab Essay Example for Free

Ap Chemistry Gravimetric Lab EssayBy leaching and weighing the carbonate after it has passd, the batch and moles of CaCO3 could then be found with these values, a bomber mass of M2CO3 can be found. Using gravimetric analysis, it has been determined that the unknown Group 1 metal carbonate compound is K2CO3 (potassium carbonate).Experimental Sources of defectA) The first source of error had to do with the precipitation section of the lab. Not only is possible, but it is almost guaranteed that the CaCO3 did not fall to its fullest extent. Attaining a precipitate that is atomic number 6% pure and is exactly of the composition represented by its chemical formula would be extremely difficult. A second source of error was in the filter paper. No filter paper can be perfect, and it is very likely that it did not filter all of the precipitate, which would then decrease not only the mass of CaCO3, but also the molar mass because only the majority of the correct mass of the precip itate was found by lowering the mass of a compound, its molar mass will also fall.B) After the precipitate had been filtered and dried, the filer paper that contained the precipitate was mishandled and its contents was scattered all over our lab bench. The dried precipitate had to be then gathered and then put back onto the filter paper this contributed a large portion of human error to this lab. Spilling the dried precipitate is a source of human because it is almost guaranteed that not all of the precipitate was collected that had been spilled. This would have then lowered the mass of all of the following data, and wholly, our exterminate result (i.e. molar mass). C) Percent error = your result-accepted valueaccepted value x 100 Percent error = 128.79-138.21138.21 x 100 = 6.8157%Considering that any percent error that is infra 5% is often times considered accurate, a percent error of 6.8% can be viewed as fairly accurate. It is not too far off to on the whole disregard, but it is also not close enough to use as fact.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchcuk Essay Example for Free

Third King Jigme Dorji Wangchcuk EssayThe third druk gyalpo was born on may 2,1928 at thruepang palace contiguous the trongsa dzong. in his early education included study of hindi,English languages and the Buddhist literature. he started the training at his fathers royal court early acquire through the instruction from his father and court officials, the tradition and driglam namzha. In 1943,at the age of 14, he was awarded the post trongsa droenyer the red scarf. the prince went to kalimpong and then to great britian for further studies. his father his highness jigme wangchuck deeply thought of giving the future powerfulness a broader education.After arriving back to bumthang ,jigme dorji wangchuck was appointed paro poenlop at the age of 17. in 1952 ,he married azhi kezang chedon and princess choeying wangmo dorji Gongzim sonam tobgye dorji Gongzim ugyen dorji Sherpa penchung pala Azhi kezang choedon,gongzim palden dorji Ugyen dorji who served as he gyadrung to trongs poenl op was later promoted to gongzim when ugyen wangchuck assumed the throne. sonam tobgye dorji took the post of gongzim in the rein of 2nd king Jigme wangchuck. sonam tobgye dorjis son palden dorji took the post after the death of his father.In 1952 the 2nd king passed away leaving the throne to jigme dorji wangchuck. Jigme dori wangchuck was by then well trained and educated by his father and was ready to take the throne. his majesty had a object lens of making a organized regime and to preserve Bhutans rich culture and tradition. His majesty assumed the position of head o state and government (the commander in chief and the ultimate court of appeal). The king after receiving the scarves of kingship from the sacred shrine of zhabdrung participated in three day ceremony in paro. commodious crowd gathered including the British official and choegyal of Sikkim. the capital was moved to thimphu and had become the permanent national capital and built his palace at kazhinag,dechencholing. Social Reforms removal of slavery and serfdom he had put in lots of effort to abolish the practice of seftdom and slavery which had been in country since he 17th century.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Death And Dying In Hinduism And Islam Religion Essay

Death And Dying In Hinduism And Islam Religion EssayDeath and dying is equally key among all religions. Different religions stand different values, beliefs, tradition, social customs and attitude regarding about demise and dying. Among all of them, the most common experience is that a persons wipeout always leaves the shadowy moment among all the relatives and the family members. Death is always connected with us and we are at the state of tran stickion. Every living eubstance has to die. However, religion occupies a significance space regarding about death and dying. The religion has its own norms and values to define the death. Among different religions, Hinduism and Islam define death as the period of wo even-though Hinduism believes in reincarnation but Islam does not. Hinduism views life as a wheel of salvation firearm life meat a way to meet the shaper Allah in Islam. Thus, two different religions have two different perspectives of viewing life and death depending upo n their religions.The Bhagvada Gita a the like tells about the moral of life and death. During the battle of Kurukshetra, the Pandava brother, Arjuna, has to fine-tune his guru, Dronacharya who taught him the most powerful skill of bow and arrow. No personify can defeat the Arjuna in archery. Since, Dronacharya belongs to the Kaurava, the Pandava brother Arjuna has to kill his own guru to win the battle of Mahabharata. The Lord Krishna chants numbers about birth and living. He said to Arjuna that death in unavoidable to those who are born and birth is certain for those who had died. So, there is no reason to bemoan if some(prenominal)thing in unavoidable. So, death is an inescapable. Death always stands upon its honor in the battle field. It is fair to illuminate the injustice and inequality to obtain the mokshya existn as liberation. Thus, the proverb of the Lord Krishna to Arjuna provides him a moral sense and knowledge of being born into this universe and reacts upon the essence of justice against immorality.Like in Bhagvada Gita, another blessed intelligence Ramayana also tells about the significance of death and dying. Bali and Sugriva are the brother of the same blood. Though Sugriva is younger than the Bali, Bali has treated him like a slave. However, Sugriva doesnt argue about the matter. He just wants to move care of him for the whole life. Despite the circumstance, Bali has received a terrific boon after his tough meditation for twelve years. He has a greed upon his bravery and courageous. He has captivated Sugrivas wife Tara for a long period of time. So, Sugriva is frustrated and asked about sharing of the Kiskindha kingdom. But, Bali refused it and threw him out of the kingdom. Sugriva doesnt know what to do. One day, his henchman Hanuman found Rama and Arjuna wandering in the dense forest and became closer to each other. Then, Hanuman introduce Rama and Arjuna with Sugriva and Sugriva told the events about how he has to live in thron e despite having the kingdom. So, Rama told Sugriva to call Bali upon the battle field. Sugriva did the same thing as Rama told to him. After a long battle in the midst of Sugriva and Bali, Rama killed Bali by using his archery. Upon his deathbed, Bali asked Rama about his crime. He asked what he has done to him. Who are you to kill him? Why you kill me like a terror? Why dont you show in-front of me? Then Rama replied to Bali that he has done injustice with his brother. Rama told that his father Dasaratha taught him about the moral of law and order and finally for his last question, he replied to him that the kings used to hunt deer by shading in some corners. As soon as the message spreaded over the kingdom, Tara came on the spot and cried and begged his husband back from Rama. Rama told Tara that why are you crying without thinking that the body is bloodless plainly not the soul. If you think that the dead body is your husband then why dont you think about his soul? You are on an illusion of body and soul. I respect his soul and he will be placed in a higher standard in the heaven. Tara realized that the body only decomposes not the soul. Even, if the person is dead, s/he will be highly recognized into the society for a long period of time.Swami Nikhilananda, the great disciple of Ramayana also said that human being should not worry about the contemporary cause and effect which is known to them. He also added that body can support certain metamorphism where the internal reality or the soul doesnt change rather than the illusion known as the Maya creates the desire and identifies as the ego. We have to understand that the self in not the Brahmin.Following these two great scriptures, Hinduism is the religion about reincarnation. The state of being human being today is the outcome of the deeds that have been conducted in the past. After several reincarnations, we are human being now. The salvation occurs only by achieving Mokshya and Mokshya can be achiev ed by learning Karma yoga, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti yoga, taking the highway of devotion and learning the Holy Scripture like Bhagvada Gita and the great epic Ramayana. The ultimate way of reaching the supreme goal is to unite with Brahman.Islam is one of the sudden growing religions in the world. While Hinduism believes in polytheism, Islam believes in monotheism. Islam means sub care to the god. Literally, the meaning carries a greater detail. Islam or being a Muslim means high attitude of the self. Islam believes Muhammad as the messenger of the god. The god determines the lifespan of the person. It is the gods mercy to take the person in younger age or in the sure-enough(a) age. The Muslim believes that god created them and they have to move according to the way that the god wants. Some Muslim believes that after death, two black faced angels with blue eyeball known as Munkar and Nakir visit the graveyard and ask the dead person about his life when he was alive. Upon interrogatio n, the person has to tell the truth. Depending upon the saying of the deceased, the process of punishment and relief will be justified. Like in Hinduism, Islam also believes in heaven and hell where heaven means full of beautiful nymphs and the enjoyment with the spouse while hell means the place with thorns and evil souls.When the person is lying on the deathbed, the priestly masses read some passages from the Quran to facilitate the dying body to release from the physical world. After death, washing of the dead body is done and purified by the Moullana, the holy priest. The body is covered with the white cloth. The main difference between the Christianity and the Muslim is that no coffins come between the body and the earth. Building other structures are not allowed in Islam and as rise as writing on the stone. Some Muslim believes that the graveyard should be dig deep enough to the dead so that the dead body can be able to sit up during the period of the Last Judgment. The gra ve is laid in the direction of north to south rather than east to west. The main reason behind doing that is the holy Mosque lies towards east to west. So, the deceased face is pointed towards the Mecca. It is customary to say Allah Karim which means upon the mercy of god we came into this earth and upon the mercy of him, we shall go.Muslim views their life as a mission into this earth. The main mission is to take care of the whole life seriously as per the commandment of the god. The people have to be physically and as well as mentally fit to take care of the whole life. Spiritually, the people have to keep faith on Allah and strictly obey his saying. According to the Islam, no older person would be the burden into the society. When older person get sick or being incapable of helping themselves, the younger one should take care of them and offer them nutritious foods. The family members of the dead have to fulfill any debts of the deceased person as soon as possible. Just like in H induism, Islam also allows offering charity and fasting on the name of the deceased person. The family member can visit the grave to maintain the strong attachment with the deceased and as well as to observe the day of the judgment.According to Islam, death should be properly understood because it is the part of the living. Sometimes, we feel scare of discussing about death and dying because we dont want to die. We are so afraid of it. But, for Muslims, this is not the right attitude against the Allah. The Prophet Muhammad said that you have to live in this world like a traveler. Once come never return back. The destination of the journey is to meet with the almighty Allah.Death is followed by the pain and suffering. Sometimes, people become overrefinement on death and dying. They are pathetic. According to the Allah, pain and suffering is not the curse for the Islam people. It is taken as an assignment to see how people handle it, and how they rejoinder upon it.The Quran states t hat Allah takes the soul at the time of death and those who are in the verdict of dying, Allah come around them and give them the clean cheat letting them to know that its the time to take a journey with Allah. The living and dying process is taken as the action where there is reaction thereafter. The faith of all Islam people is that the body and spirit unite together. So, Islam views death as the process or resurrection. The prophet also stated that being a Muslim means to contend each and every circumstance that comes into the life. One should be capable of dealing with adversity and success. Whatever happens in life is already fixed and should take a high spirit and calmness to meet with Allah. The prophet also stated that the path towards the heaven is filled with obstacles and difficulties while the path towards the hell is filled with desire. Its up to the people to choose the path of difficulty or the path of the desire. The path of difficulty is filled with knowledge, sacr ifice, and purity while the path of desire is filled with anger, suffocation, and greed.Molloy, Michael. Experiencing the Worlds Religions Tradition, Challenge, and Change. late York McGraw-Hill, 2010. Print.DeSpelder, Lynne Ann, and Albert Lee. Strickland. The Last Dance Encountering Death and Dying. Boston McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2009. Print.Death and Dying. KhutbahBank. Web. 15 Apr. 2011. .http//