Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Model for Morality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Model for Morality - Essay Example In the Kantian approach to ethics and morality, the ultimate identifier of a ‘good action’ is one that is performed out of ‘duty’ with no other ulterior motive. This becomes a means of a means of rewarding or punishing the individual for performing the action. In this case, duty is the ulterior motive because it accords the individual the opportunity to adopt his own morality. Although Kant was not the first individual to support such an approach to morality and ethics, he was among the first to make such a move. He also passed it along as a moral code of ethics arguing it could be applied universally. This universality of Kantian morality serves as the hallmarks of defining the forms of ethical and moral approaches that have been far been studied. This universality is born out of an understanding that the main guiding precept that defines goodness is duty. This is the duty of maintaining law in society and upholding virtues such as honesty, respect and obed ience. Kant describes it as not necessarily born out of an imprint of Godliness upon the hearts of mankind but out of the universality of reason. This helps to develop moral and ethical approaches to the many situations that greet the individual within his/her daily life (Robert et al, 2011, p. 119). Additionally, Kantian morality and ethics take the approach that God is exhibited through reason and rationality hence presents within the human duties. It, therefore, ultimately leads an individual to perform a moral act for the sake of duty itself. As a means to further this moral approach, Kant argues that the ‘good of humanity’ in itself is sufficient enough a cause for encouraging the application of duty upon any given situation. Good humanity in this case means remarkable values and virtues that define the morality of individuals. Ultimately, this strike at the motivation for action, which itself Kant is able to trace back to a type of humanism that seeks to improve a nd reform the lives of others. It also encourages the good of humanity in general as a means of revealing a better and noble world full of duty. Similarly, the ultimate expression of goodness through the unconscious and conscious acts of duty influences the individual who aspires for such an approach. Conversely, the analysis of the theory demonstrates several levels of weaknesses that raise questions in the reader’s mind with regards to how effective such an approach would ultimately be in the universal practice (Robert et al, 2011, p. 123). This is effective in terms guiding the individual toward reforming his weaknesses and concentrating on his strengths for universal renewal. Although it is laudable to seek to divorce self-interest from moral actions for neutrality and integrity, it

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