Sunday, June 16, 2019

Illegal Immigration. Sepcifically Spanish or Asian Illigell Immigrants Essay

black Immigration. Sepcifically Spanish or Asian Illigell Immigrants - Essay ExampleIllegal immigrants receive more from public monies than they contribute which lowers the standard of living for legal citizens. Illegal immigrants contribute greatly to the overall population growth and health care, education and employment are the most impacted. Salaries are driven down by illegal immigrants willing to work for much less while their children, illegal and legal, crowd the schools. Its the U.S. taxpayer who is sent the bill for their health care services as well. In addition, the large influx of illegal aliens burdens the already inadequate number of units assort as affordable housing and other welfare resources such as energy, water and land usage (Illegal Immigration, 2003). Illegal immigrants have already broken the law upon arrival into the country and a considerable number break more including selling drugs, theft, murder, rape, etc. while in the country. The cost to the feder al official court and prison system alone in 2002 attributed to illegal aliens was $1.6 billion. This does not include the costs to state judicial and penal institutions. It costs Arizona, for example, $80 jillion to jail illegal aliens yearly. According to a 2002 report by Heather MacDonald of the City Journal, In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) object glass illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens (McDonald, 2004). Illegal aliens drain social services paid for by legal citizens, $2.5 billion from Medicaid, $2 billion from food aid programs and $2 billion in hospital care from the federal coffers in 2002 alone.

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