Saturday, August 31, 2019

Sociology and Perspective

A family is â€Å"a set of people related by blood, marriage or some other agreed-upon relationship, or adoption, who share the primary responsibility for reproduction and caring for members of society. † (Schaefer, 2009) A family is considered a social institution. This social institution is one that can be applied to all three sociological theories which are functionalism, conflict, and interactionism. The first sociological theory is functionalism. A functionalism perspective is a â€Å"sociological approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability. Schaefer, 2009) This simply means for in the instance of a family that the family in a whole is stable because each family member has a role that they must fulfill. They are dependent on each other to help fulfill their role. If one family member was to leave then there would be dysfunction until the family finds someone to fill that empty role or learns how to deal without that role being fulfilled. Dysfunction is â€Å"the element or process of a society that may actually disrupt the social system or reduce its stability. Schaefer, 2009) Another dysfunction for a family could be a new member being introduced into the family. The new member would then have a new role to play for the family and the family would have to figure out how to deal with this new role. Until the new role is figured out dysfunction will leave the family unstable. The second sociological theory is Conflict. Conflict perspective is â€Å"a sociological approach that assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources, including housing, money, access to services, and political representation. Schaefer, 2009) This perspective relates to a family in two ways. Family The first is inner structure of a family. Within a family you have members that sometimes fight for roles. Example is who will be the breadwinner and the one who makes all the decisions for the family. These types competition in families to see who will be the more successful and who will have what role can cause a lot conflict and resentment within the family. The second is the outer elements. The family as a whole is always having tension from being in conflict with other families for status. The phrase â€Å"keeping up with the Jones’s† is a prime example of how two families compete with each other to see who makes more and who can climb the social ladder first. The third sociological theory is interactionism. The interactionism perspective is â€Å"a sociological approach that generalizes about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole. † (Schaefer, 2009) This is a view that looks at what we do and how we do it. This approach takes a in depth look at our daily routines. For example like the way we interact at work, school, in other public places like a bus stop or even our behavior in small groups. This is also known as mircosociology. When taking this approach a person sees meaning in objects that includes materialistic things, one's actions, other people's impacts on us, relationships in our life's, and even can include symbols. Symbols can be especially important because they have shared social meanings that can be understood by all members of society. Symbols are nonverbal communication. For a family institution the similarities that these three sociological theories share is based on one common characteristic. That one similarity is that none of them would be effective without some sort of structure. All three of these theories view a family as a group of. Family individuals that are always interacting with each. Their roles are almost always dependent on the other members in their family. That each member has a role to play in order for the family to function effectively and keeps the family as a whole stable. Their roles are based on their actions and how those actions effect the other members of the group. Though all three of these perspectives have this one major characteristic in common they also have some differences. For instance the functionalist perspective sees an unconscious smoothness to how the family interacts with each other. It is like a well oiled machine that each piece is important and without that one piece the machine will not work properly or at all. Functionalist view these interactions as something that is positive and rarely have many conflicts to overcome. While the conflict perspective seems to view consent struggles with many aspects of the family. There is first the conflicts that fill the inside of the family. Those are the struggles a member has with other members of the family for roles within the family. The other is the conflicts the family has as a whole with other families. These are usually over status's such as power, money, housing, political representation and etc. Families competing against other families to have more than the other families. Basically they want to outdo and be more important than others. Interactionism perspective is a mixture of both the other two perspectives. It is mircosociology and looks at every action to see meaning in them. They tend to look really close at how one thing effects other things. The best way to describe it is a cause and effect. Interactionism also looks at the dramaturgical approach. The dramaturgical approach is â€Å"when people are seen as theatrical performers. † (Schaefer, 2009) They look at how people. Family can change roles from one environment to another. For example a person might act a specific way at work or school a more serious role and then at a party they may play a different role, a role of a cool and laid back. It is to say that interactionism looks at the mechanics of the workings of a institution. The affect that the theories perspective has on the individual's view that is part of the family is different for each perspective. Each perspective has a different view of what makes the institution come together and work as a whole. A individual's view on the functionalist perspective would see how the dynamics of the institution comes together and support each other to be make the family as a whole stable. The individual would see how important it is for each person to fulfill their role for everything to work. For example the individual would see how even a person who would normally be considered dysfunctional can sometimes play important role in a families structure. A person for example who is always ill may actually be a strong way for the family to form a closer bond and to connect with each other and keep them even closer than they were. The individual will also be able to see how dysfunction can cause the family to slip from stable to unstable. If the person who was in charge of making the decisions for the family dies the family will be unstable because there will be problems caused by the lack of decision making. This dysfunction can through the family out of balance for a length of time that is really unknown. Sometimes the family can overcome the loss and one of the other members will resume the role of decision maker. Other times it may be that the family will find a new person to bring into the family to take this role and in some cases the family then falls apart. Family and goes their own separate ways and the institution is then destroyed. This view is usually of one of harmony. The view the individual might have with the conflict perspective is one of consent chaos and struggle. They will see how each member of their family seems to always be competing with each other to become the decision maker or the breadwinner. This is a type of dysfunction that is continuously happening and keeping the family from becoming fully stable. The family is seen as a dysfunctional family but yet at the same time a family that works. This individual may also view that the family that is stable as a unit may still always be in a consent struggle with other families. The individual could see how their family works together in harmony to obtain its goal. For example if the family would like to achieve more money than the family would work together to find a way to achieve this goal or if they are trying to achieve a certain political status the family would work together. This has been very obvious these recent years as we watch not only the candidates go out and give speeches and campaigning, but also their spouses, children, and other family members have even been out campaigning for them. Another great example is African American families not as much now but several years back were always under a consent struggle to have rights and be treated as everyone else. The struggle that they endured seemed to hold their family together by a common factor. This view would show that the family comes together because of the constant struggle that they are always under. Family Interactionism perspective a individual in the family would view this as the a way to study how exactly it is that a family functions together. How their family interacts with each other and also with others in society. The individual would view how the members of their family act differently around different members because of the different types of relationships that they have. For example a individual who is a daughter, mother, wife, and sister will act towards their parents, their child, their husband and their sibling differently. That individual will change her role to fit the need for that relationship. Interactionism calls this a dramaturgical approach because it is as if they are a theatrical performer switching characters for different circumstances. Along with how the individual would view the workings of the how the inner family works they also view how the individuals and the family as a whole interacts with people out in society such as people at church, school, work, the store, and in small groups. They are able to view and understand many nonverbal communications that their family members make to each other as well as universal gestures with others outside of their family. This view is in depth and finer workings of how the family functions in many different ways. Social change has different effects on different types of institutions. Depending on what social change has taken place probably would have different effects considering that some social changes might not be relevant to the family while others might have many different effects. Family The affect a family with the functionalist perspective would have on a social change such as gay's having all the same rights as straight couples would help to stabilize many new families. This type of social change could help the stability of many families because in today's society gays are becoming more open and wanting to have families of their own. With the acceptance of gay people having the same rights it will allow for new families to be formed and those families to take on the structures without the struggles that they once incurred. That will allow these families to be able to find the balance that is needed and a unstable family to become stable. A family with the conflict perspective can be affected by a social change such as terrorist policies may find themselves struggling against stereotyping and prejudice because of their ethnic background. These ethnic families could find themselves in a continuous tension between different racial groups because they are suspected of being terrorist because of their racial group. This could easily throw the family into a major struggles to argue and defend themselves to others. Interactionism perspective may not really have any affect on a family with social change. Instead interactionist would view how these social changes would affect the family and it would also view how they interact with others. An example would be how a African American family would interact with others in their society of other racial backgrounds or vice versa. Another would be how our own family interacts with gays who can marry and have families together. This perspective is one of fine beauty no matter if the outcome is good or bad, stable or unstable it is still a amazing thing to see how everything and everyone comes together. Family Society views the institution of a family differently. Some people are more likely to prefer one perspective over others. Many in our society view a family that portrays the functionalist as a prefect family everyone has their place they fulfill their roles and do it well. They are stable with little disruptions. The society tends to view conflict perspective in different ways. One is that if the conflict is within the family that family is considered a dysfunctional family. It is usually chaotic and strange. Another way to view if the conflict is the family as a whole against another element as a strong family that works together hard to achieve a goal. These families could be considered close and competitive. Society under the interactionist view may watch different groups of families to see how they interact with others in society and then base stereotyping which can lead to discrimination based on the majority. The one thing about all of these perspectives is that they are all dealing with the way that families are interacting with each other and others outside of the family. They are all intertwined with each other and shows how the structures are formed and how they are dependent on each other. I personally find that there is truth in all three of the perspectives and I feel that there is true beauty in the complexity of this institution.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Governements Use Fiscal Policy to Help Them Achieve Their Macroeconomic Objectives

Explain what is meant by this statement and discuss specific fiscal measures that the UK government has implemented in recent years to influence economic activity in the built environment. Definitions: FISCAL POLICY: â€Å"A combination of government spending and taxation used to achieve macroeconomic management. (The flow of government money in and out of the treasury. † (Danny Myers, 2006, pgs 75&126) MACROECONOMIC OBJECTIVES: â€Å"Targets relating to the whole economy, such as employment, price, stability and the balance of payments. † (Danny Myers, 2006, pg128) The Governments Macroeconomic (nations economy) objectives: 1. Low inflation/stable prices 2. Sustained economic growth 3. Low unemployment 4. Balance of payments between imports and exports (keeping money within the country as well as spending abroad 5. Environmental protection 6. Redistribution of income and wealth to poorRECENT YEARS: The fiscal measures looked at in this essay will be taken from 1990 onw ards. ECONOMIC ACTIVITY: â€Å"The production and distribution of goods and services at all levels. † (Wall Street Words, David L. Scott. 2003) THE BUILT ENVIRONMENT: â€Å"The built environment is made up of various types of property (residential, commercial, industrial etc); linked by infrastructure (sewers, canals, roads, tunnels etc) and separated by spaces in between (parks, woods, playing fields, landscaped areas, squares etc)†. (Danny Myers, 2006, pg6)AGGREGATE DEMAND: â€Å"All planned expenditures for the entire economy summed together. † (Danny Myers, 2006, pg123) †¢By influencing Government taxation and expenditure, aggregate demand can be stimulated to achieve Macroeconomic objectives such as; price stability, full employment and economic growth. †¢It is the total demand for goods and services in an economy. EXPANSIONARY FISCAL POLICY: †¢Increase in government spending and/or a decrease in taxes that causes the government’s budg et deficit to increase or budget surplus to decrease. This is a method used in a recession to stimulate the economy by providing each household with more disposable income, which can be used for consumption expenditures, which then stimulates aggregate production. It also decreases unemployment, which leads to further increases in income. CONTRATIONARY FISCAL POLICY: †¢Decrease in government spending and/or an increase in taxes that causes the government’s budget deficit to decrease or its budget surplus to increase. †¢Decreases the amount of disposable income per household meaning the output and national income is less.EXPLANATION OF STATEMENT: ‘Governments use fiscal policy to help them to achieve their macroeconomic objectives’ Fiscal policy deals with the governments spending and taxation. There are two types of fiscal policy, Expansionary and Contrationary. When the government needs to stimulate the economy by increasing public spending then they w ill decrease taxes so that each household has more disposable income to be spent on consumer goods. In turn this puts more money back into the economy, creating more jobs and encouraging economic growth.An increase in aggregate demand leads to a higher inflation as there is more money being spent on limited goods and services, which pushes the prices up. To counteract this the government decreases taxation and spending, so that consumer households have less disposable income to spend on goods and services, this decreases aggregate demand and brings inflation back down with it. To achieve a balance of stable prices the government must mediate between the two. SPECIFIC FISCAL MEASURES: STAMP DUTY HOLIDAY:The Stamp Duty holiday was introduced in September 2008 whereby properties worth between ? 125,000 and ? 175,000 were to be temporarily exempt from stamp duty. The stamp duty on this particular property bracket was 1% of the sale price, therefore saving a potential ? 1,750. The intent ion of the holiday was to boost demand in the property market by encouraging first time buyers to take advantage of the saving and buy a house. More money is then borrowed as people take advantage of this, which has the effect of boosting the mortgage market as well.According to the Council of Mortgage Lenders (CML), 132,500 house purchase mortgage transactions have benefited from the holiday; this is the equivalent of 25% of the overall 486,400 house purchase loans in the period. Buyers have saved 173 million from the holiday rather than the 600 million the government forecasted. The success is questionable as the incentive was supposedly directed at lower income areas to the North, the Midlands, Wales and Scotland where as, the majority of the benefits have gone to the richer areas in the SE.As this area in particular was hit by the recession the least and where the housing market is the strongest, the governmental loss of the taxation seems to have been wasted. The holiday ended on the 31st December 2009. Although there has been a brief stimulation in the current housing market the number of transactions is still at an all time low. The figures may fall further now that stamp duty has been reinstated, meaning that the government may have to explore other options. AGGREGATES LEVY â€Å"The Aggregates levy is a tax on sand, gravel and rock that is dug from the ground or dredged from the sea in UK waters.The tax addresses the environmental damage caused by these business activities in the form of noise, dust and loss of biodiversity. † (www. businesslink. gov. uk, Environmental tax obligations and breaks (online), (07. 01. 2010). The Levy was introduced on the 1st April 2002 setting out to address the macroeconomic objective of environmental protection while trying to retain sustainable economic growth. The idea is that the tax should make the cost of the aggregates better reflect the cost to the environment and should therefore influence business decis ions to become more eco-friendly and efficient.In terms of the Built Environment this encourages sustainable development, â€Å"The creation and responsible management of a healthy built environment based on resources efficient and ecological principals† (Charles. Kibert,1994). This definition incorporates six principals, (Miyatake, 1996) †¢Minimisation of resource consumption †¢Maximisation of resource reuse †¢Use renewable and recyclable resources †¢Protection of the natural environment †¢Creation of a healthy and non-toxic environment †¢The pursuit of quality in creating the built environment There is an argument that taxes such as this will damage international Competitiveness.The common object of development is to keep the cost as low as possible, to have a minimal construction period and to have the best quality possible. With increased taxation on these materials investors may become more cautious due to the rising cost, which is to be kep t as low as possible, therefore there is a possibility of the UK losing international business. This is just part of the problem between economic growth and environmental protection as both have the potential to hinder the other. However some of the tax revenue accumulated will go towards a sustainability fund.This will be spent through various agencies to promote new innovative ways to protect the environment and provide good quality construction at the same time. The Aggregate levy is a further development of the original ‘Landfill Tax of 1996. ’ This was set to influence the management of waste by encouraging a movement away from the cost of disposing waste in a landfill to a cheaper and more productive way of reusing waste materials. Both have helped to make businesses greener which agrees with the macroeconomic objective of Environmental protection. THE THAMES GATEWAY REGENERATION PROJECTThe Thames gateway regeneration project includes an area stretching 40 miles E ast of inner East London, both sides of the Thames and the Estuary. The area has been targeted for urban regeneration by both government and developers. There are an estimated 1. 6 million people living in this area, which has been deemed one of the most depraved in the UK. This is because of the lack of access to public transport, services, employment and affordable quality housing. The government wishes to gentrify this brownfield site to make the most of the economic potential of the gateway, and to encourage new investment and job opportunities. The Government Delivery Plan, 29th November 2007, Yvette Cooper) The project is co-ordinated by The Department For Communities and Local Government who continue to invest 3bn every year alongside the regional development agencies, the London Development agency, the East England Development agency and the SE England Development agency. (Thames Gateway Annual Report 2008/09). The Gateway project was drawn up in 1995 with the government hop ing to achieve 225,000 new jobs and 200,000 new houses by 2016. In this area there is emphases on developing town centres, public spaces and infrastructure to attract new investment to expand the economy.The Government hopes for this project to lead the way in terms of environmental jobs, new technologies and environmental improvements to existing homes and buildings. The Government is insuring this by providing funds for an eco-risk assessment of the housing programmes, energy savings methods for green housing and a zero construction waste target across the gateway. This project seems to have a lot of potential, however the timing of the recession limits the productivity and investment that it needs. The shortage of mortgages makes it difficult to sell the new housing at the arranged rices, which in turn can reduce investor confidence when companies are to buy up the land for housing developments. CONCLUSION From this essay it is clear that to some extent fiscal policies can be use d to help achieve macroeconomic objectives. From the examples shown, a combination of taxation and government expenditure has been directed at particular areas in the built environment to attain certain results. The construction industry makes up a large proportion of the UK economy and the government seems to be very focused on the issue of sustainable economic growth and environmental protection.The policies such as the ‘Aggregates levy’ and ‘landfill tax’ are addressing the objective of Environmental protection by playing a large part in the way buildings are constructed or demolished. By promoting the use of recycling of materials and reuse, the future of development will change for the better. This is seen in the Thames gateway regeneration project where they are leading the way for the future of construction by using eco friendly and sustainable methods. At the same time they are creating a huge investment opportunity, which will lead to the continued sustained growth of our economy.There will be an improved standard of living for the people who once lived in a depraved area by increasing the once lower levels of employment. From the Stamp Duty we can see that the government was trying to use this tax break to boost the property sector of the UK economy in a time of decline. However I do not believe that this has necessarily achieved its goal. The housing market may well fall again and the aim of helping people of lower income to get on the property ladder has not had its desired effect as the benefits did not go to the poorer areas in mind.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Does power inevitably corrupt the powerful Essay

Does power inevitably corrupt the powerful - Essay Example From this perspective it could be argued that the simple ability to control others is by its nature a corruption of other peoples will and as such, power is inherently corruptible. However in practice this may not be true. Ultimately it could be argued that power does often corrupt however it does not necessarily have to corrupt. There is little question that in many circumstances in history people have been greatly corrupted by power. According to Haddock (2006) there have been several examples in history of people exerting their power over others. On one side of the spectrum one finds powerful men such as President Lyndon B. Johnson who would often hold meetings whilst he was sitting on the toilet (Demonstrating a kind of contempt over his coworkers) to a megalomaniac such as Joseph Stalin who killed millions. One issue regarding power that has arisen is the idea that people may be hardwired for egocentric power rather than simple institutional power. However it remains the case th at many people do achieve a great deal of power yet do not necessarily have to demonstrate their egocentric power over others. Many people who achieve professional success remain quite humble in their regular life. Bailey & Dash (2006) Highlighted that Billionaire Warren Buffett has lived in the same home in Omaha, Nebraska for over forty years. Moreover the billionaire remains committed to homespun values such as shunning executive payouts, avoiding investing in technology companies and frequently criticizing tax policies that benefit the rich. Having demonstrated that some powerful people do not necessarily exert egocentric power it is the case that according to haddock (2006) there are many people that do flex their ego muscles once they reach a certain level of power. This may be achieved through taking childish liberties, through sexual dominance over weaker people or through making outlandish purchases. Ultimately stride to egocentric power can be manifested through any number of mechanisms. The question of how the exercise of egocentric power affects followers can cover a wide range, owing to the fact that people respond differently to different treatment. On one end of the spectrum people could respond very negatively to egocentric behavior, such as creating deep feelings of insecurity, negative self esteem issues etc. However it could be argued that strong negative reinforcement from a leader could ultimately motivate the underlings to perform better. Anybody who has trained extensively for competitive sports would have likely experienced the effect of a trainer or coach shouting critiques and personal insults designed to motivate the trainee to do almost anything to win approval. However it could also be that people simply do not respond one way or the other and simply not strongly affected by egocentric behavior whatsoever. The issue of whether or not a leader can do anything to help combat the effect of power corrupting it long and storied. Accordi ng to Tertullian as espoused by Wehner (2009) it was a classical Roman tradition that generals would tour the streets after a military success (Much like the veterans parades today). However in the Roman tradition the Imperator (Equivalent to a commander) would be trailed by his servant who would be paid to whisper into the ear of his master â€Å"

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Accountancy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Accountancy - Essay Example But as any student of business knows, evaluation of managerial efficiency or corporate health is not that straightforward an issue. There are two reasons for that. Firstly, all organisations are not established with the objective of earning profit, especially those that are owned and operated by the public sector. If you feel confused at this comment, just think about the London tube railway. Though nobody would be unhappy if it could earn what is commonly known as commercial profit, would any citizen ever quiz the service it provides and, would any government ever dare to even think of discontinuing the service as it is not a profit making venture? Obviously not, since it was conceived as public utility. The second reason why profit calculated by the mercantile method is not always a true indicator of the commercial success of business enterprise is the accrual concept and the conservative approach which lie at the heart of any set of accounts prepared anywhere in the world. By taking into account all possible or even vaguely plausible expenses and ignoring all incomes except those that are absolutely sure, the accountant in effect tries to take a hyper conservative approach and presents a situation which cannot be worse. It might suit those at the helm of affairs of business houses, but these two basic tenets of accountancy do indeed paint a picture which is bleaker than what the actual situation is. Thus many stalwarts of accounting profession strongly feel that a trend of profits, instead of profits earned in individual periods and considered in isolation, would be a better estimate to gauge the financial health of an enterprise. And there is, rather was, a lot of confusion regarding how far conservatism could be stretched while drawing up accounts for a financial year. Some opinion makers of this profession were passionate about the independence of accountants and argued in favour of the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

African-American music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

African-American music - Research Paper Example Based on Burton Peretti’s Lift Every Voice, African-American music is indeed â€Å"one of the treasures of the United States† whether it be in the form of â€Å"spirituals, ragtime, the blues, jazz, rhythm and blues, gospel, soul and hip hop† African-American music, with its rich African roots, is a showcase of the connection of Africans with the natural and soothing power of music even during the era of slavery (Perreti 7-8). In fact, in as early as 1796, the British physician Mungo Park noticed that among the walking groups of African slaves and free men, there are actually jillikeas, or singing men, known for their â€Å"musical talents [that] were frequently exerted either to divert [the walkers’] fatigue or obtain [them] a welcome from strangers† (8). The presence of the jillikeas actually indicates one thing – music has long been used by Africans to freely transcend their physical suffering. It is true that they were slaves and that as slaves, they worked very hard indeed. Nevertheless, music was always there to help them cope with the hardships of slavery and for them to have the mental and emotional freedom to feel what they wanted to feel, and to think about what they wanted to think about, regardless of the physical constraints they were experiencing at that time. Moreover, due to archeological findings and pictorial evidence, one would know that African music was already a rich aspect of the African culture in West Africa. Aside from the fact that prehistoric Africans integrated the sounds of animals and nature into their musical compendium, they also integrated music into their daily life, especially in their most significant rituals (8). The richness of the African culture and their tendency to embed the musical aspect of their culture with their spiritual life somehow gave African music a certain mystical quality that characterizes the depth of contemporary African-American music. Moreover, considering tha t the first groups of Africans were hunter-gatherers, African music freely evolved from its deep roots and eventually flourished as a result of migration and trading (10). This means that African music was actually more elaborate and richer in nature for it was a combination of the many cultures that the once hunter gatherer Africans absorbed. This richness was also somehow instrumental in showing the whole world how free African-American music is, for whatever was accepted by many parts of the world must certainly have a freedom of flow and movement. Other details of traditional African music also speak of the freedom of the common people. There is, for example, freedom of access to history. The drum-like pots unearthed in Nigeria and dating from the 1100s and the 1200s are still used by the Yoruba peoples at present (10). Also, there is freedom from age, gender and class barriers. For example, tribal African music, from which African-American music was derived, was demonstrative o f communal freedom for they are employed in numerous â€Å"elaborate singing and playing rituals†¦that invited all village residents to participate,† and â€Å"which gave all the singers a more equal stature in performances† (10). Such performances indeed somehow teach the western world what equality truly means. African-American music is also about the liberation of the sexualized body. As proclaimed during the Renaissance and during the Modern Era, the term â€Å"African,† which was used by Nietzsche in his description of Bizet’s Carmen, or of civilization itself as well as of the nature of the Viennese psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, is actually a synonym of â€Å"

Monday, August 26, 2019

Victimology Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Victimology - Coursework Example The occurrence of such violence is attributable to bitterness towards the old, retaliatory attacks by younger adults, insufficient love and friendliness and general social plight. Reportedly, abusers are relations of the elderly individual who are supposedly caregivers. CVS (2011) reports several incidences of elder abuse. For instance, the year 2007 there were over 91590 individuals above the age of 65 who experienced violent misdemeanor. Of all police crime reporting rate across the various age groups, the age group of 65 five and above had 61% of the total crime reports in the year 2007. This is indicative of the increased crime across this age group. Reportedly, the same year witnessed individuals above the age of 65 lose a massive 1.3 billion dollars in terms of individual and possessions crimes. People aged 60 and constituted 8% of the total deceptive crime reported to the federal trade commission in the year 2008 (CVS, 2011). Consequently, about 12% of identity theft victims reported to the institution was age 60 years and above (CVS, 2011). This is indicative of the increasing criminal activity directed towards this age. According to CVS (2011), five ways to of preventing elder abuse includes individual awareness of the persistence of the problem and its causative factors. The elderly person should make the concerned authorities aware of the quandary. Secondly, one must plan a head to establish caregivers preparedness in terms of financial, physical, and psychological resources. One should arrange for an alternate care to take charge in the event of failure by the preliminary plan. The elders are encouraged to stay sociable by participating in communal activities and sustaining a well established association of friends. Lastly, one should obey the scheduled medical care and other many social engagements (CVS). CVS (2011) outlines several ways of identifying elder

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Discussion prompt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discussion prompt - Essay Example In effect, Henry is saying that going to college is a mere excuse to party where students do not learn anything except to have fun. College is reduce to a mere rite of passage and not a way where can be enlightened or educated. When Henry mentioned that college is a mere rite of passage, it was in fact a statement of condescension if not derision because college is no longer a source of education where one can learn and get better but something that a person has to go through just like a ritual. And one does not necessarily learn anything when he passed through a ritual. When it is reduced to a mere rite of passage, it is like comparing college to male circumcision which is a rite of passage among males in certain societies to become â€Å"certified adult†. I do not necessarily agree with Henry that college is a mere rite of passage because people who go there have actual cognitive intelligence to overcome the academic rigors of college. There mere act of going there and going through the entrance tests are already enough justification that people who go to college are educated and has the right attitude to succeed in life because of their effort to be better through academic institution. Even assuming for the sake of argument, people who go to college are generally educated even without the formal credentialing compared to those who did not go to college. This attests that college is not a mere rite of passage but rather an actual learning process where students study to be

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Informal report on two career choices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Informal report on two career choices - Essay Example It can be stated that the development of the businesses of various organizations concerning both in domestic and foreign markets eventually creates better job opportunities to the individuals (Columbia University, 2007). It is in this context that the individuals are required to be qualified, knowledgeable as well as experienced in order to be suitably employed in any organization. Moreover, the individuals should possess certain effective skills with the intention of performing their different activities in an enhanced manner (Columbia University, 2007). This paper intends to discuss about two particular career choices relating to the field of accounting and engineering. Moreover, a recommendation in order to pursue one of the aforementioned career choices will also be presented in this paper. Career Opportunity in the Field of Accounting Qualification in accounting provides ample opportunities for an individual to make a bright career in future. In this similar context, it has appa rently observed that the individuals possessing accounting qualification are provided with better job opportunities in various industries as well as businesses (British Council, 2013). The different sorts of operational functions or services that are involved in the field of accounting comprise audit, advisor and tax. From the perspective of audit service, an auditor evaluates the financial statements of companies and certifies that the statements are relevant as well as valid. In relation to tax service, accountants develop effective strategies with the aim of minimizing tax liabilities for clients. From the standpoint of advisor service, the accountants provide suitable advices on tax laws and prepare tax returns on behalf of the clients (Stephen M. Ross School of Business, 2013). In relation to determine career opportunity especially in accounting field, it has been apparently observed that there are around 46,000 firms that provide services linked with public accounting in the U S. The different services that are involved with public accounting are auditing, international accounting, assurance services, forensic accounting, information technology and management consulting services among others. Additionally, accountants are recognized to be involved with various business as well as industries that range from family business to multinational corporations and perform various operational functions. In this similar concern, the functions comprise delivering services relating to financial management, internal auditing, financial reporting, tax planning and management accounting (State University of New York, 2011). In the government sector, accounting professionals are observed to be performing various effective operations such as advisory services and business process outsourcing among others. In this respect, accountants are involved with the state, federal as well as the local government agencies with the objective of performing the aforementioned operations. It has viewed that apart from the government sector, accounting professional are also involved in educational sector. In educational sector, accountants perform various operations that include financial accounting as well as auditing. Moreover, the accountants provide professional guidance to students with relation to cost and managerial accounting and taxation among others (State

Intellectual Property Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 1

Intellectual Property Law - Essay Example England has been slow in adopting these rights as it is perceived as clashing with the principle of Freedom of Expression. The English contend that intellectual property rights costs public good. Advances in digital technology have shaken the grounds on which intellectual property stand. This has made people to focus more attention on coming up with ways of ensuring freedom of expression that would enhance the public domain whilst rewarding creativity. Image rights promote invention and creation that promote quasi monopoly or monopoly rights so as to accord creativity the credit it deserves. Celebrities in music, sports and media world have gained profound significance in the contemporary world. Product sellers and advertisers are increasing approaching celebrities for work as they want to be associated to this fame. Competitive brand ambassadors help popularize products and increase sales. The financial benefits that accompany the status of such celebrities implore the need to have a mechanism of protecting celebrities. Red Croz would need to know that there is the need to balance between their public and private lives. They are prone to misuse and exploitation, even if indirectly, by those who live and work around them. Image rights promote the right to privacy hence upholding the human dignity of such celebrities (Passman 2012, p.2). ... A device mark logo involves an image, for example, that of an animal. Red Croz’s logo is a stylized mark. The most common way to protect a logo is using trademark. Even so, this depends on how the mark will be used. When using a logo as a combined mark, it is enough to use a single combined registration. In instances where the elements in a logo are used separately, each element is registered separately and also in combination (Kemp & Hill, 2005). Copyright registration can also be used to protect a logo. In the United Kingdom, the creator of a work gets its copyright automatically. A contract is needed to change ownership of such a work. In the United States of America, one needs to register copyright of a work through Library of Congress. Proof is needed to stop another individual or business from using another’s logo. This is because the other business or individual could claim that their logo was stolen or copied. Establishing upfront solid evidence is important if logo copyrighted through registration. This evidence would be needed in a court of law when challenging logo infringement (Passman 2012, p.4). A logo can also be registered as a design or a trademark. Registering a logo as a design is more powerful than registering it as a copyright. Registering a logo a design helps deter logo copying. This registration allows a business or individual to stop others from using logos that are too close to theirs even if they did not copy them. In the United Kingdom and in the European Union has an allowance for design registration of logos. The registration is renewable after every five years for a period of twenty five years. Design registration of a logo is given a period of one year after which

Friday, August 23, 2019

Writing to Evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing to Evaluate - Essay Example Varied ethnicities and social mores have a lot in common, especially in the current times. Men and women do behave differently in every culture. For instance the American women enjoy more freedom than their counterparts in any other part of the world. For an individual from a more restrained culture at USI, the opportunity to play soccer with females and being pushed or tackled by a woman could turn out to be really amazing. The girls may not have the sportsmen like skills, but they do have the right to share a soccer field with males, without cowering to any considerations regarding varied gender issues. While in many Asian countries, it’s the family that takes the important decisions regarding a girl’s life; in America women do have the right to choose their partners and to freely live their lives as they want to. In that context, a person visiting Hong Kong for the first time may be shocked at finding dog and cat meat dishes in the regular menus at the local restaurants (Ingrams 134). Yet, for a Chinese it could mean just one other culinary delight or a dietary preference. Indeed food is one major difference between varied cultures. Also, food could turn out to be a unique experience in the US, because it is imported from almost every nation and it gets really difficult to tell, which a foreign food is and which a traditional American food is. For instance, most of the people in the Middle East do not eat pork, just like the Jewish people from Israel. It gets really funny to notice that the Arabs and the Israelis can share their dietary preferences, but they cannot share the land. In the US, fast food and gas stations are almost ubiquitous, while in the Middle East, one could find barber shops and laundries almost everywhere. Indeed, the human needs do tend to differ from one culture to othe r. The way people dress up in the Arab nations is unique. Some people there

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Video Games and Art Essay Example for Free

Video Games and Art Essay â€Å"No video gamer now living will survive long enough to experience the medium as an artform† â€Å"No one in or out of the field has ever been able to cite a game worthy of comparison with the great poets, filmmakers, novelists and poets, composers, painters and so on† â€Å"They will not evolve..† These are the arguments emphasized in Rogert Ebert’s article about video games which for me, are striking and disturbing. Appreciation of the video games as art depends on one’s own definition of what is art. Ebert said that the most articulate definition of art he has found is stated in Wikepedia. It goes, â€Å" Art is the process of deliberately arranging elements in a way that appeals to the senses or emotions. Plato, on the other hand, spoke that â€Å"art should be defined as the imitation of nature. Roger Ebert, however, defined art as creation of one artist. This only implies that one interprets a certain medium or form depending on his/her own criteria and framework. Ebert is able to consider video games as not art because his own definition of art does not match with how video games are created, executed and manipulated. In Ebert’s article, he cited Wikepedia saying that â€Å"games are distinct from work.† Games are more concerned with the expression of ideas and its key components are goals, rules, challenge, and interaction. He even mentioned and singled out the difference between art and games. Adding more to the description of games, he further cited that games have to be won. Games have rules, objectives and an outcome. Meanwhile, he uttered that art in the forms of story, novel, play, dance and film cannot involve the aspect of winning. You cannot win. Rather, you can only experience them. That’s the point. Ebert tried to see both aspects in their physicality or form, not in the way they are able to affect their audience, not really in a way how audiences experience them. Video Games are indeed art I can’t help but be amazed on how Michael Mirasol argued that video games can be or indeed art. His points were rich of supporting facts, details and insights that can really convince its readers. To him, a video game is not a meaningless form of mindless entertainment. He made it clear. Video games should be considered art. He pointed out how video games evolved through time. Video games started as monotone blocks or blips on Cathode Ray Tubes until it evolved into more advanced and complicated features. Before, video games were only created to facilitate competition but today, they are creatively made to give entertainment, pleasure and ofcourse, profit. Thanks to the leap to advanced technology that made way to its innovations and developments. I would love to exemplify Super Mario, as the first ever video game to incorporate a fairy tale story. This is what Michael Mirasol is saying. There is incorporation of the narrative, setting and characterization. Hence, audiences or games engage themselves to the game in a more intimate and exciting manner. There is emotional investment. This is the reason why video gamers get hooked to this kind of game. I would just like to quote what British author, journalist and critic, Steven Poole wrote, â€Å" A beautifully designed videogame invokes wonder as the fine arts do, only in a uniquely kinetic way. Because the videogame must move, it cannot offer the lapidary balance of composition that we value in painting; on the other hand, because it can move, it is a way to experience architecture, and more than that to create it, in a way which photographs or drawings can never compete. If architecture is frozen music, then a videogame is liquid architecture† Videogame is not merely a game. It is a medium, just like art. It conveys specific message and it forms an interaction with the gamer. The video game’s goals and the video gamer’s response complement each other. Michael Mirasol said that games are evaluated according to their components instead of the experience the video gamer is able to get from playing. Exactly. Video Game is a kind of modern art I would just like to get the idea, Mirasol cited from wikepedia. â€Å"Games are more concerned with the expression of ideas and its key components are  goals, rules, challenge, and interaction.† An art is no doubt, an expression of one’s thoughts, dreams or emotions. To me, an art is the freedom to express oneself through different forms and processes. An art indeed has goal. It is to convey message and meaning. It is to manifest talent and skill. It is to entertain, to inform, to liberate, to propagate, to persuade. Meanwhile, an art may create its own rule, depending on the creator. In terms of challenge, it is left in the hands of the reader whether he or she acccepts the challenge of going deeper into the meaning the art form conveys. Lastly, the interaction always takes place between the artform and the reader once the art is read and seen. The production of meaning is automatic. However, we cannot only leave the comparison by only comparing the similarity or di fferences of the two aspects in their components and aesthetic. Just like what I said, leave it to the experience or the overall impact the two bring. I am not really a video gamer but because of my brothers who are fond of playing video games, I also engaged myself not miss the fun and excitement. I used to play playsations with them in my elementary days. We have collections of video DVDs that contain a variety of games. There were sports, combats and alike. I remember playing Pacman, Street Fighter, Tennis, Car race, Lilo and Stitch, Resident Evil and many more. During those days, playstations were really hit. Our neighbors, playmates and cousins come over to our house everyday and play with us whole day. I only enjoyed playing video games whenever I played with them. There, I found satisfaction. When I win the game, I almost jump in joy. When I lose, it was an ordinary thing because my brothers were the masters of the video games. Then the computer came in. I was hooked with playing simcity where I build my own city, own houses and businesses and manage them. That was fantastic. I get to become the mayor of a city, virtually. And there are more decoration games, cooking games, fashion games that developed, really, my artistic and creative side. It was always a fulfillment to be able to make my own design or what I would consider, my artwork. I was even hooked to playing dress up games and cityville in computer. I really love those games. It does not matter to me whether someone says that video games cannot be art. That someone is only a small portion of the population which believes that video games are highly art. Even I,do not really eye on the label. What important to me is the feeling and the reward I get from valuing  video games as significant part of my life and as significant component of a rich culture. Nowadays, video games are no longer merely games. They mean some more else. I agree to the study about video gamers that Ma’am Eloi once mentioned. Video gamers are indeed people who can be considered wise because they know and develop strategies as the game progresses. They are able to design tactics and win battles. They are able to master their skills and sharpens their minds. They are able to squeez their creative and critical juices and come up with outputs in the end. They also get to socialize while playing the games. Thanks to the technology for the breakthrough in video games and for the convenient and more pleasurable way of playing them. More and more brilliant ideas are coming up and I will not wonder if someday, a different kind of video game is existing. Consequently, perspectives on video games will eventually change. I am certain that the evolution of video games is continuing. Someday, the mass audience will consider it an art or yet, something different and something more meaningful than labeling it as art.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Analysis Of A Clockwork Orange English Literature Essay

Analysis Of A Clockwork Orange English Literature Essay Singing in the rain, Im singing in the rainà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. As this vivacious song disappears into the terror of the night, the emergence of one of the greatest novels and movies, A Clockwork Orange, begins to take shape. Anthony Burgesss contemporary novel, A Clockwork Orange, and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, A Clockwork Orange, based upon the novel, have many important similarities and differences, which aid in confirming A Clockwork Orange as one of the most terrifying, yet extraordinary pieces of cinema and literature ever to be created. One of the important similarities between Anthony Burgess novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the interpretation of what the true meaning of A Clockwork Orange which is important because it is the basis for the entire story because he has been brain washed by the government to make him act the way they want him to act. In A Clockwork Orange, Alex is only A Clockwork Orange, something mechanical that appears organic. By this I mean that although Alex is human, and capable to say and think whatever he chooses, he cannot, for in fact he is being used like a machine by the government, doing whatever they desire with him. From the similarity between the interpretation of what the true meaning of A Clockwork Orange in both Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange comes the difference in how the government proves Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange, after having already completed the Ludovico Technique. In Anthony Burgess contemporary novel they prove Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange by showing him certain grotesque pictures and asking him what he felt. In Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, they proved Alex to be like A Clockwork Orange by placing him on a stage with actors and presenting it in front of the important members of the government. Please, I must do something shall I clean your boots Look, Ill get down and lick them. In Stanley Kubricks A Clockwork Orange this following passage is what Alex said in Stanley Kubricks movie after having been kicked in the Gulliver by the actors boot, which demonstrates Alexs mechanical change into A Clock work Orange. Another similarity in both Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the use of the Nadsat language. The Nadsat language, which is the vocabulary of the teenagers in the future, is important to be in both the book and movie because the language shows the difference between the violent teenagers and the intellectual aristocracy of this nightmarish future. Viddy well brotha viddy well, What giveth then, old droogie? Nobody seemed to quite pony that, but somebody said in like a harsh goloss Ho, ho, ho! Well, if it isnt fat stinking billy goat Billy Boy in poison! How art thou, thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip oil? Come and get one in the yarbles, if ya have any yarbles, you eunuch jelly thou! Be more respectful, boy, in addressing the Minister (A Clockwork Orange, page 173). This passage taken from Anthony Burgess contemporary novel exemplifies how teenagers talked, and that no one else seemed to understand pony what Alex was saying, except that it had to be disrespectful. A huge difference between Anthony Burgess contemporary novel and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie of A Clockwork Orange is the differences with the second encounter with the man whose wife that had been raped and killed by Alex and his friends droogies. In Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, the man is exactly the same as he was except for his wife having been killed. In the book, the man asked to hear Alexs story and he mentioned the name Dim, whom sounded familiar to the man, and then for the first time he realized that Alex was one of those hoodlums who raped his wife that terrible night. Also, in the morning, the man called him down to eat breakfast, which gave Alex time to roam around in the mans bedroom where he found his name, F. Alexander, on his book. However, from this, Alex was used by F. Alexander as a political stunt in the hotel room without force and leaves the reader to assume that F. Alexander was responsible for driving Alex to sheer madness to jump out of the win dow. Unlike Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie was completely different in the second encounter with the man whose wife had been raped and killed by Alex and his friends. The man, having been beaten so badly in the first encounter, was now in a wheelchair, and accompanied by a huge, strong man named Julian, whom helped F. Alexander do the things that he could not do in a wheelchair. Also, while Alex is offered a hot bath, he sang the song Singing in the Rain, which he had sung during the first encounter with F. Alexander. Having sung this song, the man at once recognized and realized that Alex had been one of the hoodlums that were there on the night he had been beaten, and raped his wife. Also, having realized after the bath that Alex was responsible for his wifes death, he drugged Alexs drink rendering him unable to ever know the mans name, F. Alexander, and proving that F. Alexander was responsible for having tried to kill Alex by driving him to madn ess to jump out of the window. Anthony Burgess contemporary novel, A Clockwork Orange, and Stanley Kubricks outstanding movie, A Clockwork Orange, based upon the novel, have many important similarities and differences. These similarities and differences; however, help to mold in my opinion one of the greatest novels and movies of our time. Upon reading and watching A Clockwork Orange it leaves me with just one final thought what will the world be like in the future?

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Culture Differences In Nonverbal Communication Cultural Studies Essay

Culture Differences In Nonverbal Communication Cultural Studies Essay Communication contains verbal and nonverbal behaviors, and these two types are clearly influenced by culture. In this paper I will discuss the role of culture in verbal language, focusing on nonverbal behaviors and body language,. I also discuss the control of culture on nonverbal actions in the communication progressions, includes our facial expressions, , eye contact, gestures, posture, and even the tone of our voice. Nonverbal  Communication is the communication and express feeling with no words the capability to value and use nonverbal communication as powerful tool that help people communicate with others, express what their emotion, experiences, and make better relationships at house and work. Many people think that all they really need to pay attention to in a discussion is the spoken word and nonverbal communications as well (Jeanne Segal et al, 2010) Every culture has its own language, with its own vocabulary, language rules, and grammar without any doubt Culture influences all characteristic of our life. It entail subjective such as approach, ,outlook, judgment, values, principles, behaviors and objective clothe, food, device; frequently look like as if cultural miscommunication produces up in the majority of unpredicted situate (Matsumoto, 1997). Arabic language shapes combining characteristics of the Arab World. Nevertheless different areas use local language and accent of Arabic, all share the speak of the normal standard Arabic language Arabs, use gestures and body language to communicate with others just like all people do. Some of the nonverbal communication is nearly the same as Western or Eastern but some are completely diverse. Facial expressions: According to (Matsumoto, 2006 ) there are six universal emotions : anger, revulsion, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise that would be showing from any person who has different culture and background. Canadian smile at strangers public places which is good habit in my opinion, although our religion motivate smiling to others whether they are known to us or not but most Arab feel not comfortable to see people smile to them or they might think that they know them and couldnt recognize their name. Smile might show warmth, express respect, or costume true feelings. I faced some differences in the facial expression here in Canada even with Arabs who are from different regions and areas but I realized that we could make mistakes when we judge people according to our own culture in the way of expression their feeling and emotions by their facial expression and if some individuals of culture do not have strong facial expression or they do not show it does not mean that they experience emo tions. Eye contact Eye contact is something means the trust and honesty while In Arabic culture lack of eye contact does not mean that a person is not paying attention. Women usually avoid eye contact with Men. Gestures: Gestures are particular body or hand movement that bring meaning to others use of a finger to signify come here please This gesture considered to be rude and offensive in some cultures. The gesture of perfect in western culture means in our culture threats and bullying Usually Arab use for calling someone right hand out, palm down, with fingers brought to oneself over and over again in a clawing movement, In nonverbal communication some gestures considered rude and might be normal and polite manners in other culture for example snapping fingers to call a waiter is appropriate, whereas Arab culture consider this gesture rude and impolite.    touch is another example of nonverbal communication which is normal between the same sex and forbidden between the opposite sex in Arab culture unless if the members are male relative for example father ,grandfather, brothers, son, nephew and sisters son uncles or by marriage husbands father grandfather, and husbands son. Every culture is different in their nonverbal expression of emotion. Feelings of friendship exist universally in the world, however their expression differ. It is okay in some nations for men to hug and for women to hold hands; in other countries, these shows of warmth and liking are disheartened or forbidden. Many of Canadians and Americans business manager like comforting with their feet up on their desks. But to show someone from Saudi Arabia the ones foot is extremely offensive and rude, because the foot is considered the dirtiest part of the body. Greetings: Even though it could be tricky to know exactly how we should greet every person in other culture, but it is important to know a common greeting before we visit a new country. Also something need to be known very well that our manners of greeting might be not work in another culture. For example, while it is normal for women to kiss and hug men while this is unacceptable greeting manners religious and traditionally in Muslims and Arab world. It is kind of polite act to fully respect parents and any elders by help them talk to them respectfully and walk beside or behind them never walk in front of them that is rude act also people usually kiss them in the head to show the respect and kindness. Arab and Muslims usually greet each other by these words Salam alaykum which means Peace is upon you with Allahs Mercy and Blessings. Physical Space: Various cultures need to speak to each other at diverse space.   People need more or less physical space between themselves and someone else as this can affect the whole communication. When I first start meeting people from different cultures I tried to adjusted the distance take steps back and forth to be comfortable with the speaker. I usually take more space when I talk to male more than female according to my religion and belief. According to (Matsumoto, 2006) Arab men, be likely to sit nearer to each other than American males, with more direct, confrontational kinds of body direction. They also had superior eye contact and tended to talk in louder voices. Additionally, People from Arab cultures usually learn to interrelate with others at space close enough. Avoiding Cultural Miscommunication: Knowing the nonverbal communication in the new country that we have planned to visit is something very important to avoid the miscommunication across-culture. Also, knowing where cultural misinterpretation frequently occurs to help to adjust the communication when you observe a something out of place crop up. Practice using this knowledge to develop cross-cultural communication skill helps us to make relationships with people from other cultures. The way of acknowledge the other person is significant also, direct eye contact, a handshake, and a little words are needed in many culture in communicating with others. Communicating with clarity and empathy are helping the communication to be effective as it build trust relationships. Help the other person to see everything in the discussion. Clarity builds trust. Also we should know that not just the culture that influence the communication with others but the individuals personality and the relationships between people who are communicating.

Monday, August 19, 2019

A Response to the Great Depression Essay -- essays papers

A Response to the Great Depression The Great Depression of the 1930s was the economic event of the 20th century. The Great Depression began in 1929 when the entire world suffered an enormous drop in output and an unprecedented rise in unemployment. World economic output continued to decline until 1932 when it clinked bottom at 50% of its 1929 level. Unemployment soared, in the United States it peaked at 24.9% in 1933. Real economic output (real GDP) fell by 29% from 1929 to 1933 and the US stock market lost 89.5% of its value. Another unusual aspect of the Great Depression was deflation. Prices fell 25%, 30%, 30%, and 40% in the UK, Germany, the US, and France respectively from 1929 to 1933. These were the four largest economies in the world at that time. In the United States the Great Depression brought forth many problems. There was both a physical and psychological impact on the entire nation. Many feared losing their jobs and the high rate of unemployment cause much anxiety. People were becoming depressed and the numbers of attempted and/or committed suicides were increasing. The impact on the nations health was also an issue. Thousands of people were going hungry, causing people to grow their own food and eat wild berries and other plants. Children were suffering from poor diets and inadequate medical attention, which lead to many other health problems. Living conditions changed when multiple families began crowding into small houses and apartments in at...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

British Empire Essay -- British English History

THE BRITISH EMPIRE The British Empire was the largest empire in history and for a time was the foremost global power. It was a product of the European age of discovery, which began with the maritime explorations of the 15th century, that sparked the era of the European colonial empires. By 1921, the British Empire held sway over a population of about 458 million people, approximately one-quarter of the world's population. It covered about 36.6 million km ² (14.2 million square miles), about a quarter of Earth's total land area. As a result, its legacy is widespread, in legal and governmental systems, economic practice, militarily, educational systems, sports, and in the global spread of the English language. At the peak of its power, it was often said that "the sun never sets on the British Empire" because its span across the globe ensured that the sun was always shining on at least one of its numerous colonies or subject nations. During the five decades following World War II, most of the territories of the Empire became independent. Many went on to join the Commonwealth of Nations, a free association of independent states. This astonishing empire was never undone in the way that the Roman Empire was: instead it dissolved peacefully, by mutual consent, and the British, apart from creating the world's largest empire, also had the privilege of being the only empire builders not to be destroyed in their far flung empire itself. ORIGINS UNDER ELIZABETH I The first moves by the British to establish an empire came during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). Elizabeth was a far-sighted sovereign who financially supported the voyages of exploration, mainly through her favorite, Sir Francis Drake, who in 1580, became the first... ...FORMER OTTOMAN TERRITORY IN MIDDLE EAST The outcome of the First World War in 1919, saw the British Empire at its height: the Treaty of Versailles gave Britain most of the German Empire in Africa, while the collapse of the Ottoman Empire in the Middle East led to the British acquisition of Palestine and Iraq in 1918. DISSOLUTION OF THE EMPIRE AFTER WORLD WAR II The British Empire only finally started dissolving after the First World War, with the process being speeded up dramatically in the aftermath of the Second World War. The primary reason for the dissolution of the empire was economic and political rather than racial: after the Second World War, Britain was simply too impoverished to continue holding on to an empire created in a previous century, and it was easier to grant independence to the far flung colonies, especially when some of these turned violent.

Giambattista Vico and the Pedagogy of Heroic Mind in the Liberal Arts

Giambattista Vico and the Pedagogy of 'Heroic Mind' in the Liberal Arts ABSTRACT: Vico's concept of the Heroic Mind forms the pedagogical basis for his view of the liberal arts in university education. It is also the key to understanding his humanist critique of Cartesian epistemology. This essay studies Vico's Heroic Mind concept as revealed in his 1732 De mente heroica Oration, discusses the nature of Vico's challenge to Descartes' view of the human person and of knowledge, and points out the development of Vico's ideas on mind, education, and knowledge from his earlier works. Vico's writings not only offer a portrait of eighteenth century European intellectual and cultural thought, but also prophesy the change, disruption, and dehumanization that result from the exaggerated emphases on rationality as the end of all knowledge divorced from other physical, emotional, natural, or historical contingencies and from a neglect of the de mente heroica concept at the foundation of the humanistic world view. His understanding of the state of learning, wisdom, a nd culture in his own age as well as his exposure to the aversion of the Cartesian mathematical paradigm which discounted the Heroic Mind issues forth in an understanding of the forces driving modern technological society and the problems plaguing contemporary consciousness and life. He has influenced and inspired much modern thinking in sociology, politics, anthropology, language, pedagogy, literature, psychology, and even science. It is the concept of the historical and cultural evolution of the Heroic Mind which Vico passionately pursued in his monumentally creative The New Science. On October 20, 1732 a distinguished Neapolitan Professor of Rhetoric and Eloquence, who ha... ... Jacques. The Technological Society. Trs. John Wilkinson. New York: Knopf, 1964. Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ. New York: Bantam Books, 1995. Verene, Donald Phillip. Vico's Science of Imagination. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1981. Vico, Giambattista. On Humanistic Education (Six Inaugural Orations. 1699-1707). Trs. Giorgio A. Pinton and Arthur W. Shippee. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1993. __________. "On the Heroic Mind." in Vico and Contemporary Thought, ed. Tagliacozzo, Mooney, and Verene. Atlantic Heights, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1979, vol. 2: 228-45. __________. On the Study Methods of Our Time. Trs. Elio Gianturco. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990. __________. The New Science of Giambattista Vico. Trs. Thomas Goddard Bergin and Max Harold Fisch. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1948.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Frozen Pizza and Other Slices of Life

â€Å"Frozen Pizza and Other Slices of Life† Frozen pizza and other slices of life, by Antoinette Moses, is a very good book which tells us eight different stories about different people who show us the same country (England) but from their own point of view and tells us eight different stories about their particular lives. In the last four chapters, we can find other new British's point of view and many lessons from each chapter. Here is what we have learned from the last four chapters.To start with ‘Sweetie’, in this chapter, the story represents a student life, whose plot talks about Nikki Apton, a student college, who is not quite good at managing on her life. Her characteristic is the same as other students who are not able to arrange what is the priority thing to do. She is always irresponsible for the negative results that are made by her. Fashionable student ‘Nikki Apton’ leads a fun-loving life, exploiting parents for money and leaning on her friend Sue to cover up for absences at seminars. Her father loses his job and cannot subsidize her; meanwhile the bank stops her cash card.Sue complains to lecturer Mrs. Martins about the way Nikki puts pressure on her. Nikki receives a letter saying she has failed the course. She remains convinced that she has a bright future despite her academic failure. In this story, the author does not give us know the story by the main character narrating. She runs the story by Nikki, the main character, sending E-mails to her friend, her boyfriend, her parents and her lecturer. The language and style that the author uses is just daily-life words. It is easy to understand even though there is some unseen slang found.Nikki’s characteristic is like her sending Emails. She never faces up with the problems directly. She uses E-mail to deal with them. It shows that she is not quite sincere because when writing E-mail, we have to think each word over repeatedly. Sometimes, we may not mean th at as we exactly feel but have to use those sentences just because it sounds better. After finishing this chapter, Nikki reminds me to look at myself. She is the mirror that reflects my life and warns me not to do like her. The lesson that I have got from the chapter is ‘As you sow, so shall you reap. From the story, Nikki does not do her duty by herself, asking someone help and also complaining him or her when it is not what she expects. Finally, She deserves to fail in her academic at the end of the story. Next chapter is ‘The Star Reporter. ’ The plot of this chapter is associated with a student reporter, Mike, who makes the news about a flooded area near his college, and this event changes his life forever. There are three main characters in this chapter; Mike, Angela, and Carol. Mike’s characteristic is curious and sympathetic.Angela is an ambitious editor of the Student News team who does not care what is right or wrong. The last main character is Car ol, a Robbie’s mother who lives in the flooded area. She cannot accept any truth that she did. Mike, a student who was in the Student News Team, made the news about the nearby area, which had flood every year. Angela, the editor, agreed with him and sent him to give the people who lived in the flooded area an interview and also sent Sue with him in order to take the photographs. In the flooded village, Mike met Carol, who was lifting a buggy up to the stairs while carrying her baby, Robbie.While Sue was taking a photo of her, Carol was so frightened that she forgot her baby and things in her arms but covered her face instead. Luckily, Mike was fast enough to catch the baby in time. After talking with Carol, Mike was very pleasant and felt that she was a very good mother. Moreover, he was eager to know why Carol was afraid of journalist. So he returned to find more information about Carol and he discovered that she was headline in the news long ago as a child murderer. When sh e was eleven years old, she usually took care of the children around her neighbor as a babysitter.According to the news, she hit the child to make him stop crying until he died. But Carol said a child had fallen off a slide and smashed hit head. Carol was sent to a prison for young people and she had to stay there until she was sixteen. While Mike was reading the news, Angela came in and saw it. Angela took that news to the publishers and they published the news as â€Å"WE FIND CHILD KILLER’S SECRET HOME! † Carol and Robbie had to be separated from each other. Mike resigned from the college and travel abroad. At last, He gave up the idea of journalist and decided to become a teacher instead.The language and style that the author uses in this chapter is easy to understand. She often uses many dialogues in order to continue the story smoothly. In addition, she also uses metaphors to illustrate the readers. For example, she compares the Tabloids with two years old kids w ho scream when they are hungry or lose their toys because the tabloids get the readers’ attention by using a big headline. For the mood of this story, the narrator, Mike tells the story depressingly and guiltily. ‘Something that you do not intend to do can make others suffer’ is the lesson we have learned from this story.Mike does not mean to let Angela knows about Carol’s background, but Angela knows it accidentally and finally Carol had to separate from her child. Another lesson is ‘Just one mistake can change your life forever. ’ From the story, Mike decided to become a teacher instead of a journalist after this happening. The third account ‘Don’t Miss the Mozart’ is involved with Melanie, a woman who is sent to pick up a pianist, Louise Conte at the train station, but she picks up a wrong woman with misunderstanding, so she is fired from her work.Finally, she takes her revenge by abducted the pianist so that Louise Cont e will miss her concert. There are two main characters in this chapter; Melanie and Nicole Leconte. Melanie is too careless to check that the person she picks up is the real pianist. And Nicole Leconte, a university scientist from France who comes to England to do a seminar, is too innocent to realize that there is something wrong with this hospitality. Melanie was sent to the train station at Norwich, England to pick up French pianist, Louise Conte.She was a soloist who will play Mozart Concerto at festival concert. Melanie misunderstood that a French scientist, Nicole Leconte, was the pianist, so she took her to a luxurious hotel, which surprised Nicole. Nicole thought this was a surprising hospitality, but does not realize there must be something wrong. When arriving at the festival office, they just know the truth. Mel was very angry. Later, Mel took revenge on Louise Conte by disguising herself to be Conte’s driver and taking her to the north, so it made Conte miss the c oncert.The author explains the two main characters’ feeling clearly so that the readers can understand easily that this situation is an accident, Melanie does not want to mix Nicole up with Madame Conte. Moreover, the author uses hyperbole to demonstrate the readers. For example †¦Nicole heard her ask, as if it was the most marvelous surprise to find her there, at the moment†¦. Another device the author uses in this chapter is foreshadowing. According to the middle of the story, Nicole told Melanie not to miss the Mozart concerto hat would be played one evening but at the end of the story, Melanie made Louise Conte miss it.The lesson from this chapter is ‘Carelessness will lead to disaster. ’ From the story, Melanie did not check carefully that the person she met was the true pianist, Louis Conte, so she was fired from her job. The plot of the last chapter â€Å"The Shivering Mountain† is about an Italian school student, Paulo, who expects the ci ty life in England, must be fun. On the other hand, the Fowler family’s activities in their free time, which he stays with, make him annoyed and disappointed. Finally, there has an incident to make him realize why the British family loves doing those activities.There are two main characters: Paulo and Nick. The characteristics of Paulo are stubborn, grumbling and pessimistic while Nick is easy going and a nature lover. Paulo who was an Italian School student had to spend his summer with the Fowler family in England. Paulo enjoyed the city life just in the first week but after that time he found it miserable to join with the family trip to the Peak District and activities that the Fowler planned to do like going walking and bird watching. Moreover, he felt disappointed his friend’s behavior, Nick Fowler, that it was not the same as if Nick became a different person.One morning, Paulo walked alone into the hills without unawareness of the danger. Getting lost into the mi st, he almost stepped off a cliff but fortunately; Nick could help him in time. Finally, the incident brought them closer together. The language and style that author usually uses is common words and informal language. So it is easy to understand. Moreover, the author always describes the story with lots of adjectives and adverbs that make us easily imagine the pictures along with the story. The language device that author usually uses is the metaphor. It also compares two things.You can see two examples in the story: it was like being inside a cloud and you’d look like a sheep. Moreover, author also uses hyperbole as one of the language devices. From the story â€Å"The clothes, for a start, would make them laugh till they were sick†, you can see that it is impossible for someone laughing until he or she is ill. It is the technique to evoke strong feelings or to create a strong impression, but not meant to be taken literally. What I have learnt from this story is that we should adapt ourselves to the new environment. Try to learn the new activities in our leisure time of another society.And you will find sometimes the differences are not worse like you think. For example, Paulo whose family, his friends and people in Italy love spending their summer swimming, playing football and sunbathing on the beach, while the Fowler family enjoys spending their holidays living with the nature in the countryside. British family is quite the nature lover. They like looking at many kinds of birds through binoculars, walking up to a hill, sleeping in a tent. Especially, for British family to use guidebooks and maps makes Paulo surprised. It seems that people in Italy do not take an interest in a map.At last, Paulo understood why his friend, Nick, loves coming to the Peak District after he had seen a goshawk flying over his head. The story we dislike the most is ‘Don’t Miss the Mozart’ because the way Melanie solved her problem by abducting t he pianist instead of accepting he mistake is unreasonable and desperate, so we think the story should not end like this. On the other hand, our favorite story is ‘Sweetie’ because this story usually happens in daily life and in every culture. This story also reflects the college society that students have to deal with many problems.Besides the consequence of Nikki’s behavior is what she deserves. There are many reading strategies we have learned from the class can apply to this reading of narrative text. The first technique is to guess meaning from the context. From the entire stories we have read, we barely look up the word in the dictionary for. We usually try to guess the meaning from the context first. Using note-taking technique while reading is so utile that when we want to get the important detail, we can abruptly recall knowledge from the note we take before.Moreover, making an inference is one we usually use to get the implied meaning of something. It i s a crucial skill that must be mastered for us to have real comprehension. When we recall prior experiences that are similar to what we are reading, it helps us much to get the valuable lessons of each chapters. In conclusion, the stories from the fifth chapter to the last chapter reveal us the culture, the ways of life, people attitude, and the media in the United Kingdom’s society including personal thought, opportunity, and problem, media effects, and social adaptation.Because of the easy language, we can enjoy the stories and imagine along with when reading. Moreover, these stories are the common situations that can occur in everyday lives but can be the social problems by not paying attention. Finally, all the valuable lessons in every chapter reflect every aspect of people’s lives and can be applied in our daily lives. Chadaratch Kalyasiri 5311100265 Yanisa Treerat 5311100290 Tharin Rienjongdee 5311100338 Puttamas Limchaisawat 5311100443

Friday, August 16, 2019

Outline How Material Things on City Road Favour the Activities

Material things on city road favour the activities of some groups of people over others. I have outlined three specific things on city road that I will be talking about and the different groups of people if favours over others. Firstly there is the Auto trader newsagents, it first opened its doors in the 1930's and has been a family run business since then, and there is the Taste buds cafe, which is the longest established cafe. Also the Macintosh centre.The Auto trader newsagents first opened its doors in the 1930's it is a family run business and the present owner has been working there since 1965, and before that his father ran the newsagents. The shop will favour people shopping for general every day items, also people from the local area who know its there and wanting to keep small local businesses alive. It wouldn't favour people who were on low incomes as there is a Tesco that has opened just 2 blocks away. This has not helped the business of the newsagents and has lowered the sales. 5 years ago a Spar shop opened up close to the Auto trader but that didn't make much difference to the shop. There are not many children in this area and those who do shop here don't seem to use traditional toys. (the street, 2009, scene 3 ) The ethnic minority would not be favoured with this local shop as it wouldn't sell the specific food groups that they may be looking for, also families and students who would be looking for cheaper alternative to local products.The Taste buds cafe is the longest established cafe on City road, they cater for lots of different tastes so will favour people from all different backgrounds. They specially cater for old people, they do this by keeping their prices low and creating a safe environment and providing a community centre. Making and repairing a society through creating a scene of community. (the street, 2009, scene 3 ) This would also favour families with and people in a lower income, but wouldn't favour people without a disposable i ncome as its not a nessisty.They serve Spanish, Greek, English curry's and mousaka. So this would favour people who would want to try different food groups. It favours old people who go their for the community feel, the feeling if safety and security, the elderly like come in to meet up with their friends and talk to the staff who make them feel welcome. There is also the Macintosh centre on city road, which is a locally run sports centre, it was a family home for the Richards hen the Makintoshes and was farm land before being developed into a sports centre. It is the bringing people from outside the area into City road but its making the locals feel unwelcome with its expensive look. So its not favouring the locals with the expensive look of the building outside so its creating a divide between the locals and the outside world. So from that it will favour families and children on a higher income. But wouldn't favour people of a lower income, students and people from the local area. The Macintosh centre are trying to change this perception with local advertising. On a Saturday this all changes as the mackintosh centre changes into a local farmers market, this favours locals, students and families. It also favours people looking to keep things local, fresh and additive free. I moved here a few months ago to begin my studies at Cardiff, for me it offers a way of life I want to support. ( the street, 2009, scene 7)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Going Green to save the Environment Essay

Environment preservation has been of high concern by many environmentalists’, governments and other non-governmental organization. Due to the current situation of the environmental degradation, many campaigns by different organization have thus been put forward as a remedy to the effects of this problem. To curb this problem, different global attempts have thus been instituted to ensure a high concern to prevention of further degradation and limit the then effects born of this problem. Broadly, environment is the ecosystem in which man, animals and the plants survive in. For the health of the live on the earth, importance is attached to the influence of a health state of the environment. A polluted environment is harmful to man, the other animals and to the plants kingdom. Such comes from the indirect consequences that arise as a result of the harmful environment or directly through the health effects that poor environment has to the living things. In the ecosystem, living organisms interact with the environment in their pursuit of life in which case, they uses the environment to source for their daily requirements. If the environment is degraded, its maximum capacity to offer sustaining output to the living things in the ecosystem is destabilized, which results in the fatal effects of harm to these living things. However, the problem with such environmental degradation is rooted to human beings influence where man in the sole contributor to this problem. Through his daily activities in exploitation of the resources in the environment for his survival, man has continued to degrade the environment. (Wade, 2003) However, with the inset of the problem arising from this problem, man has embarked on the philosophy of ‘going green to save the environment’. This aspect entails the application of various attempts that brings one to being friendly to the environment as well saving money income in his operations. This has a double remedy the ones life, where one saves the environment using certain tools which are also economical in terms of money expenditure. (Beretz, 1999) Environmentalists and human activists have argued that man can only undertake to save the environment in an economical way through the various daily interactions with the environment at various levels. Such levels leading to going green to save the environment, would be captured at the people homestead, workplaces, use of recycling campaigns economy and optimality in peoples daily automobile system and proper concern on material and equipment storage. In such, various areas have been developed by the seventh generation in the realization of the roles that individuals can play at their personal level to save the environment in the cheapest means hence saving their income. The seventh generation is a group of human activists who have joined together to fight for the value of a clean environment. Their campaign is safety geared towards initiating environmental protection at the personal level. (www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) However, in understanding the concept, movers of this philosophy have to capture the diversity in the understanding of the term environment. Broadly, environment captures various sets of variable which will include pollution, demographic control, protection of the ozone layer, use of recycling to prevent pollution, use of environmental conservation methods, and aspects of global warming and endangering of some animal and plants kingdom. Perhaps, the greatest contribution has been by the government, international environmental laws on environment and other big organization of both national and international scales on environmental conservations. However, the contribution of these groups has perhaps been minimal, too costly and not optimal to addressing the issue. Research has showed that, despite the high campaign on environmental protection the problem continues to be a threat to the plant and animal ecosystem. With this challenge, the developers of the seventh generation movement work to remedy this problem through personalizing saving of the environment. The concept will basically involve the application of various conservation measures by the individual person which would be less involving in terms of time resources, effect to the external population and above all saving money. To an individual person, he will interact with various environments in his day to day live depending on different variables such as age, religion, occupation, gender, political orientation and personal social-cultural believes with the environment. In the different environments that individuals interact with, the concept of going green and save environment captures on how an individual person should relate with the immediate environment for its preservation but which would otherwise be of the most minimal cost. To the seventh generation activists’, man is involved in the use of some resources at his personal level which can be re-used once again and who’s un-optimal use leads to environmental pollution. Since such resource products are used by the individual, saving the environment would be fostered through recycling of materials. This would involve the re-use of the products for even other purposes and periods. Environmentalists argue differently on the consequences of recycling in relation to the economy as a whole. (Clay, 2001). In the broader sense of environmental conservation, recycling a product depends on the economies that may be got from such an activity. Firstly, if the product got from this activity is cheaper that that of a new product of the same nature, then recycling is an important tool as it will imply income saving. However, if the product got from the recycling is expensive than the purchase of a new commodity of equally the some nature, then recycling would be uneconomical and thus no need of doing such. To the individual level, the relevance of economies from recycling a product should guide him of whether to recycle the product or not. In one level, such an activity will only involve the particular individual. On the other hand, the activity will save him on income for purchase of other products. Sufficiently, the going green and save environment philosophy is captured at this point. Recycling will involve various resources products such as energy wear materials, use of recyclable products, keeping the air clean upon other activities for collecting rain water for household use and recycling plastic components such as bags that are not easy biodegradable. (Wagner, 2005) Through use of various household product recycling activities, an individual can save his income above saving the environment. At the homestead, individuals should recycle plastic bags, through using them time and again. Either, the use of easily biodegradable plastic containers and products for packing household waste is a measure. For ones physical outwear, clothe recycling is still a measure in which a person can wash a piece of cloth material for many times and still keep some few of them for his use. Some articles like paper towels as well as napkins should be made of recyclable paper material. In the physical decoration of the homestead with paint, brands of paints manufactured from some organic compounds which would be volatile and cheap as well having a lesser effect on environmental degradation should be used. At the personal level, cleaning compounds such as soaps and detergents have been a chief source of environment. ( Sivils, 2003). However, remedy to this would be personal manufacturing of his household cleaning products which can be done from various simple components which are cheaper and a highly environmental friendly. Other economies would be safety to the kids, the old people or pets who would be chemical sensitive hence affected by chemical cleaning materials. After a research carried recently rain water offers a fabulous health conditions to the individual. Rain water is normally healthier with fewer chemicals and therefore better for use by an individual. The opportunity cost of rain water is other sources which contains chemical compounds harmful to man. Either, such sources are normally costly and therefore uneconomical. For one to save income and be environmental friendly therefore, he should strategize to possibly have a collection of rain water. Such a method is cheaper and also safeguards the person against any health problem that may arise from use of treated water or water with various chemicals. An environmental friendly and cheap method can be on the deposition of individual food and organic leftovers, rather than trashing them to the dumping areas. In most the cities, environmental pollution has been as a result of food leftovers substances that are dumped in the dumping site by individuals. (Domoto, 1999) Intensity of such leftovers is environmentally unfriendly whose long run cost is perhaps too high both to the individual, community and the government. By using compost pits for your leftovers, it can alternatively be used as a source of organic manure for your field. Indeed, this method is cheap and ensures a high saving to the environment. ( www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46) By and large, an environmentally friendly homestead is a key factor in concern to going green to save environment. The homestead is the living area of the individual. Therefore, it forms an environment which the individual person should work towards its upkeep. Broadly, diversified methods can be used to improve and maintain a good homestead environment at a cheap cost which is highly cost saving. Diversity in such household’s environment concerning issues varies from energy saving techniques and use of proper methods to conserve waste for household use. In various, studies household activities have been voted as a big contributor towards environmental pollution. Above this problem, such household activities are normally highly costing. Various household activities have led to external environment pollution which is harmful to the immediate individual in the application as well as the neighborhood as a whole. Perhaps the greatest household environmental pollutant is the energy system and activities used in the households. Various energy inputs such as cooking energy, lighting, water heating and laundry appliances have been a chief source of pollution. To avoid this, individual should use environmental friendly energy conservation methods that are also cheap. Some electrical systems and appliances are normally cheap and have less environmental pollution. Example, persons should aim to use fluorescent bulbs that are energy efficient. Home selection of such should vary with shapes, color hue match and room lighting. (Wagner, 2005) Many of these choices have been voted to use a scaled down amount of energy than the other versions. Other varied energy appliances in the homestead can highly help to save the environment above reducing costs of their use. The use of energy star appliances, reducing the homestead utility bill, use of wall warts which are adoptions used for drawing energy from homesteads walls and the use of other dormant appliances which do not use energy when off can highly help to save energy. Active home appliances should be left to home machinery which could only loose its memory when switched off. Household should use energy audit system to control the saving attributes at the homestead which help to save the individual income and the environment as a whole. Contributors of the seventh generation usually argue on the impact of energy as a major source of environmental pollution. Improper use of energy at home can be a chief source of high income expenditures and an environmental pollutant. At all levels, the going green to save environment at the homestead level will call for water saving measures. This will involve on the general methods in use of water at home and the water heating methods which should be through the use of solar heaters rather that electricity. In all such activities the individual incomes is saved as well as the environment. (Wade, 2003) As a whole, personal use of automobiles has been a detriment to environmental pollution. In big cities of the world’s most developed urban areas, exhaustion of fumes, extravagance consumptions of fuels and vehicle jams have highly contributed to environmental pollution. To the individual person, the going green and save environments involves use of car and gas saving instruments that calls for less pollution and lower transport cost. To the individual going green on cars involves economical car application tools which may not imply direct use of transports. Such measures may include public transport use, operating work at home, probably renting of a car, economical driving and the use of environmental friendly fuels in your cars. Such aspects by an individual works toward achieving the going green in conservation of environment as well as saving income. A persons equipment purchases are taken for storage at the stores. To the individual, the storage system of his purchases may highly lead to environmental pollution. The store system should involve methods that help to reduce pollution. Stores packaging, volume of purchases, conditions at the stores should be environmental friendly at a cheap source. (Clay, 2001) The dimension of going green to save the environment tries to capture the possible ways in which an individual at his personal level can work towards minimizing environmental pollution with the cost aspect being minimal. It seeks to draw environmental protections activities and campaigns have been moved from the government or other big organization and bringing it close to the individual level. This has been done after a close realization on the importance of the role played by individual in protecting the environment on economical base rather than use of the broader institutions at higher expenses. Reference: Beretz, C. (1999) Saving the Farm: Forum for Applied Researched Public Policy Vol. 14 Clay, R. (2001) Saving the Earth from Space: Environmental Health Perspectives Vol. 109. Domoto, A. (1999) Saving the Environment Women at the Wheel: UN Chronicle Vol. 36. Seventh Generation (September 2007). The non-Toxic Times News letter. www. seventhgen. com/making_difference/newsletter_article. php? article=404&issue=46 Retrieved on September 29th 2003 Sivils, M. (2003) Rosendale Steven Ed. The Greening of Literary Scholarship: Literature, Theory an the Environment: Studies in American Fiction Vol. 31 Wade, M. (2003) Saving the Planet: Report Debunks Myth That African Americans Don’t Care about the Environment Black Enterprise Vol. 34 Wagner, C. (2005) Saving the Environment Saves Human Lives: Environmental protection Programs Could Reduce Impacts of Future Disasters: The Futurists, Vol. 39