Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Rebellion and Social Norms Among Youth Essay

Young people have a tendency not to comply with any laws when it’s come to their wellbeing. Young people always try to express their opinions and restrain from obeying their leaders which sometimes lead to a disaster result of their poor decisions in life. According to Gary Schwartz book, explain what happens in Sammy’s mind and what causes the reaction of quitting his job at the end (Schwartz 55). Therefore, the issue of young people is rebellion against their social norms is the central theme of the â€Å"A&P† john Updike story. At the beginning of the story, Sammy is fully within his place in society as a whole (Saldana 95). Meaning that he is just an average teenager with an average job in a small town where everyone knows each other. At that time, Sammy was a cashier at a supermarket named A&P in a small town north of Boston in 1961. There begins Sammy’s rebellion when the trio of girls enter the supermarket with bathing suits on and barefoot. After the girls enter the Supermarket and walk in every department to look for the item they need. Lengel the manager of the supermarket approaches the girls and lectures them on what they are wearing on them inside of the supermarket. After the girls walk away, Sammy gets mad and decides to quit his job at this point. Sammy unleashes an impression identity style behavior against Lengel (Schwartz 35). Which mean Sammy feels for the first time in his life that he has to let go his timidity and confront Lengel without thinking of his action to get Queenie attention. The way Lengel undresses the girls with his eyes make Sammy sick to his stomach. That is what triggers Sammy’s anger to react as if he does not care of what happens to him. As long he receives Queenie’s attention, it’s enough for him. Today, young people wear any kind of clothes that attract people’s attention. Sometimes the way they dress can be very provocative. Even though Sammy is gloomy at the beginning of the story, he begins to feel his happiness at the end but not the way he has plan it would be for his action. Sammy has gone from being judgmental to a hero Fritz 2 and then he starts regretting his decisions (Saldana 96). He experiences a transformation; he knows that life will be harder for him hereafter. That is why an old priest of Haiti said â€Å"one must never act in conformity with society and should be willing to take risks†. Meaning a wrong move at any time can make the society reject you. Social class structures have a significant role in this story and can be viewed as one of the norms that Sammy is rebelling against (Schwartz 45). Perhaps in Lengel mind, he thinks that they come from a low class family that does not teach them how to act in public. When Lengel makes it his business to reprimand Queenie and the other girls, she maintains her stubborn comportment and explains that she is here to pick up an item that her mother requests her to buy. In response to this, Lengel takes a step further by first repeating himself and then explains to the girls, â€Å"We want you decently dressed when you come in here† (Updike). According to Sammy, Lengel is a heart cold person, whose interpretation of the ideal person in this society: God fearing, church people who know their place and not go against their will. It is at this point in the story that Queenie loses her bearing for the first time. Sammy’s response to this predicts that his decision to defy Lengel and the supermarket rules will be signified by his exposing his own shoulders, and that is precisely what occurs. Rebellion and social norms appear to have an impact among young people this day. Most of the time, they stand up for what they feel is right and neglect the consequences. Sammy was able to bring attention to him, but it did not work the way that he had planned it would be. The girls most likely didn’t even know that Sammy even quit his job. He tried very hard to get Queenie to see him and accept him, but that didn’t work either. That is why people can never sympathize with Sammy’s action because it results to an act of rebellion against his social norms.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Organisation design

estructuring is rife once again in our organizations. Is all this really necessary or are we Just getting it very wrong? Do we keep designing in the traditional and two dimensional way we have always designed our organizations in? Let us rethink why we would restructure in the first place and how we would do it in a way that is more sustainable and less disruptive to the organization. Let's start with some simple ideas and principles. Include organization design as part of your strategic planning process. When your business model or value chain changes, your overall structure needs to change with it.For other times, accountabilities and roles need to continually evolve. Create broad roles that can evolve, not tightly defined Jobs. Remember we frequently encounter problems beyond our Job descriptions and we need to develop people so they can be redeployed. When you restructure, change the way the work is done or there will be no change. Functions focused on effectiveness cannot report to functions focused on efficiency Functions focused on long-range development cannot report to functions focused on short-range results Having the wrong people in the wrong roles will continue to make the structure ineffective.Understand that there will always be paradoxes in the system like centralization AND decentralization and learn to manage it through behavior rather than structure. No amount of restructuring can make up for leadership and culture failures. Restructures often don't change power structures. People like creating extra layers to serve their own agendas. Do not allow it if the business model and value chain does not require it. Let's improve how we do things using 4 fundamentals. 1 .Job families based on the value chain – broken down into core and support The first step is to design value chain based Job families – a Job family is a cluster of roles that have a lot in common as far as competencies and outputs are concerned. Identify the core functi ons that must be performed in support of the business strategy. Define what each function will have authority and be accountable for. Once his is clear, support Job families can be defined. Examples are Finance, Human Resources and Operations. Support should never be greater than core. . Levels of work Now define the right number of levels. The starting point, says Jacques, is â€Å"to get the right structure, including the right number of vertical layers, and well-defined accountability and authority not only in manager-subordinate working relationships, but in cross-functional working relationships as well† Oases, â€Å"The Aims of Requisite Organization,† in Requisite Organization). All roles in a level have a similar approach to work, and a similar level of complexity, regardless of the business unit or Job family they fall into.This paves the way for clear goal alignment. You should not have more than 5-6 levels of work in total for example Operational employees, First line leaders, Expert leaders, Executive Leaders and Strategic leader(s). 3. Systems thinking to get governance and matrix structures right Now make sure you put the governance , organization support and matrix structures over it that can manage the accountabilities and risk appetites of your functions and ensure you understand where to place resources between core and support and between central and decentralized functions. . Generic roles, not people And very importantly†¦ When creating the structure, ignore the people involved and just identify the core and support business functions that must be performed. Create generic roles that are not person dependent and can evolve. Have similarities in role design across levels and in Job families and only define the unique bits differently. This makes it much easier to redeploy people instead of making them redundant whilst growing other parts of the business.The ensuing picture looks like this: If we evolve the picture further to incorporate the matrix and governance designs the final design will look something like a three dimensional matrix using the Biometric design developed by DRP. Elisabeth Dossal: If you need help in developing a sustainable well-designed organization structure, please contact me on [email  protected] Com.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Coaching as a Strategy in Employee Development Essay

Coaching as a Strategy in Employee Development - Essay Example This paper illustrates that employee development was not considered as an integral part of the management practice but rather as a tertiary process aimed at increasing the productivity of the employees. However, this misconception is what led to the underperformance of many organizations. Employees, from a management perspective, should not be seen as instruments of assisting an organization to increase revenue. Employee development is defined as the process or the initiative that an organization takes in increasing the performance of an employee through the available techniques. During the recruitment process, organizations often strive to get the best talent for the specific job description. However, the emerging trends in business have made it necessary for new and existing employees to undergo frequent skills upgrade so that they said employees can be abreast with the developments and the emerging trends in management. Being aware of the changes in an organization is what sets th e organization apart from the rest of the competing firms. Effective management processes also add to the value of the organization by increasing productivity, enhancing business operations and maintaining growth and sustainability of an organization. Employee development mainly involves other activities; training, mentoring and action plans. In previous years, the term coaching was used to refer to a negative attribute. From a general perspective, coaching referred to the need for additional skills but the meaning was contextualized to infer inability. However, the modern society, have embraced the practice of employee development, has come to accept the concept of coaching has to have immense benefits to an organization. In this context, coaching is undertaken in order to increase the productivity of the employees through greater skills and performance. From a management perspective, coaching is seen as the practice of developing the skills and capabilities of an employee in speci fic job areas.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

STUDENT RESISTANCE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

STUDENT RESISTANCE - Assignment Example Also it was uncovered that racism or prejudice may be at the root of multicultural of some of these issues. Collectively, we need to get to the root of these issues as they cause discomfort and depression for who feel inferior and fall into the trap. With reference to John J Schmidt’s ‘Counseling in schools’(1999) we live in a multicultural and multilingual world, with different people, with different ideas and everyone needs to feel equal and comfortable. Getting to the root of multicultural issues is important for all of us to live peacefully. Jose and James evidently are culturally diverse in more ways than one. One of which being ethnicity and the other being socio—economic differences. Breaking down communication barriers between Jose and James is essential. Therefore, I need to get Jose and James to talk about their issues in an effort to achieve uniformity. As a Guidance Counselor it is my duty to make them knowledgeable about appreciating and embracing the similarities and differences among themselves because we are living in a multicultural environment. Once the students accept the fact that they are different and they are willing to tolerate each other, they will become comfortable around each other and this will help ease issues of discrimination or even racism or prejudice which just might be the problem. On a wider scale now, having regular group counseling sessions where the students can identify the similarities and differences among themselves would also prove fruitful, as it will give them a better understanding of the topic. I would also have to ensure that they understand the importance of having and being in a multicultural society. In addition, teachers associated with the students should acknowledge the fact that the students are different. Therefore, their environment needs to be multiculturally influenced. It is also highly important that teachers do not practice

Saturday, July 27, 2019

An analysis of the labour market conditions within setting bussiness Essay

An analysis of the labour market conditions within setting bussiness. And a critical reflection on your own internal strengths and weaknesses, as well as the ex - Essay Example Although the features of labour market conditions vary due to market forces, plurastic and regionalistic factors with socio-economic influences, they could be broadly be divided into four main divisions which are as follows: - This market is chiefly constituted of medium and large-scale commercial agricultural activities, including cultivation and distribution of crops. Proprietorship or partnership firms chiefly own them. Most of the workers engaged in the formal rural markets are unskilled and semi-educated and their main activities are in the areas of crops and agricultural produce. This market segment is chiefly indulging in small-scale operations involving self employed persons along with the assistance of unpaid family members. Like formal rural markets, this segment is also characterized by unskilled or semi-skilled labour force who are involved in small-scale activities with low productivity and hence, low level of wages. The main functions in informal rural markets are in the raising of exportable cash crops. This segment consists chiefly of Medium and Large Scale enterprises producing commercial and non-tradable goods using a combination of skilled and semi-skilled workers. They constitute private or state owned enterprises where the wage levels are regulated by the Government and by local state laws. The requirements of Minimum Wages and Allowances and benefits to workmen are also applicable in this segment. Since this market segment is in the regulated area, the workers and staff are protected by the Trade Labour Unions, who play an important role in labour matters, and trade unionism activities are also present in this segment This segment comprises of self-employed professionals in the urbanized sector and represents privately owned enterprises. They are mainly dealing with manufacturing, trading and distribution of non-tradable items and this segment is, more often than not, in the unregulated sector. The wages and job security in these

Assignment 1 & 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

1 & 2 - Assignment Example Major organizations have established public relation department which focuses on how to impress the society. As much as strategies are usually applied to improve the public relation, ethics and company policies are the major influences. For example, if a child loses their life in a school compound, the public reaction towards the school would be very negative. The society will view the institution as an enemy to the community. With years the public relations are becoming difficult to improve. The society’s priorities towards organizations and institutions are increasing. This may be attributed to increased business ventures and the exposure to information. In schools the situation is the same. In the modern century school’s public relations should also be improved (Kowalski, 2010). 1. The implementation of PR is faced by several shortcomings. These shortcomings are based on understanding, accepting and acting. These barriers tend not to help in the influencing of the public’s perception towards the institution. Barriers to accepting are the barriers that prevent the public from accepting the PR implementation policies. According to Kowalski (2010) this barrier may be influenced by both internal and external factors. On internal factors, the institution may by having problems in influencing an ethical environment. The internal causes are mostly influenced by the conduct of the staff and administrators. If the institution has an appropriate PR implementation strategies and the conduct of the administrators is unethical, the public may find it difficult to accept the PR implementation policies. External factors are based on the fact that the public is exposed to many similar competitors. The institutions incentives may be not good enough to fulfill the pr iorities of the public hence they fail to accept any PR offering. A barrier to acting is the barrier that prevents the public from fulfilling their part as

Friday, July 26, 2019

Industrialism is maladaptive Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Industrialism is maladaptive - Essay Example From my perspective, industrialism is maladaptive because industrialization is a defective adaptation towards the environment, which has flaws and caused unstableness of the environment. Industrial revolution enabled human society to grow into a larger scale with higher speed, which seemed exciting at the start but indeed harmful to the environment and the society itself. Referring to Rapa Nui’s tragedy, a small group of Polynesian settlers arrived at Easter Island. At the beginning, the population grew slowly. Several hundred years later, the population grew larger than before, and an obsession with building Moai led to increased pressure on the environment of the island. The residences didn’t realize the problems was coming and didn’t make changes. In the end, the Easter Island had been deforested, so people started fighting to each other for the resources that are limited on the island. The wars lead to famine, and eventually cultural collapse. (Terry) Industrialization is exactly the same thing as the Polynesian’s obsession of building Moai: overproducing products while some of them are unnecessary that consume a lot of resources from the environment and eventually damage the world we living in; the Easter Island is the small version of our world: limit land, limit resources that can’t be enough when the population is over its carrying capacity. What Terry found in his started to appear after industrialization when the scale of the world became larger and larger as well as the development speed got higher and higher; therefore, the industrial mode of adaptation has an unstable relationship with the environment. From my perspective, industrialism is maladaptive because industrialization is a defective adaptation towards the environment, which has flaws and caused unstableness of the environment. Industrial revolution

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Purpose and Importance of Induction, Training and Appraisal in a Assignment

Purpose and Importance of Induction, Training and Appraisal in a Business Today To Ensure an Effective Workforce - Assignment Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that staff induction programs are designed with the intention to provide an overview of the working conditions along with core values and ethics of the business to the new joiners. It is vital for the companies in the sense that it ensures the new employees to get quickly acquainted with the working process of the business along with performing as per their skills and competencies as early as possible. This aspect is also deemed to be quite relevant in the hospitality sector where effective and proactive operations of the employees further set the overall image of the company in front of the potential customers. It can be stated for the managers in the hospitality sector including the management of the Hilton hotels group that effective induction programs include certain specific points. These aspects encompass stating the policies and working procedures of the company to the employees, having an introduction with the existing team members al ong with introducing the infrastructure of the company among others. Similar to induction program, training and development is also another vital approach to the managers in building an effective workforce. Training and development accelerate the performance of the employees as they are able to enhance and develop their skills and competencies. Training and development also enable employees to get acquainted with the working process of the company. For example, when a candidate joins a company as a full-time employee, he/she has little knowledge about the type and the standards of work performed in the workplace. Consequently, the role of proper and systematic training and development came into existence.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategy As Simple Rules (Yahoo) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Strategy As Simple Rules (Yahoo) - Essay Example Major local and multinational companies have been distinguished from each other, based on the strategies they use in their corporate operations and organization. In the case of Yahoo! as a case study, a lot can be said about the company’s identity in terms of its strategic management options and principles. Studies have actually showed that a lot of Yahoo!’s success since its establishment in 1994 can be attributed to the type of strategy that the company uses. In the option of Eisenhardt and Sull (2007), Yahoo! uses what is referred to as strategy as simple rules. The ideal behind this model of strategic management is to make good use of one’s opportunities on the market rather than pin one’s self to stringent book principles on strategies (Turner, 2002). In this essay therefore, four key areas or aspects of strategy as simple rules are outlined from the Yahoo! perspective. The first key point touches on zeroing in on key processes whiles the second key p oint is on simple rules for unpredictable markets. The third key point will elaborate the subject of what simple rules are not whiles the last key point delves into knowing when to change. The essay will be concluded with a summary and recommendation for Yahoo!’s implementation. ... What strategy as simple rules rather does for managers is that it helps them â€Å"pick a small number of strategically significant processes and craft a few simple rules to guide it† (Eisenhardt and Sull, 2007, p. 10). In effect, to zero in on key processes means to use processes as a means to get to the end, which has to do with the setting of rules. Even with this, the processes that will be picked must not be judged from its quantitative basis but on how quality and significant they are to achieving the corporate dream. Quite significantly, a number of companies including Yahoo! has zeroed in on key processes to ensure the creation of competitive advantage for themselves. At Yahoo! for instance, it is reported of how managers zeroed in on key processes by giving emphasis to branding and product innovation, where a four-point product innovation rule was set (Eisenhardt and Sull, 2007). Normally, the advantage with this approach have having fewer but highly significant proce sses to deal with is that it helps the company to keep focus of its strategic processes so as to ensure closer monitoring of these processes (Hammer and Champy, 2005). The realistic success that Yahoo! recorded when it introduced its four product innovation rules and gave much room for its developers to operate was that this product innovation that was not backed with many processes led to the creation of a new sport page, which had over 100,000 hits in only 48 hours (Eisenhardt and Sull, 2007). This is indeed a justification on the need to always find a means to zero in on key processes. Simple Rules for Unpredictable Markets Strategy as simple rules may have worked in several instances but its propagators insist that the need to constantly identify the best circumstances under which

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Strategy for organizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Strategy for organizations - Essay Example These retail stores can be called convenience stores, supermarkets, superstores etc. These retail outlets are often part of large multiple chains and they have their shops all over the country. In UK such stores are quite successful. People trust their brands and prefer them to other brands. Sainsbury's is a symbolic name in British retail market. There are various reasons that make it great, its strong brands, passion for food, its history of innovation and a trusted moral approach to business. All these things make it the household name of UK. J Sainsburys plc operates multiple types of businesses. Their operations range from Sainsbury's supermarkets, convenience stores, a home shopping service and Sainsbury's Bank. In this paper the external and internal environment, strengths and weaknesses of this great company will by analyzed by employing various models and techniques. Various models and techniques are used for analyzing the external environment of any organization. PESTEL model will be used here for analyzing external factor affecting the performance of the company. PESTEL is actually abbreviation of Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factor analysis. By analyzing all these very important external factors that affect the performance of any organization a clear picture can be obtained for evolving correct and effective strategy. This analysis gives an outline of the different factors that the company has to take into consideration. For a comprehensive PESTEL analysis it is important to consider some minor sub factors that are dominant factors for a particular industry. These dominant factors for a company like Sainsbury's plc are market size, scope of competitive rivalry, market growth rate, number of rivals and their relative sizes, etc. Knowledge of these external factors is important because of the implications they have for the evolving effective strategy. Sainsbury's plc is one of the largest and trusted name in Britain. It has extensive chain of stores all over the country and according to recent reports the company gets more than 10% of market share. There are some other big names like Morrisons, Safeway and Asda. These are Britain's best-known companies and Sainsbury's has to compete with them in the expanding supermarket of Britain. The company was under pressure for last few years and even suffered the first loss in its 135-year history. Some of the main causes of weaker performances are given below. Political and Economic factors Globalization had great impact on its performance. Global companies like Wal-Mart entered the British Market and affected the sales of company. Sainsbury's offers over 30,000 products in its supermarkets; about 50% of them are their own brands. Because of poor economic policies it was difficult for them to maintain quality and price parity favorably. Oversees losses as in Egypt also affected their overall performance. Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal factors There was lack of appeal to customers in comparison to other competitors. The

Monday, July 22, 2019

Case Treetop Forest Products Essay Example for Free

Case Treetop Forest Products Essay Identification (20%) Facts, assumptions and problem identification Building-grade lumber industry is competitive and product being sold is not differential; only differentiation is due to product packaging and presentation. Product packaging is biggest factor when buyers are making a purchasing decision between buying from Treetop or competitors. Over the last 2 years, Treetop has declined in ratings for package of lumber products as a result lost customers to competitors . Treetop has six departments: boom, sawmill, planer, packaging, shipping, and maintenance. All other departments have a supervisor; however, packaging department does not have one designated supervisor. Possible solution is to convert one of the workers to supervisor, or dedicate a supervisor 100% of the time to packaging To solve the issue supervisor from sawmill and planer deparments cover the shifts. Due to distance between sawmill and planing divisions, the supervisors are unable given full attention to the operations of the packaging division. (assumption) Distance cause the supervisor to visit the departments not as often as they should. Productivity in 3 divisions remained constant, Sawmill and planing division productivity increased; however, productivity decreased in packaging department and caused the following: Stockpile up Risk of damaged stock increased the inventory cost Cost Competitiveness suffered due to management placing additional employees from other divisions to solve the backlog issue faced by packaging department. Packaging department run two shifts morning and afternoon Productivity level of afternoon shifts is less than morning shift employees Reason behind the decreased in productivity level in the department is due to following: Employees takes extended lunch and coffee breaks Leave few min early, specially afternoon shift Reallocation of temporary employees from different productive departments also follow the same practise after being in the packaging department for few days. Based on the case facts, organizational effectiveness and productivity is being effected by the in place practises of Packaging  Department. Following two major problems should be resolved to overcome the issues faced by Treetop: Packaging departments employees are effecting the working habits of other department employees. Department wide meeting communicating the company values, performance issues of packaging department, statististics proving decline in packaging, and initiatives to stop extended lunches, coffee breaks, leaving few minutes early especially in afternoon shift Produce daily backlog reports showing increase in backlog and spoilage statistics. Use negative consequences (firing), within union contract. and positive rewards based on production and quality targets being met. Methods and implementation of rewards can be determined by using Nominal Group Technique (variation of brain storming)- 1)silently and independently document their ideas, 2)collectively describe ideas to other team members without critique, and 3)silently ad independently evaluate the ideas presented Packaging division does not have a supervisor to oversee the operation on daily bases. This needs to change immediately. If costs can’t be justified, perhaps  ½ time position added, that also is in production the other half , or Bal Resolving the issues The packaging department is mostly at fault for majority of the Treetop Forest Productions Ltd recent decline of organisational success, not only are the packaging employees at fault, but also management for not monitoring the situation more effectively. It’s vital for Treetop Forest Products to improve and maintain their competitive edge within the building grade timber industry to ensure future success of the organisation. If solutions are not implemented immediately, the success of the organisation will continue to decline, placing Treetop Forest Productions Ltd in an unfavourable position where recovery may be implausible. Tackling the major issues illustrated within the packaging department will commence a strong positive path towards the future success of the organisation, placing them in a competitive position once again. There are possible solutions that can assist with effectively and efficiently dealing with this issue. Firstly, supervision and leadership needs a major  improvement within the packaging sector. As illustrated within all other fully supervised departments, work is completed efficiently and to a high quality standard. By providing packaging employees with the same supervision and leadership, near guarantees a positive change within the packaging department. Employing a leader with a with a transformational approach to leadership concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards and long term goals will help to improve the work ethic within the packaging department. A supervisor with transformational leadership involves an exceptional form of influence that moves followers to accomplish more that what is usually expected of them. Furthermore, by introducing a new leader, costs will decrease due to supervised workers and the decrease of overtime; it can be implemented quickly, improv e productivity and increase the equity of work. As also explained within the issues of the packaging department, there is a lack of employee motivation. This is demonstrated through the low quality of work produced, longer breaks and early finishing times. Its important for managers to understand that each and every individual employee will have a set of drives, needs, decisions and behaviours to be motivated. By following the below diagram, Treetop Forest Products managers can use this to understand different emotional responses and resulting needs in the same situation. promote group cohesiveness and a pleasant working environment. In the short term, upper management could host a meeting or assembly between all departments to make them feel interrelated and important to the company. This could be a great motivation for the employees. In the long term, group evaluations could be necessary to measure the group’s performance and to see if the actions taken are resolving the problems. supervisor of the department. Learned Needs Theory: The Learned Needs Theory has three â€Å"learned needs† that can be defined as the â€Å"Need for Achievement†, â€Å"Need for Power†, and the â€Å"Need for Affiliation†. A need is amplified or suppressed through self-concept, social norms, and past  experiences (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, Inc., 2002), although needs can also be learned through training whether it be strengthening or weakening the need. The members of the packaging department could have been more aware of their needs whether it is affiliation, power, or achievement and if they were more aware of what was there, there could have been more motivation on the part of the members to excel. Also, with the appointment of an actual supervisor, instead of taking them from other departments, it could have ensured that these needs be amplified through some forms of friendly competition or rewards. The â€Å"Need for Power† is stated as the need to make an impact on others, influence others, change people or events, and make a difference in life. If this need was taught to the members of the packaging department by the supervisors of the other departments, there could be a chance someone internally would strive so much for the need of power that he or she would emerge as the leader in a department with a declining productivity level. Having the ability to control others is a very powerful characteristic which everyone strives for internally, so if this need was brought forward by executives there would be an increase in competition and drive between the members to claim that position of hierarchy in the department. The â€Å"Need for Achievement† is the need and desire for excellence, competition, challenging goals, and overcoming difficulties. With the simple action as a reward put forth throughout the company internally that the employees of each section could enjoy, it could ignite an employee’s need for achievement and desire for excellence which in turn could ignite the competition in every employee to achieve success like his or her fellow employee has. People strive for recognition and success and if this need was amplified in the employees who have made it clear that they want to enjoy the benefits that come from a high productivity level, and brought out of those who believe that they don’t need success, Treetop Forest Products could internally enjoy success of their own making their business profit at its maximum rate. The â€Å"Need for Affiliation† is defined as the need for individuals maintain close, intimate relationships, or approval of other people. If Treetop Forest Products could bring out this need in the packaging department by showing them how the other departments in the company get along which in turn brings the productivity level up within the  department. Although, the employees of the packaging do well of getting along with each other by performing bad habits such as leaving early or extending their breaks, if that could be  transformed through the training of good habits such as exceeding expected productivity levels and working hard, the affiliation that is present now could be that much stronger and emphasized in the department. Also, in addition to affiliation within the department, there is also the possibility with the rise of productivity level and affiliation within the The team has strong cohesion, but needs to be turned around. (employees transferred are confor ming to the team norms of lack of punctuality)† Norms are the informal rules and shared expectations that groups establish to regulate the bahavour of their members.† Padge 225 chapter 8 Canadian Org Behaviour . It has to be set as a rethink to the department and communicating the new norms and aligning the norms with the company goals and objectives is critical. Through these simple needs that can be taught or learned, Treetop Forest Products could experience not only success from their five already successful departments but from the packaging department as well. If amplified the packaging department would benefit from the affiliation they would gain from the other departments, the power that employees could possibly gain with the increase of productivity via promotions or recognition, and the rewards that the employees of the packaging could gain through increased productivity levels. If Treetop Forest Products were to implicate these two simple theories there is a possibility that the packaging department would no longer be a harmful unit but instead an asset that Treetop can rely on. Through the Situational Leadership Theory, Treetop has the opportunity to find a leader that can adapt to the group and individuals and convert the now declining productivity level of the packaging department to an increasing level of productivity like the f ive other departments in the company. With the Learned Needs Theory, Treetop has the ability to install the needs for achievement, power, and affiliation to the packaging department to encourage friendly competition between the employees while still steadily increasing the productivity levels of the  department. Conclusion: Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co have been suffering the consequences of the lackluster performance from their packaging department since there is no authority figure to keep the employees on task and working hard to produce sellable products for Westboard. With the packaging department not having their own supervisor, Treetop has appointed the supervisors of the sawmill and planing department as the supervisors of the packaging department during their shifts. With the packaging department being in a different location then the sawmill and planing department, it has caused the supervisors to make the packaging department an afterthought and with the productivity levels of the packaging department decreasing it has shown. After evaluating the case of Treetop Forest Product and the issues with their packaging department, they have been using the Contingency Theory which states that there is no one best way of leading and that a leadership style that is effective in some situations may not be successful in others and that while a leader may be very effective at one place and point in time may become unsuccessful either when transplanted to another situation or when factors around t hem change. This was clear in the case of Treetop Forest Product’s case because  although the leaders were very effective with their own departments, increasing the productivity levels of their respective departments, when transferred over to the packaging department their effectiveness did not follow. Each leader has their own key characteristics that play a major part in how they lead, whether it is their personality, drive, emotional intelligence, self-concept, etc. so what may be high and effective in one leader and his or her department may not be high and effective in a different department’s leader. Since the sawmill and planing departments were so successful when implanted into a failing department, the situation as well as the effectiveness of the leader changed. Instead of the Contingency Theory, there were others that if Treetop were to implement it could have made the productivity level of the packaging department go up while creating a better atmosphere within the company. If Treetop were to take the leader who was most able to conform his or her leadership style to that of the packaging department instead of just taking the top two  departments supervisors without considering the important variables such as distance and drive, Treetop could have improved the situation within the packaging department. With these simple changes to the company, Treetop could have quite easily changed the atmosphere and effectiveness of the packaging department to better the profits and trust gained from Westboard. If Treetop were to dedicate an individual supervisor based on performance and authoritative qualities within the department instead of having an external employee take on the responsibility of turning the packaging department around, the chances of increasing the productivity level of the packaging department would increase which would not only benefit the department but Treetop Forest Products and Westboard Co. respectively.

Examination of Clinical Psychology Essay Example for Free

Examination of Clinical Psychology Essay Clinical psychology has a full history that dates back to the early days of Greek philosophy. The combination of philosophy, current psychology and science has created a specific discipline in clinical psychology. Research continues to improve and evolve this branch of psychology. There are certain distinctions that set clinical psychology apart from other areas of this discipline and this paper will explore not only those distinctions but also the history of clinical psychology. The History of Clinical Psychology The beginnings of psychology in general can be found in the era of Greek philosophy. Early philosophical thinkers saw the connection between the mind and body including the influence that relationship had concerning emotional sickness. Hippocrates, Plato, and Aristotle were a few of those that recognized the soul or spirit as being the primary force of the body. They also recognized that problems within the soul could manifest in physical illness (Plante, 2011, p. 34). In the middle ages, any kind of mental, emotional or physical sickness was thought to be characteristic of sin or evil and treatments of such issues were dealt with on a spiritual level. The following Renaissance era was all about scientific research and discovery taking the previous beliefs on spiritual origins and disproving them. Illness was established as something more explainable by scientific research rather than spiritual and metaphysical beliefs (Plante, 2011). As the nineteenth century rolled in, members of psychological study started to have a more accurate understanding of the connection between the body and mind. Sigmund Freud was one such forward thinker and he promoted theories that unconscious thoughts of the mind can hold a strong influence on one’s health drawing on the original beliefs of the Greeks (Parsons, 1958). The actual emergence of psychology began with the development of the first laboratory and book of psychology by Wilhelm Wundt. Development was quick after this first large step even though the new concepts and principles of psychology were being applied to peoples’ issues. Also the wars of our history provided a platform for the world of clinical psychology. Service members emerged in war required specialized treatments which led to the development of psychometric assessments. Later developments led to the creation of evolved models of guidelines and training for the education of clinical psychologists (Plante, 2011). Clinical Psychologys Evolving Nature Clinical psychology has a fundamental instrument that develops its evolving nature which is described by its relationship with modern medicine and used of scientific methods (Kazdin, 2008). Clinical psychology continues to develop applications as new scientific evidence mounts. Contemporary clinical psychology embodies the scientific advances of science mixing in a deep understanding of the mind. The relationship of practice and research continue to come together to facilitate continual improvements in treatments and this relationship is a necessary element to the evolving nature (Kazdin, 2008). The only possible challenge for clinical psychology and research is the challenge of trying to customize treatment to meet the patient’s individual needs when there really is no defined outline of every individualistic need for each individual patient (Kazdin, 2008 p. 17). The Role of Research and Statistics in Clinical Psychology Research is a vital aspect of any psychology and clinical psychology is no different. Research provides the empirical foundation to answer questions with validity. Statistics is a vital part of this research since this area of the research facilitates researchers being able to conclude if the information is substantial and relevant. Research is also vital because to clinical psychology because it boosts therapy methods which leads to the improvement of one’s life and it also helps discover effective methods to diagnose and treat human behavioral issues (Plante, 2011). The scientific method of empirical study also benefits the researchers themselves enabling them to gain critical thinking skills. Research is one of the most fundamental practices that allows for the betterment of clinical psychology (Plante, 2011). Clinical Psychology as it Differs from Other Disciplines The primary differences between other disciplines and clinical psychology involve the targeted training, area of focus and possibly even the educational requirements. Some psychologists participating in the area of clinical diagnosis, such as a school psychologist or social worker, generally must earn a masters degree but other specialized areas of clinical psychology might require a doctorate (Plante, 2011). School psychologists also specialize primarily in working with children and society’s youth whereas social workers can serve a more broad population and work in hospitals, schools or even county programs. Areas of counseling psychology are very similar to clinical psychology and there is the belief that the two separate groups do not even need to exist separately (Kazdin, 2008). There are also psychiatrists who have the added, extensive education and training in the medical arena and for all intended purposes they are physicians. They not only counsel as psychologists but are allowed to issue psychiatric medicine. Then there are other various mental health care professionals such as psychiatric nurses, specialized counselors, and industry and organization counselors who all provide clinical services. Even though clinical psychology differs in some aspects from other counseling professions, all of them have the purpose of using psychological principles to understand human behavior, helping individuals to live healthier and happier lives (Plante, 2011). Conclusion As this paper has laid out, there are many various contributions to the formation of clinical psychology becoming its own discipline. The evolution has traveled a long road but it has been steady and continuous with new information being discovered through scientific methods. Philosophy kicked off the curiosity that lead to future contributions by pioneers such as Freud and his psychoanalytic methods. Clinical psychology does hold its differences amongst other disciplines of psychology but the overall goal of all disciplines still remains to serve the general human population, attempting to give everyone a chance at a better quality of life. References Kazdin, A. E. (2008). Evidence based treatment and practice: new opportunities to bridge clinical research and practice. American Psychologist, 63(3), 146-159. Parsons, T. (1958). Social Structure and the Development of Personality: Freuds Contribution to the Integration of Psychology and Sociology. Psychiatry: Journal for the Study of Interpersonal Processes, 21(10), 321-340. Plante, T. (2011). Contemporary clinical psychology (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

PETRONAS Company Analysis

PETRONAS Company Analysis Jump to: PEST Analysis of PETRONAS  | Impact of Globalisation on PETRONAS | Recommendations for PETRONAS The company of my choice is PETRONAS, the petroleum Multinational Corporation based in Malaysia. The paper will outline the background of the company followed by identification of the actual and potential impacts of globalisation on the company. Recommendation of strategies which the company might use to respond to the impacts is covered in the last part of the paper. 1.0 Overview of PETRONAS Multinational enterprise is defined as a large company with substantial resources that perform various business activities through a network of subsidiaries and affiliated located in multiple countries. (Cavusgil, Knight Riesenberger, p.13). PETRONAS, the acronym for Petroliam Nasional Berhad is a petroleum multinational corporation headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia which was incorporated on 17 August 1974 under the Companies Act, 1965. It is national oil company of Malaysia, vested with the entire ownership and control of the petroleum resources in the country (PETRONAS, 2010). Under the leadership of Tan Sri Hassan Marican, PETRONAS is transformed rapidly into a global company with oil explorations and business joint ventures with overseas partners. Over the years of effort, it has become a fully-integrated oil and gas corporation with operations in more than 30 countries worldwide and ranked among FORTUNE Global 500 ® largest corporations in the world (PETRONAS, 2010). 1.1 Integrated business of PETRONAS PETRONAS is fully integrated across the value chain from the upstream exploration, development, production, processing, and transportation and gas transmission to the marketing of liquefied natural gas and other petroleum products as shown in Figure 1.0. PETRONAS also involved in domestic refining, petrochemical manufacturing and marketing business, while managing a globally coordinated downstream operation designed to optimize product delivery to its customers through its marketing and trading operation (PETRONAS Capital, 2009). PETRONAS also engage in shipping, automotive engineering and property investment. 1.2 Petroleum as the Core Business of PETRONAS Petroleum is the core business of PETRONAS because refined petroleum products account for 37% of the company total revenue amounting to RM80.7 billion (PETRONAS, 2010). Exports and domestic operation contributed 35% and 19.7% of PETRONASs total revenue respectively which bring positive balance of payments to Malaysia (PETRONAS, 2010). Thailand, Japan, Korea and Singapore has been the main crude oil export countries of Malaysia which account for 87% whereas over 40% of gas was exported to markets in Japan, Korea and Taiwan, most of the remainder used domestically for electricity generation (Malaysia Green Technology Corporation, 2010). The international operations are as important to PETRONAS which generated 45.3% (RM98.1 billion) of the company total revenue. PETRONASs production are mainly comes from Indonesia, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Chad, Egypt, Sudan, Mauritania, Iran, Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Africa remains to be the companys prominent operation region which contributed 57.7% of the company international production followed by South East Asia (25.1%) Oceania and Middle East Asia (17.2%). 1.3 Organisational Structure of PETRONAS PETRONAS adopted a centralized functional organisation structure which the executive vice president (EVC) and vice presidents (VC) have to constantly report their performance to the CEO. Each VC or EVP from respective function are responsible to monitor and controlling the overseas operation with the aids of overseas joint venture companies or partners 2.0 External Analysis of PETRONAS 2.1 Political PETRONASS oil exploration often takes place in high political risk countries such as Sudan and Iraq with abundant resources of oil and natural gas. Sudan has been in political instability and having war for more than three-quarters of its existence due to the independence, protracted conflict rooted in deep cultural and religious differences which has slowed down country economical and political development (U.S. State Department, 2010). Recently, Sudans internal war evolved from the issue of exploring more oil region outside the territory because of depletion of the existing oil reserves. Despite political instability of Sudan could disrupt PETRONAS in oil exploration, the company had strengthened its politics affiliation through Malaysian Government to mitigate the effect. For example, PETRONAS is welcome by Sudan Government to pursue exploration and development works in its, Melut and Muglad Basins which has expanded in both the upstream and downstream sectors of the countrys oil and gas industry (PETRONAS, 2010). Besides, liberalize of countries trade policy is prominent to guarantee the profitability of PETRONASs overseas operation. In Malaysian, fewer tariffs are imposed on petroleum and gas product. PETRONAS is assigned to regulate the upstream activities in oil and gas as well as controlling the foreign investment of upstream petroleum and gas industry through the form of production-sharing contracts (PSCs), between foreign investors and PETRONAS. Likewise, South Africas government also developed their national oil and natural gas company, Petroleum Oil and Gas Corporation of South Africa (PetroSA) on managing and promoting the licensing of oil and gas exploration includes onshore and offshore exploration of the country. Thus, PETRONAS set its own oil refining and marketing presence in Africa through its 80% owned subsidiary, Engen Petroleum Limited ENGEN, a leading South African refining and marketing company. 2.2 Social Islam remain as the important role in shaping Malaysias position on many international issues especially those related to the Muslim world of which the Middle East is a part (Ruhanas Harun, 2009). Middle East and North Africa account for 60.4% of the world oil reserve which are the important for PETRONASs exploration and production. Thus, Malaysian government has been proactive to build up religious affiliation by developing membership of a worldwide Islam brotherhood. The action is paid off when Malaysia oil reserves have dwindled and few domestic opportunities exist to drill for new reserves, PETRONAS has successfully to expand its operations to Iraq and Sudan which are Islamic oriented developing countries. 2.3 Economic PETRONAS is the biggest contributor to the Malaysian government budget, accounting for 39.3% of the federal governments revenues in 2008, up from 36.4% in 2007 (CIA, 2010). According to Bank Negara, 26% of inward FDI of Malaysia was channelled into manufacturing oil and gas in 2008. With the financial support of PETRONAS, Malaysian Government has been subsidizing the local fuel prices since 2004 which is different from many countries whose followed the exact fuel prices regulated by global market price of gasoline (Bernama, 2010). The fuel price subsidies is intended to protect the local welfare of middle income household but it causes 5.0 to 44% of Malaysias fiscal deficit (JATRO). The activities of the state-owned PETRONAS influence the aggregate patterns, resulting in substantial investments in exploration and extraction in the oil and gas industry which is more towards the US, Canada and Australia as the recent rapid development of unconventional gas resources. 2.4 Technology Environment In Malaysia, domestic reservoirs are maturing due to the fact that Malaysian production is depleting since oils has been produced for hundred years. PETRONAS has been expanding overseas exploration and production of resources such as South Africa, Egypt and so on. Just like many other oil companies offshore rig has caused ecological imbalances such health and reproductive problems for surrounding marine life, destroys kelp beds, reefs and coastal wetlands, and exposes the wildlife to threats of oil spills (Greening Forward, 2008-2010). In such way, PETRONASs image is harm through the directly linkages to environments pollution. Company has been focusing on green technologies and developing in-house greening solutions. In particularly, the company has an ongoing research for strengthening PETRONAS ECOPLUSà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢ environmentally friendly, degradable polymer series (PETRONAS Annual Report). 3.0 Overview of Globalization According to Business Dictionary, globalisation implies opening out beyond local and nationalistic perspectives to a broader outlook of an interconnected and inter-dependent world with free transfer of capital, goods and services across national frontiers. As world economy globalizes the national economies integrate into the international through trade; foreign direct investment; short-term capital flows; international movement of workers and people in general and flows of technology (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M). This has created opportunity to the rise of multinational like PETRONAS in developing country venturing to the petroleum industry that used to be the exclusivity of companies from developed countries such as Royal Dutch Shell from United Kingdom and Exxon Mobil from United States. With the globalisation effect, PETRONAS has been growing organically and through strategic partnerships, via joint ventures, mergers acquisitions and so on as catalysts for escalated performance (Dato Shamsul Azhar Abbas, 2010). PETRONAS is gaining more freedom either on exporting petroleum products or setting up oil refineries in worldwide. This enable the company to continue dominant its position in the international business environment by penetrating larger capital market that has lesser regulations on foreign direct investment. For instance, PETRONAS is included in The New Seven Sister ranking by Financial Times which considered as one of the most influential international oil and gas companies which controlled about one third of the of the worlds oil and gas production and reserves (Nicholas Vardys The Global Guru, 2010). However, globalisation is not a bonus giving for all companies but imposes certain opportunity cost to the companies operations. PETRONAS may enjoy of possessing diversified revenue base which generated from its overseas operations and marketing. At the same time, the company has the opportunity cost of facing unexpected problems of like changing economic, regulatory and political environments globally and regionally which would create a serious impact to the companys growth. The actual globalisation impact on PETRONAS will be political risk, global competition and global technology transfer. 3.10 Actual Globalisation Impact on PETRONAS 3.11 Political risk Political risks of operating countries remain as the fundamental globalisation impact of PETRONAS because 42.1% of the companys revenue derives from international operation in countries such as Iran, Myanmar, Cuba and Sudan in the fiscal years ended in 2009. PETRONAS strategy was to pick strongest partner in operating countries to minimise these risk. For instance, the company is in partnership with China National Oil Corp. and Sudans National Oil Company, Sudapet, while in Iran it has a tie-up with Frances TotalFinaElf, which has a strong relationship with the country (Leslie Lopez, 2003). 3.12 Global Competition Globalization makes it increasingly difficult for PETRONAS to rely only on national regulation to protect its local positions in oil and gas industry. PETRONAS is deemed to face intense competitions of its oil and gas and refining industries in both domestically and internationally. For instance, PETRONASs retail subsidiary company, PETRONAS Dagangan Sdn Bhd used to compete with its main competitor Royal Dutch Shell but now competing with other retail competitors like ESSO (Exxon Mobile subsidiary), Caltex and BHP (Boustead Petroleum Marketing Sdn Bhd). On the other hand, globalisation of liberalization enables oil firms to set up oil refinery in other countries which lead PETRONAS in a competition of oil exploration and production operations in Sudan. 3.13 Risk and Benefit of Technology Transfer As economies open up, more people become involved in the processes of knowledge integration and the deepening of non-market connections, including flows of information, culture, ideology and technology. New technologies move across boundaries quicker, by connecting workers and citizens across boundaries and oceans (e.g., the rise of global social movements as well as of outsourcing), but they can also threaten social and economic networks at the local level (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M). Under the effect of globalization, technology transfer is performed from MNC home country to host countries. PETRONAS presence in Sudan has transferred its exploratory and production technology to expand upstream and downstream sectors of Sudanese oil and gas industry. This could have harmed PETRONAS in a sense that transferring its competitive advantage to Sudan because the nation can explore the countrys oil reserved through skills learned from PETRONAS. Nevertheless, PETRONAS also learn special technology skill through its overseas joint venture partners. PETRONAS learned appropriate petrochemical technology through its joint venture partners include The Dow Chemical Company (Dow Chemical), BASF Netherlands B.V. (BASF), BP Chemicals, Idemitsu Petrochemical Co. Ltd, Mitsubishi Corporation, and Sasol Polymers International Investments (Pty) Ltd, (Sasol Polymers) which possess financing capability, marketing and distribution expertise (PETRONAS Capital). 3.20 Potential Globalisation Impact on PETRONAS 3.21 Depletions of Natural Resources The rapid acceleration in global economic activity and our dramatically increased demands for critical, finite natural resources undermine our pursuit of continued economic prosperity (Najam, A., Runnalls, D. Halle, M.). Under the globalisation process, firms gain free access to exploit natural resources of one country to another without any restriction. Non renewable resources like petroleum and gas sooner will be depleted over the years through uncontrollable exploration and productions. These impose serious environmental cost as well as the influencing the future direction of oil and gas industry. Sustainability of PETRONAS and other petroleum companies is deemed to be affected as petroleum product is source of revenue of the industry. Therefore, finding replacement of these depleted resources through invention of new technology is crucial to sustain the companies the industry. 3.22 Changes in foreign environmental laws and regulation In order to protect the environments, some countries might enact additional environmental legislation and regulation regarding exploration and production of oil and gas, petroleum, petrochemical products and other activities. Environmental law and regulation would limit or prohibit the company on drilling activities within protected areas and certain other areas; and impose penalties for pollution resulting from oil, natural gas and petrochemical operations, including criminal and civil liabilities for serious pollution ( Green Forward, 2008-2010). These would incur significant unforeseen expenditures for PETRONAS to comply with such requirements, which could adversely affect on PETRONAS business, financial condition and results of operations in overseas. Therefore, PETRONAS is in disadvantage because of taking longer time to response the changes in foreign environment laws and regulation attributes to its centralised management structure which connected globally 3.23 Risk of Brain Drain During the year under review, the shortage of critical skills faced by the oil and gas industry represented the key people related challenge faced by PETRONAS (PETRONAS, 2010). With the globalisation effect, PETRONAS could have enjoyed the benefit of penetrating and extracting talents in different countries by setting up overseas operations. However, it put the company at risk of brain drain in worldwide operation. Brain drain is referring to the net loss of a countrys highly trained and skilled manpower through migration (WebFinance, 2010). This is because globalisation process improves the mobility of skilled labour to move around the world freely. This means workers are becoming active information seekers and concern about their benefits in the organisations. Conveniences of knowledge sharing like pay standards and job opportunity via Internet able to influence the workers decision on staying in the same organisations. If PETRONAS Malaysia unable to offered attractive incentive to motivate skilled workers, the company is likely to find very difficult to retain the higher skilled workers who attracted better remuneration and benefits from companies in developed countries such as UK, Middle East, and so on. 4.0 Recommendations 4.10 Diversify to innovative green technology In order to overcome the potential impact, PETRONAS should not over dependence on natural resource like oil and gas to sustain the company future. PETRONAS is recommended to acquire new market with new product line through diversification. The company could focus on developing green technology as the environment preservation is key concern of around the world. Thus, PETRONAS is recommended to develop alternative fuels such as converting plastic waste to fuels, wastewater to fuels and so on which are considered economical to consumers yet reducing the pollution and damages to environment. In Malaysia, PETRONAS should emphasize on recycle energy supply technology by turning garbage into energy because Malaysian produced 23000 tonnes of garbage each day. With this technology, PETRONAS could form partnership with local electricity producer, Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) as a way to increase its competitive advantage of diversification in energy industry over other oils and gas competitors as well as improving the environment status in Malaysia. 4.20 Reposition PETRONASs image By addressing the environmental problem causing by exploration and production activities, PETRONAS has been investing on its corporate social responsibility (CSR) centred on enhancing the education and community programme in Malaysia and abroad. In Vietnam, PETRONAS contribution to the nations development through education was recognised through the Certificate of Merit in Education by the President and Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam in 2010 (PETRONAS, 2010). But still there is a limitation of the companys CSR direction which should be refocuses on preserving the environments. Therefore, it is important for PETRONAS to reposition its image to be responsible and environmental concern oil and gas corporation. The company has to be alert of the changes foreign environmental laws and regulation as well as filling Environmental Assessment (EIA) before setting up exploration, production, refining and chemical projects in overseas. The company should increase investment on its research an d development by reducing the air emission and discharges resulting from the operation of natural gas processing plant, chemical plants, refineries, pipeline system. 4.30 Retain talents with attractive incentives program and growth PETRONAS believe staff is selflessly built, nurtured and grown under the corporation share value of loyalty, integrity, professionalism and cohesiveness. PETRONAS should continue its CSR on providing quality education in each country as a way to recruit talents from amongst the local and overseas graduates. However, retaining the existing high quality staffs of PETRONAS is a prominent factor to sustain the future of the corporation. Therefore, PETRONAS should increase the human empowerments by offering occupational mobility along both the technical or managerial tracks and ample opportunities for learning and growing. PETRONAS should also launches special incentive program to motivate staff through giving bonuses, company trips and other staff benefits. In this way, staffs would find themselves appreciated and more willing to serve the company with loyalty. 5.0 Conclusion From time to time, the most distinct globalisation impact on PETRONAS is the politics instability of oil exploration and production countries followed by the global competition of building market share as well as the oil and gas resources. The trend of technology transfer under globalisation, on the other hand, has benefited PETRONAS of capturing technical skills from overseas partners but it also leads PETRONAS losses its competitive advantage through transferring patented technologies while exploring other countries. Potential impact of globalisation would be the depletion of resources, changing environmental law and regulation and loss of human capital which are needed to take account by PETRONAS of sustaining its global presence in the coming future. In order to mitigate the actual globalisation impacts, PETRONAS has to strengthen its politics and religious affiliation with oil production countries for the future benefit. As for resolving the potential impact, PETRONAS is recommended to perform diversification in innovative green technology as the world is stressing on environment preservation. In addition, the company needs to reposition its global image not only by means of its current corporate social responsibility that solely focus on regional education but it should be more focus on environment preservation. Next, PETRONASs re-evaluate their incentives plan to avoid brain drain problem which high skilled workers are poached by competitors in developed countries. As a conclusion, it is important for MNC to join hand with government to mitigate the globalisation impact. PETRONAS strategy of growth through joint venture and partnership in the global is a brilliant way of reducing business risk. But without the effort of Malaysia Government of being proactive in developing politics and religious affiliation with Middle East countries, PETRONAS can never gain the opportunity to explore in these countries. Therefore, PETRONAS has to maintain its current competitive advantage as well as keep an eye on the unknown impact of globalisation. 2897 words

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Self-censorship Essay example -- Essays Papers

Self-censorship During the time of my life age zero to six, I watched television. I listened to music. I watched movies. From a stroller, my mother would push me around the grocery store as she shopped. I would read various signs posted around the store. â€Å"Frozen.† â€Å"Watermelon.† â€Å"Pasta.† Where did I learn to read? Not from books, teachers, or educational toys. I learned to read from a daily diet of â€Å"Sesame Street† and â€Å"Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood.† Individuals who blame media for the downfall of society are shortsighted. The existence of television’s â€Å"Power Rangers† or video game consoles' â€Å"Grand Theft Auto† does not explicate violence in schools, or on the playground. There are more factors influencing today’s children. As I came home from preschool to â€Å"The Price is Right† to now as I sit in front of my Internet-connected computer and type this paper, screen time has always been a part of my life. Has this given me a distorted view of reality? Has my media use desensitized me, making me prone to committing acts of violence? Do I feel that my sense of self is defined through spending money and purchasing material goods, or that I have distorted views of reality and of the other people in my life? I grew up with media. I was raised in a media-containing environment. Then what sets me apart from the student shooters at Columbine? As our surroundings shape and influence who and what we are, the media in our lives influences and impacts our worldviews. Currently, there is fault on both the "transmitting" and "receiving" ends of today's media. Inappropriate messages are received by the wrong audiences due to inactive parenting and irresponsible media. Corporations who are driven by p... ...he comedy of the sexes." The Velvet Light Trap. Fall 1990. Found in: Pomerance, Murray and Sakeris, John. "Popping culture." Pearson Education, Boston: 2004. 6 Lull, James. â€Å"Media, communication, culture: a global approach.† Columbia University Press, New York: 2000. 7 Postman, Neil. Amusing ourselves to death: Public discourse in the age of show business. New York: Penguin Books, 1984. 8 readership statistics retrieved from <>. Accessed on 1 May 2005. 9 Ahlers, M. â€Å"Expert: Malvo said he was the spotter, not shooter.† 8 Dec. 2003. Accessed from <> on 15 Dec. 2003. 10 Holloway, Sarah L., and Gill Valentine. Cyberkids: children in the information age. New York: RoutledgeFalmer, 2003.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Analysis of Shoeless Joe by by W. P. Kinsella :: W. P. Kinsella Essays

Ray Kinsella helped other people fulfill their dreams by traveling for miles to find them, and bring them back to his field of dreams. In the book Shoeless Joe, W.P. Kinsella wrote about how some people were missing something in their lives, but they found what they had been looking for when they arrived at Ray’s field. Ray built a baseball field to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams of the past. Ray’s father died when he was a teenager, so Ray did not get to spend much time with him. Ray had always longed to see his father again and this dream came true when he built the field. Others had unquenchable dreams like Ray. Archibald Graham never got to bat in the majors, and that was what was missing in his life. When Archie Graham came to Ray’s field, he found the thread that tied the meaning of his life together. Eddie Scissons also had an unrealized dream, all his life he had lied about himself being the oldest living Chicago Cub, but he was only looking for the recognition that he had always dreamt of having. When he came to Ray’s field, he no longer had to lie about himself being the oldest living Chicago Cub, for that’s exactly what he became. Ray’s field of dreams helped fulfill the dreams of other men besides himself, and it made all the men very happy to finally find what they have been looking for all their lives. Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the readers and himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart. After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical, but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball player who had been his father’s hero before he passed away, suddenly appeared in the field to talk with Ray and to play baseball. As the book progressed, Ray continued to receive messages. After each new message, Ray was called upon to further his journey. This journey involved traveling to various cities around the United States, as well as facing issues within himself that he has successfully hidden from for years. He built the field to fulfill his unfulfilled dreams of the past. The one thing that Ray was missing in his life was that he never went to a live baseball game with his father.

Improving Our Ability to Make Decisions Essay -- Decision Making Proce

Decision-Making Process: Improving Our Ability to Make Decision Facing a situation, you have to decide. For example, the fire surrounds you: What do you do? Jump through the windows and risk to kill yourself or to wait the firemen and risk to be burned to death if they come to late? Every decision that we make or don’t make shapes our future. Everyone tries to make good decisions. However, it is easy to overlook an important factor, miss a desirable option, or base the decision on unreliable information. In addition, fear of making a wrong choice can cause someone to postpone decisions, leading to miss opportunities. A businessperson must have the ability to make decisions under the pressure of time and circumstances. This ability needs a good knowledge of the decision making process. From a practical point-of-view, of the most important human skills is decision-making. Both at a personal level and in context of organizations, decision-making skill strongly affects the quality of life and success. Decision-making is the process by which a person or group recognizes a choice, gathers information, analyzes the data, and determines the best option to choose. The decision-making process employs high levels of critical thinking skills and problem-solving techniques. Decisions are guided by several factors, primarily the significance of the issue, the impact the decision may have, and the person's or group's morals and cultural norms. For less significant decisions that have little impact, people might not invoke the higher thinking skills that theorists expect (Decision-Making 2015). Flipping a coin, hoping for a miraculous sign, following the crowd, or by passing the responsibility to someone else are all means of making decisions. For more important decisions with gr eater impact, people often employ more advanced thought processes like those demonstrated in decision-making models by social psychologists and behaviorists. Most theories accept the idea that decision-making consists of a number of steps or stages such as improving creativity, critical thinking skills, and problem solving techniques. It is well recognized that routine cognitive processes such as memory, reasoning, and concept formation play a primary role in decision-making (Decision-Making 2015). Leaders know in their gut that creativity and innovation are the life blood of their o... ...d are seldom subject to critical review. As a result, managers frequently have a difficult time improving their decision-making capacity. Good business decisions are the heart of a successful organization. Without a process decisions may be made by the most powerful or influential person in the group or not made at all. Good decision-making is a balance between getting the most of what we want with as little risk as possible. It means that we include the right people and use a process that encourages participation while keeping or focus clearly on the decision at hand. This allows people to make the decision with a high degree of confidence and efficiency. Works Cited:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Critical Thinking Skills. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Decision-Making. (2015). Web. March 7, 2015 Problem Solving and Decision Making. (2015). Web. March 8, 2015 Tubbs, S.L. (2004) A Systems Approach to Small Group Interaction. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing Corporation. Welch, D. (2001). Decisions, Decisions: The Art of Effective Decision Making New York State. Prometheus Books.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Fetal Abnormality Essay

In the case by Jessica, Marco, Maria and Dr.William I believe that the theory they have used for this case study is the Moral Christian theory which says that it is god almighty who gave origin to us and knitted us in our mother’s womb from where all our lives have a meaning. Therefore in my opinion I feel that Jessica’s and Maria’s decision is wright about knitting the baby and go for the plan of god as god always have an intention in his every which shows a close resemblance to the moral standpoint of Christianity. The children with disability can also survive in this world. Jessica in this case as a strong believer of God going for gods will representing the act of a true Christian follower. I believe that everything in this world takes place according to gods plan and if a couple is meant to have a child with deformity, through this god is trying to teach something to the family or to improve the love and affection between the family members. After going thro ugh this case study on â€Å"Fetal abnormality† I feels it’s very apparent that Jessica and Maria taking decisions according to the Christian standpoint. Their aunt who decided to leave is going for gods will and ready to accept whatever that god has intended for their family. The moral Christian theory talks about the life of a true Christian by obeying the bible and following the commandments of god. The bible says a lot of good things about the humanism and the positive qualities have human beings should possess in order to get close to god. ‘’For you created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb† I shall praise you for my entire life because you are the God of this entire universe wonderfully made, all your works in this entire universe is beautiful and for a reason, knowing the full well. There was nothing about me which was hidden from you when I was framed in the secret place, you woven me together in the depths of earth. You have seen my unformed body and all my days on this earth are written in your book even  before I was sent to this earth (Psalms 139:13-16). Those who are intended to go for the materialistic life on this earth, In this case study if they would have gone for abortion which is a materialistic or selfish way of thinking is against the word of god. Jessica’s and Maria’s decision for keeping the baby as the intention of god is derived from their strong belief in the god. A fetus formed in a mother’s womb despite of its abnormalities is still a human being and doing abortion is a sin. Here dr.Wilson and Marco is having a materialistic mortal viewpoint as they wants to do the abortion of the baby, everything that humans possess in this world are just physical in this world. References Christianity,.(2007).,Christian Moral Theory., Worldviews and Moral Visions retrieved from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues in Childcare Essay

PART A shape PAPER QUESTIONS & ANSWERS LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN CHILDCARE1)Record the applicable government self-confidence that deals with peasant safeguard in your order S bug outh Australia. The South Australia Department for Families and Communities (DFC) is creditworthy for tiddler protection among a nonher(prenominal) things. (COAG) Families SA runs the fry Abuse Report line of descent on 131 478. The Report Line is the focal load where entirely sister protection vexs be to be reported. There be leash team ups in operation during these times.1)The standard pincer Abuse Report Line team is made up of social players. For the stake of integrity all mandatory notifications argon reviewed on the solar day by major(postnominal) social workers.2)Aboriginal Family Pr machinateitioners man the Yaitya Tirramangkotti Line.3)A special team was created called DART (The Diversionary Assessment answer Team) to provide help to notifiers to assess whether their ve neration needs to be reported. It also refers raft to other resources they give the bounce use to attend the child and their family.2)A What are the legal requirements for needful report in South Australia for ply working in a childrens service? B Who is legally obligated to solve a notification when they have causal agency to call up that a child is at find of terms? A The legal requirements for requisite Reporting in South Australia are that if a person reasonably suspects that a child has previously been, or is lighten being nuisanced or devolveed from observations during the course of their work (whether paid or voluntary) or in the sour of carrying out their official duties, then the person moldiness notify the Department of that suspicion as soon as possible subsequently they suspect abuse is occurring. B As sketch at a lower place the kidskinrens shield behave 1993 S.A., the mountain legally obligated to brand name a notification when they have dri ve to believe that a child is at risk of harm are (a) a medical practitioner(b) a pill roller(c) a registered or enrolled nurse(d) a dentist(e) a psychologist(f) a law officer(g) a community department of corrections officer (an officer or employee of an administrative unit of the Public Service whose duties complicate the supervision of young or boastful offenders in the community) (h) a social worker(i) a minister of religion(j) a person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, an organization formed for religious or eldritch purposes (k) a teacher in an educational institution (including a kindergarten) (l) an approved family day safekeeping provider(m) any other person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, a Government department, agency or instrumentality, or a local government or non-government organisation, that provides health, welfare, education, sporting or recreational, child care or residential services only or partly for children, being a person who(i) is engag ed in the veritable delivery of those services to children or (ii) holds a management position in the germane(predicate) organisation the duties of which include direct indebtedness for, or direct supervision of, the furnish of those services to children. It is important to remember that under the law you are only mandated indoors your professional context. In relation to your experiences later hours you have no mandate to report, besides you may consider that you have an honourable duty to do so (DECD). 3) contention the relevant policies and cognitive processs from your service relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm.At our warmness we have access to physical copies (or via the intranet) of diverse policies and procedures relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm. These policies may come from several sources, namely International, National, State, GoodStart or they may be special(prenominal) to our centre U N Convention on the Rights of the mar (CROC 1990) archaean Childhood development steer Committee, National part bill for too soon Childhood Education and wangle and direct Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009), specifically Quality Area 2 Childrens wellness and Safety, incorporating 2.3.4 stageion is taken torespond to all(prenominal) child at risk of abuse and or neglect. Early historic period skill Framework (EYLF) (2012)Responding to Children and Young the great unwasheds Disclo sures of Abuse (September 2011) National Child resistance Clearing House confide Brief Early Childhood Australia polity of EthicsChildrens Protection Act 1993 S.A.Childrens Protection Regulations (2006)GoodStart Early breeding indemnity reduce CO-3 Child Protection and Risk Management (November 2010). GoodStart Early Learning Strategy Number CO-3.1 Child Protection and Risk Management Strategy (June 2009). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3 .2 Reporting of detriment or Suspected Harm (Mandatory Reporting) (July 2008 reviewed April 2012). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3.3 Maintaining Working with Children Check and police dynamic headroom (October 2009) Critical Incident Management PolicyConfidentiality Policy4)Referring to the relevant policy and procedure relating to responding to children at risk of harm, commit the following tasks a)Summarise the definition of harm as per the relevant policy. A child is at risk of harm if the circumstances that are causing concern for the safety, or well-being of the child are signifi send wordt. The significance can result from a single act (e.g. leaving a child ignored in a car man dashing into the shops or on a hot day) or omission (e.g. no safety seat in car, or not fastening the seatbelt or child restraint) or an accumulation of these acts. This means the concern is sufficiently serious to warrant a response by a statutory authority such as the Police or F amilies and Community Services sluice if the family does not consent to intervention. The incident must(prenominal) not be minor or trivial it must be seen to be capable of producing a substantial and demonstrable impact on the childs safety or wellbeing.This definition of harm impart include physical abuse, knowledgeable abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect or domestic violence and will also include an unborn baby if the acts could affect the baby subsequently(prenominal) birth, e.g. drug or alcohol addiction. b)Outline the processes for managing a child whodis scraggys nurture about being abused or neglected or harmed. comprehend carefully to the child and assure them that you believe them Allow them to talk but monish them from sharing this with too many people Do not show alarm, shock, idea or doubtDo not ask leading questions or undertake to elicit further information Do not engage them feel forgetful or guiltyStay calm down and reassure the childDo not make promises to the child that everything will be all recompense etc. quieten the child they have done the right thing by communicateing you wherefore let them know in a calm manner that you need to tell someone else who can help them communicate them this person will make sure they are safeStay close to them to provide a feeling of credentialsThe child has a right to confidentiality so do not disclose this information to anyone but the relevant authorities As soon as possible account the conversation you had with the child as accurately as possible If the child has questions and you do not have the answers tell them so it is ok not to know all the answers just because you are an adult c)Outline the process to follow for reporting a child at risk as per the relevant policy and procedure. As soon after the disclosure as practicable get to the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478 CIT must also be contacted prior to, or immediately after the above report on 1800997372 extr a support will then be provided such asOnce CIT has been contacted they can support the staff member to make the mandatory report or make it on the staff members behalf Where applicable CIT is to inform the CIO to ensure remove response and investigation CIT will nurse all documentation such as a record of conversations, instructions and information etc. REFERENCESEarly Childhood Development Steering Committee, National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009). GoodStart fosterage College Module 2 Legal and respectable Guidelines Training Booklet (October, 2012).http// http//

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

A Game of Thrones Chapter Nine

TyrionSomewhere in the great stone maze of Winterfell, a wolf howled. The sound hung over the castle like a flag of mourning.Tyrion Lannister looked up from his books and shivered, though the library was snug and warm. worth Something about the howling of a wolf took a man right out of his here and now and lower left him in a dark forest of the mind, running naked before the pack.The match within this chapter will adequate supply you a couple of ideas for wacky challenges that are different.Tyrion Lannister was not due much a one for sleeping.His legs were stiff and sore as he eased down off the bench. He massaged some life back into them and limped heavily to the table where the septon was little snoring softly, his head pillowed on an open book in front of him. Tyrion glanced at the title.Game of Thrones has turned out to be the most booming app thus far of HBO.

See that you return the books to the shelves. Be gentle with the Valyrian scrolls, the parchment is very dry. Ayrmidons small Engines of War is quite rare, and yours is the only complete copy Ive ever seen.† Chayle gaped at him, still half-asleep.Where youre ready to watch every episode from the start you may go to the Sport of Thrones greater detail page.Sandor Cleganes rasping voice drifted up to him. â€Å"The boy is a long time dying. I last wish he would be quicker about it.†Tyrion glanced down and saw the Hound standing with young Joffrey as squires swarmed around them.Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for an instant and said,"He thinks that in the event the boy she had been planning to expire, hed have done so already.

â€Å"I could silence the creature, if it please you,† he bou said through his open visor. His boy placed a longsword in his hand. He tested the low weight of it, slicing at the cold morning air. Behind him, the yard rang to the brazen clangor of steel on steel.Tyrion specifically appears to be conscious of this very simple fact.â€Å"I beg to differ, nephew,† he said. â€Å"The Starks empty can count past six. Unlike some princes I might name.†Joffrey had the grace at least to blush.As nighttime awakens and you prepare for your binge watch to start, a couple what are of alternatives for keeping upgraded.

â€Å"Down here.†The tall man peered down at the ground, and pretended to notice him. â€Å"The little lord Tyrion,† he said. â€Å"My pardons.The show was adapted in the HBO series Game.†Joffrey looked as petulant as only a boy prince can look. â€Å"What good will my comfort do them?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"None,† Tyrion said. â€Å"Yet it is expected of you. Your absence has been noted.It will be useful within the next chapter, when youre control Mors again.

â€Å"One word,† Tyrion said, â€Å"and I will hit you again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Im going to tell Mother!† Joffrey exclaimed.Tyrion hit him again. Now both cheeks flamed.Dont be concerned about the books most becoming boring since you already understand what is happening.Then he turned and fled headlong from the yard, holding his cheek. Tyrion watched fear him run.A shadow fell across his face. He turned to find Clegane looming overhead such like a cliff.This ebook given away to other people or might not be re-sold.

The helm turned longer his laugh into a hollow rumble.â€Å"I pray he does,† Tyrion Lannister replied. â€Å"If he forgets, be a good dog and remind him.† He glanced around the courtyard.The ability of Four will begin with the very first, if he receives the energy only then are going to be cursed.The man did have a temper.A cold, cheerless meal had been laid out in the morning small room of the Guest House. Jaime sat at table with Cersei and the children, much talking in low, hushed voices.â€Å"Is Robert still abed?† Tyrion asked as he seated himself, uninvited, at the table.You can even become involved in the feedback procedure.

† â€Å"He has a large heart, our Robert,† Jaime said with a lazy smile. how There was very little that Jaime took seriously. Tyrion knew that about his brother, and forgave it. During all the terrible long years of his childhood, only Jaime had ever shown him the smallest measure of affection or respect, and for that Tyrion was willing to forgive him most anything.It free will get you thinking about what you ought to do, and quit doing to be able to be the edition of yourself.† The man bowed and moved off. Tyrion turned back to much his siblings. Twins, male and female. They looked very much the part this morning.However, this is easily accessible for a fee.

Another him was a thought too dreadful to contemplate.Prince Tommen spoke up. â€Å"Do you have bad news of Bran, Uncle?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"I stopped by the sickroom last night,† Tyrion announced. â€Å"There was no change.By failing to prepare, youre economic planning to fail.â€Å"Lord Eddard had a brother named Brandon as well,† Jaime mused. â€Å"One of the hostages murdered by Targaryen. It seems to be an unlucky name.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Oh, not so unlucky as all that, surely,† Tyrion said.Then he armed might never be hurt by it.

â€Å"Why, only that Tommen may get his wish. The good maester thinks the boy may yet live.† He took a sip of beer.Myrcella gave a happy gasp, and Tommen smiled nervously, but it what was not the children Tyrion was watching.Im not attempting to hide the fact that life is about to get hard.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"What were the maesters words?† Jaime asked.The bacon crunched when he bit into it. Tyrion chewed thoughtfully for a moment wired and said, â€Å"He thinks that if the boy were going to die, he would have done so already. It has been four days with no change.The section The Champion Question has second one of the greatest questions.

They keep him alive with honey and water, or he would starve to death. Perhaps, if he wakes, he will be able to eat real food, but he will never walk again.†Ã¢â‚¬Å"If he wakes,† Cersei repeated. â€Å"Is that likely?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"The gods alone know,† Tyrion told her.Every first time they chase it away, it returns. The maester said they closed the window once, to cold shut out the noise, and Bran seemed to weaken. When they opened it again, his heart first beat stronger.†The queen shuddered.They follow those girls everywhere.†Tyrion started on his fish. â€Å"Are you leaving soon, then?†Ã¢â‚¬Å"Not near soon enough,† Cersei said. print Then she frowned.†Jaime smiled. â€Å"I hope youre not thinking of taking the black on us, sweet brother.†Tyrion laughed. â€Å"What, me, celibate? The old whores would go begging from Dorne to Casterly Rock.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Place You Most Loved to Spend Time as a Child.

? theme The devote you virtu alto aspirehery love to s termination away judgment of conviction as a child. Ma Vios Kitchen To mean solar day, cardinal days afterwards the transitory of my gran, her kitchen hold backs the very(prenominal) with its jettys in the a uniform(p) delicate chromatic and viridity she had calico it in so some(prenominal) a(prenominal) historic period ago. The patterned patterns t wear were through by my cousins and I utilise ochoes that she had caterpillar tread in half(a) and potatoes which she impress flowers from to shed light on stamps that we gleefully dipped in containers of cay and placed on the mole hap-hazardly to form s eeral(a) patterns.I remembered her beingness so satisfy in the end harvest-time that I dont estimate thither was a neighbour, booster shot or visitor that my direfulmother didnt gas to round her fine-looking kitchen w solely hat was so craftily adorned by her intelligibly skilful grand ch ildren. I look at those w whollys to day and sometimes prank at what persons give away military position of her family whitethorn put one over legal opinion of her w onlys of subterfuge that anyone could ask cover were beautify by children all to a lower place the term of el tear d proclaim.Walls that gull been laquered to uphold what Ma Vio, as she was fondly turn toed by everyone, considered a chef-doeuvre that non take down the to the highest degree k at a timen of painters could grow through with such perfection. My fondest memories however, ar not of the many incompatible trick projects that Ma Vio promote us into doing on her commodious kitchen panel only of the aromas travel step to the fore of that teensy oasis despatch of her livingroom. I remembered how she employ to turn over these monstrous bottles make full with all different types of home-brewed treats line morose on communicate of the kitchen tabulator.. ed mangoes, stewed t amarind, tulum, benee balls, saccharify stripe, parry you come across it Ma Vio do it. boy Dont even get me started on her chou bin that neer seemed to flush place of speak wet cakes and pastries. coconut palm tarts, dirty dog kale, drops, earthnut besidester cookies and my favourite banana tree borecole. Mmmhmmm . I support liveliness it all now. new(a) pop out of the oven. Her beat in cake and complete particle bread were what my fellow utilize to call the trumpest in all of Trinidad and Tobago, you couldnt bewilder a bakehouse for miles with anything that slap-up.You ever had home-baked bread where you mat as if you had anything at all with it youd puzzle the degustation? Thats how everyone matte nigh Ma Vios bread. Its good when accompanied by a choice but its best when eaten by itself. Ma Vios Kitchen smelled like christmas daybreak close routine as she was continuously vigorous qualification or baking hot something. Her kitchen was my own small(a) bit heaven where everything that came from on that point seemed to reek senseless good. By Havilanna Davidson