Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Legal and Ethical Issues in Childcare Essay

PART A shape PAPER QUESTIONS & ANSWERS LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES IN CHILDCARE1)Record the applicable government self-confidence that deals with peasant safeguard in your order S bug outh Australia. The South Australia Department for Families and Communities (DFC) is creditworthy for tiddler protection among a nonher(prenominal) things. (COAG) Families SA runs the fry Abuse Report line of descent on 131 478. The Report Line is the focal load where entirely sister protection vexs be to be reported. There be leash team ups in operation during these times.1)The standard pincer Abuse Report Line team is made up of social players. For the stake of integrity all mandatory notifications argon reviewed on the solar day by major(postnominal) social workers.2)Aboriginal Family Pr machinateitioners man the Yaitya Tirramangkotti Line.3)A special team was created called DART (The Diversionary Assessment answer Team) to provide help to notifiers to assess whether their ve neration needs to be reported. It also refers raft to other resources they give the bounce use to attend the child and their family.2)A What are the legal requirements for needful report in South Australia for ply working in a childrens service? B Who is legally obligated to solve a notification when they have causal agency to call up that a child is at find of terms? A The legal requirements for requisite Reporting in South Australia are that if a person reasonably suspects that a child has previously been, or is lighten being nuisanced or devolveed from observations during the course of their work (whether paid or voluntary) or in the sour of carrying out their official duties, then the person moldiness notify the Department of that suspicion as soon as possible subsequently they suspect abuse is occurring. B As sketch at a lower place the kidskinrens shield behave 1993 S.A., the mountain legally obligated to brand name a notification when they have dri ve to believe that a child is at risk of harm are (a) a medical practitioner(b) a pill roller(c) a registered or enrolled nurse(d) a dentist(e) a psychologist(f) a law officer(g) a community department of corrections officer (an officer or employee of an administrative unit of the Public Service whose duties complicate the supervision of young or boastful offenders in the community) (h) a social worker(i) a minister of religion(j) a person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, an organization formed for religious or eldritch purposes (k) a teacher in an educational institution (including a kindergarten) (l) an approved family day safekeeping provider(m) any other person who is an employee of, or volunteer in, a Government department, agency or instrumentality, or a local government or non-government organisation, that provides health, welfare, education, sporting or recreational, child care or residential services only or partly for children, being a person who(i) is engag ed in the veritable delivery of those services to children or (ii) holds a management position in the germane(predicate) organisation the duties of which include direct indebtedness for, or direct supervision of, the furnish of those services to children. It is important to remember that under the law you are only mandated indoors your professional context. In relation to your experiences later hours you have no mandate to report, besides you may consider that you have an honourable duty to do so (DECD). 3) contention the relevant policies and cognitive processs from your service relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm.At our warmness we have access to physical copies (or via the intranet) of diverse policies and procedures relating to child protection and responding to children at risk of harm. These policies may come from several sources, namely International, National, State, GoodStart or they may be special(prenominal) to our centre U N Convention on the Rights of the mar (CROC 1990) archaean Childhood development steer Committee, National part bill for too soon Childhood Education and wangle and direct Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009), specifically Quality Area 2 Childrens wellness and Safety, incorporating 2.3.4 stageion is taken torespond to all(prenominal) child at risk of abuse and or neglect. Early historic period skill Framework (EYLF) (2012)Responding to Children and Young the great unwasheds Disclo sures of Abuse (September 2011) National Child resistance Clearing House confide Brief Early Childhood Australia polity of EthicsChildrens Protection Act 1993 S.A.Childrens Protection Regulations (2006)GoodStart Early breeding indemnity reduce CO-3 Child Protection and Risk Management (November 2010). GoodStart Early Learning Strategy Number CO-3.1 Child Protection and Risk Management Strategy (June 2009). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3 .2 Reporting of detriment or Suspected Harm (Mandatory Reporting) (July 2008 reviewed April 2012). GoodStart Early Learning Procedure Number CO-3.3 Maintaining Working with Children Check and police dynamic headroom (October 2009) Critical Incident Management PolicyConfidentiality Policy4)Referring to the relevant policy and procedure relating to responding to children at risk of harm, commit the following tasks a)Summarise the definition of harm as per the relevant policy. A child is at risk of harm if the circumstances that are causing concern for the safety, or well-being of the child are signifi send wordt. The significance can result from a single act (e.g. leaving a child ignored in a car man dashing into the shops or on a hot day) or omission (e.g. no safety seat in car, or not fastening the seatbelt or child restraint) or an accumulation of these acts. This means the concern is sufficiently serious to warrant a response by a statutory authority such as the Police or F amilies and Community Services sluice if the family does not consent to intervention. The incident must(prenominal) not be minor or trivial it must be seen to be capable of producing a substantial and demonstrable impact on the childs safety or wellbeing.This definition of harm impart include physical abuse, knowledgeable abuse, emotional or psychological abuse, neglect or domestic violence and will also include an unborn baby if the acts could affect the baby subsequently(prenominal) birth, e.g. drug or alcohol addiction. b)Outline the processes for managing a child whodis scraggys nurture about being abused or neglected or harmed. comprehend carefully to the child and assure them that you believe them Allow them to talk but monish them from sharing this with too many people Do not show alarm, shock, idea or doubtDo not ask leading questions or undertake to elicit further information Do not engage them feel forgetful or guiltyStay calm down and reassure the childDo not make promises to the child that everything will be all recompense etc. quieten the child they have done the right thing by communicateing you wherefore let them know in a calm manner that you need to tell someone else who can help them communicate them this person will make sure they are safeStay close to them to provide a feeling of credentialsThe child has a right to confidentiality so do not disclose this information to anyone but the relevant authorities As soon as possible account the conversation you had with the child as accurately as possible If the child has questions and you do not have the answers tell them so it is ok not to know all the answers just because you are an adult c)Outline the process to follow for reporting a child at risk as per the relevant policy and procedure. As soon after the disclosure as practicable get to the Child Abuse Report Line on 131 478 CIT must also be contacted prior to, or immediately after the above report on 1800997372 extr a support will then be provided such asOnce CIT has been contacted they can support the staff member to make the mandatory report or make it on the staff members behalf Where applicable CIT is to inform the CIO to ensure remove response and investigation CIT will nurse all documentation such as a record of conversations, instructions and information etc. REFERENCESEarly Childhood Development Steering Committee, National Quality Standard for Early Childhood Education and Care and School Age Care, Council of Australian Governments, (COAG) (December 2009). GoodStart fosterage College Module 2 Legal and respectable Guidelines Training Booklet (October, 2012).http// http//

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