Friday, October 4, 2019

The perception of freshmen computer engineering students Essay Example for Free

The perception of freshmen computer engineering students Essay Poverty is one of the biggest concerns that our world encounters at present. Many solutions have been made to alleviate this problem but none of them seem to work. Everyone thinks that overpopulation is the reason behind why the populace lives in a life of insufficiency. Because of this common thought, the United Nations Organization (UNO), in collaboration with the World health Organization (WHO) started to inform the people concerning reproductive health and everything tied with it. The UNO and WHO thought that this would be the answer to overpopulation. By informing the people about natural and artificial family planning methods, it will be of great help in minimizing and controlling the birth rate. In this world with over 7 billion population, in the years that passed by, we cannot negate the fact that our world will be occupied to spilling level soon. And because of this, poverty might be a greater issue. Our country is considered a third world country. This only indicates that most of the people living in this nation are below average. According to United Nations World Population Prospects, the Philippines is ranked 12th among countries with large population. And to overcome this problem which results to poverty, many programs and solutions were made and one of them is the Reproductive Health Bill which was signed into law on December 21, 2012 and now known as Republic Act 10354. It is an act providing for a National Policy on Reproductive Health, Responsible Parenthood and Population Development, and for other purposes. It is also an act which guarantees universal access to methods on contraception, fertility control, sexual education, and maternal care. It is also an act aiming to fight against poverty. But as a Christian country, the Catholic Church emphasizes the rejection of the RH Law. The Catholic Church strongly opposes the said act. The Catholic Church pointed out that the opposition was not about a Catholic decision but a deliberation of the â€Å"fundamental ideals and aspirations of the Filipino people† (Sison 2011). There are also many people and agencies that are against the RH Law. Even so, the Congress, the Senate and the President of the country believe in its potential to answering problems on overpopulation. Saint Mary’s University, as a Catholic School, and a center for excellence, has also a side in this issue. The young students must be knowledgeable of what is going at present. The RH Law is a current issue and a good subject to deal with. Every individual should involve himself in present concerns. Dr. Jose Rizal once said that young people are the hope of the nation. In this context, everyone must know the position of every youth. This study was conducted in order to know the perception of youths particularly the freshmen Computer Engineering students toward the RH Law, if either they say Yes or No. Statement of the Problem Reproductive Health Law is a timely issue and a good subject to talk about. Students who belong to different gender, religion and cultures of Saint Mary’s University should be involved in it. This study was conducted to know the views of freshmen Computer Engineering students towards RH Law and its benefits. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the perception of students towards the Reproductive Health Law (Republic Act 10354) and its benefits? 2. Is there a difference in the perception of students in terms of: a. Gender, and b. Religion? Conceptual Framework Figure 1. Conceptual Framework The study is about the Reproductive Health Law. This topic was chosen for it is timely and a good subject to talk about. The perception of the students will be known through the perceived benefits of the Reproductive Health Law. As the study goes further, the researchers will determine the relationship of gender and religion on the perception of the respondents. Significance of the Study This study was conducted to help people widen up each and every individual’s mind setting about our society nowadays. This study will relatively serve the following. The Students. This study will be of great help to them in becoming aware and knowledgeable about the current situations. This will also help the students to think of their stand on the subject of this study. The Church. The results of study will help the church become aware of the thoughts of the young generation particularly the students. The Government. The results of this study can be one of the basis of the government to know whether the implementation of RH Law is significant or not in the present times. The Future Researchers. This study will also be important to the researchers that will study the same subject in the future. With this study, it will help them think of the ways to improve this research. Because the topic of this study is a current issue, with its limited resources, the results will be helpful to them. Serving as a supplement to their study. Scope and Delimitation This study is only about the perception of the young generation particularly the freshman Computer Engineering students of Saint Mary’s University towards the Reproductive Health Law (Republic Act 10354). This is conducted during the second semester of the School year 2012-2013. Moreover, this study is also conducted to determine if there is a difference in the perception of students in terms of their gender and religion. Other students of different courses are not included for easier data gathering process. Definition of Terms The following terms are defined operationally to facilitate comprehension of the study. Bill. This term in the political process refers to a proposed law placed before a legislative body for examination, debate, and enactment. Law. This term refers to body of official rules and regulations, generally found in constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and the like, that is used to govern a society and to control the behavior of its members. Perception. This refers to the view, opinion, and stand of the respondents towards the benefits of the RH Law which reveals if they disagree or agree with the subject. Reproductive Health. This term refers to the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity, reproductive health or sexual health/hygiene, that address the reproductive processes, functions and system at all stages of life. Chapter 2 METHODOLOGY Research Design This study used descriptive and survey type of research in determining the perception of the respondents. It aimed to find out if there is a difference of the respondent’s views in terms of gender and religion. Understanding the sections of the Consolidated Reproductive Health Law and classifying the benefits of the Law made it descriptive. The study was made a survey type of research because of the manner of data gathering. Research Environment This study was conducted at Saint Mary’s University, a Roman Catholic institution owned by the Belgian missionary congregation CICM located in Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya. This learning institution is comprised of 8 college departments, namely School of Engineering and Architecture, School of Accountancy, School of Business, School of Health Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, School of Public Administration and Governance, School of Education, and School of Computing Science and Information Technology. Subjects of the Study The participants of the study are the freshmen Computer Engineering students of the Engineering and Architecture Department of Saint Mary’s University S.Y. 2012-2013. The researchers randomly chose 40 respondents. The participants are 28 males and 11 females. They are again classified according to their religion. There are thirty (30) Roman Catholic respondents, five (5) Born-Again, four (4) United Methodist, and one (1) Jehovah’s Witnesses. Research Instrument This study used questionnaires. The questionnaire contained the benefits of the Reproductive Health Law as stated in the sections of the Consolidated RH Law. The sections which the benefits were derived from are the following: Data Gathering Procedure Figure 2. Data Gathering Procedure Everyone was given the task to get information about our subject in the library. The researchers gathered data from newspapers and some used the internet in finding resources. With the information sought, we formulated our research problem. Given the needed information and the problem, we were able to create and formulate the questionnaire. The questionnaire was verified and was readied for distribution. The questionnaire was distributed to 40 freshmen Computer Engineering students. The results were gathered, classified, assessed and interpreted. Data Analysis To answer the questions, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts and percentages. The researcher tallied the respondents’ answer on component numbers 1-15 and also if it was â€Å"strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, or strongly disagree†. After it, the tallying the result were summed up. To get the percentage, the frequency count was divided by the total respondents multiplied by 100. Chapter 3 presentation, analysis, and interpretation of data This chapter describes the analysis of data followed by a discussion of the research findings. The findings relate to the research questions that guided the study. Data were analyzed to identify the perception of Computer Engineering students toward the Reproductive Health Law. The data were also analyzed in order to describe the relationship and difference in the perception of the respondents in terms of gender and religion. A total of 40 questionnaires were received, however, only 39 were usable in classifying the male and female respondents because 1 respondent did not complete the questionnaire and left the gender unchecked, and so in tallying, 1 respondent checked twice under the component number 6 making it null and void. The table shows the perception of Catholic Computer Engineering students about the RH Law. It can be seen that 13 or 43.33% strongly agree on the component number 6 (Parents will be instructed and become knowledgeable about responsible parenthood.); 20 or 66.66 agrees on the component number 5 (All serious Reproductive Health conditions such as HIV and Aids will be given maximum benefits as provided by Phil Health programs.); 11 or 36.66% are undecided on component number 2 (Hospitals will be established and upgraded.); 6 or 20% disagree on component number 15 (Unwanted pregnancies will be avoided.); and only 1 respondent strongly disagree on component number 8, 11, and 14 (Children will know the limitations in their sexual life/aspects; Individuals will have an easier access in purchasing Family Planning Supplies; and Abortion will be prevented). We can see that Catholic Computer Engineering Students supports the benefits that RH Law gives. We can infer in the table above that opposing the RH Law is one of the teachings inside the Roman Catholic Church. This implication is in accordance with Sison (2011) in which he said that there is an obvious and strong disagreement of the Catholics toward the RH law. Table 4 shows that 3 out of 4 or 75% of United Methodist Computer Engineering students answered strongly agree on the benefit of RH law which is stated on item 8 (Children will know the limitations in their sexual life/ aspects.); 4 or 100% agreed on the component number 10 (Maternal death will be lessened.); 3 or 75% are undecided on components number 5 (All serious Reproductive Health conditions such as HIV and Aids will be given maximum benefits as provided by Phil Health programs.) and 9 (Violation against women will be eliminated.); 1 or 25% disagreed on components number 2 (Hospitals will be established and upgraded.) ,11 (Individuals will have an easy access in purchasing Family Planning supplies such as contraceptives, pills, etc.), and 13 (The youth will become more responsible through sex education.); and none strongly disagreed on the benefits stated. This implies that United Methodist Computer Engineering students are pro-RH Law. This is contrary to Silverio (2012) in which she said that the non-Roman Catholic Churches in the Philippines (NCPP), which includes the United Methodist Church, supports the RH Law mainly because it dwells on the issues of responsible family and recognizing the right of couples to determine how to plan their family. Alonto, N. (2011). Unknown voice: A Muslim’s view of the RH Bill. Retrieved January 15, 2013, from Amores, A. Capistrano, J. (2007). Pills be with you: A comparative content analysis of thecoverage of reproductive health bill issues by the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star from 2008-2010. Comparative Content Analysis, University of the Philippines Diliman, College of Mass Communication.p.34. Bill. Microsoft ® Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008. Cabradilla,P.M. and Malaki,N.M.R. (2007). The allocative efficiency of the devolved Department of Health and its impacts on family planning. Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines Diliman, School of Economics.p.6. Diaz, J. (2012, December 3). RH fight in final stage. The Philippine Star, p. 22. Gonzales, J. (2011). Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines (Part 1): Facts and salient features. Retrieved on January 4, 2013 from the website Introduction to Jehovah’s Witnesses. (n.d.). Retrieved January 14, 2013, from Macaraig, A. (2012). Senators approve RH bill on final reading. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from the website Probert, Walter. Law. Microsoft ® Student 2009 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2008. Silverio, I. (2012). Non-Catholic groups recognize value of RH bill to maternal health. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from the website -groups-recognize-value-of-rh-bill-to-maternal-health/. Tinoco, M.L.A.K. (1999). A study on the perception of child-bearing couples on themessages conveyed by television advertisement on contraception. Undergraduate Thesis, University of the Philippines Diliman, School of Economics.p.10, 13.

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