Saturday, December 28, 2019

Comparing Reading And Writing Strategies - 1309 Words

Compare and Contrast Two Reading and Writing Strategies Rilla Showles William Carey University â€Å"Reading comprehension and writing skills are a predictor of academic success and a basic requirement for participation in civic life and in the global economy† (Beltran, Decker, 2014, p.18). â€Å"Children are expected to read and comprehend grade-level texts independently and proficiently by the end of third grade and fifth grade† (Stahl, 2012, p. 47). One method of supporting adolescent writing development is scaffolding. Scaffolding is an effective writing instruction that provides structured support as students take on new writing projects or more difficult task (Benko, 2013, p. 291). Reading Recovery and Guided Reading is similar to scaffolding because it uses the same technique. Both Reading Recovery and Guided Reading provides high levels of scaffolding for beginning readers (Stahl, 2012, p. 48). Scaffolding provides support for both reading and writing by enabling the student to master more complex tasks until the scaffolding i s no longer needed. These strategies provide individual support to students. Once they have mastered a skill they move on to the next level. Read Aloud is similar to scaffolding in that the lessons are organized in such a way to gradually become more complex with time by building on prior learned skills and strategies. The purpose in the read aloud scaffolding much like the writing scaffolding in that eventually students areShow MoreRelatedI Loved At The Library854 Words   |  4 Pagesget old. Growing up reading was always encouraged especially in elementary. I loved going to the library, the feeling of excitement ran through my tiny body to see what new book I would pick out. Not only did I enjoy reading but I enjoyed the daily journal writings. 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By the term controlling purpose I mean the main idea that I think the author is trying to get across to their audience. I learned what the a controlling purpose is in the beginning of the course during the first couple of weeks. Things that I struggled with in this semester with are that connecting how the author’s main purpose mattered to me, and getting a good understanding of the text at first reading. OneRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Reflection1032 Words   |  5 Pages This semester has taught me a lot about the different types of writing. I have learned how to draft and compose a rhetorical analysis based off of an author’s ethos, pathos, and logos strategies. Not only have I been able to critically analyz e rhetorical papers, but I have been able to search for more information to support my ideas or beliefs. Even though this can be time consuming it is well worth it to have a lot of support and evidence to back my ideas or beliefs on a topic. Throughout thisRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of The First Rhetorical Strategy921 Words   |  4 PagesThe first rhetorical strategy I used in my descriptive paragraphs was word choice. I bring this up first because without it, the reader has a vague perception of the story. Although if used accordingly, it revives the story and the reader can fully grasp what you want them to see. The best use of this in my positive paragraph was â€Å"spacious†. I wanted the reader to visualize a vast and roomy drive thru while reading my paragraph. Although I could’ve used other words like â€Å"large†, or â€Å"big† they wouldn’tRead MoreThe Analysis : Fleming Mills1212 Words   |  5 Pagessuch as books, handouts, article s, or dictionaries. Reading the printed information and writing notes are methods used â€Å"as their first preference for taking in information† (Fleming, 1995, p. 2). Alexandra Georgeta (2011) state, â€Å"People who prefer this modality are often addicted to PowerPoint, the Internet, lists, and words† (p. 579). The read/write learners make good traditional learners because most schools assign some form of reading to teach new material. Additionally, these students may

Friday, December 20, 2019

The Palestine Of The Ottoman Empire - 1536 Words

Since the end of Hitler’s Regime in Germany, many Jews have felt displaced and felt like they had lost all of their pride and dignity. The British who had control over Palestine from the fall of the Ottoman Empire had declared in 1947 that the land of Palestine would be established as the national home of the Jews. The Jews who had stayed in Palestine had halfheartedly accepted the terms even though it had meant that they would not be given the whole of the land as a state for the Jews. Which had then led to many clashes between Jews, who had lived there and those who had emigrated, and the Palestinian Arabs, who had roots from the beginning of the Ottoman Empire. Since the end of World War II, the state of affairs between the Arabs and Israelis have been a topic of discussions for many fields of study. In 1947, the state of Israel was created by the means of a Partition Plan created by the UN Security Council that had given three zones, each to both the Palestinians and Israelis but has since then led to many conflicts throughout the years. Conflicts that not only include the history of the land, but of who has the right to settle on the land where the three Abrahamic religions, all share history.1 While many of the Arab nations did not fully accept the agreements of the creation of the state of Israel, it was the Jew who settled on that land that were the least satisfied due to losing the full rights to the ‘promise land’. It was through that dissatisfaction that many JewsShow MoreRelatedOttoman Brotherhood Essay examples1205 Words   |  5 PagesNotions of Brotherhood throughout the Late Ottoman Period: In Ottoman Brothers, Michelle Campos attempts to dispel the misconceived notion of the role of ‘ethnic nationalisms’ in the last Islamic Empires disintegration. By utilizing a wide range of sources, Campos illustrates how the Ottoman Empire was far from a ‘prison of nations’, where ‘natural nationalisms’ slowly deteriorated the national composition. That it was, in contrast, a melting pot of ethnicities sharing in the faith of newly acquiredRead MoreThe Rise Of Zionism And Arab Nationalism1407 Words   |  6 PagesThe rise of Zionism and Arab Nationalism in the nineteenth century triggered major political tensions in the region of Palestine. The conflict among the Zionists and Arab Nationalists is primarily due to the politics of territory and is essentially not comprised of religious opposition. In fact, before the advent of Zionism and Arab Nationalism, Jews and Palestinians shared a local identity due to mutual tolerances. This identity, wh ich took precedence over religion, created a vivacious communityRead MoreJewish Nationalism Of The Ottoman Empire1309 Words   |  6 PagesThe Ottoman empire ruled over what is now called Palestine. The population there, according to Ottoman records from 1878 was 87% muslim, 10% christian and 3% jewish. Everyone spoke arabic as the daily language and in Jerusalem the religious population was about equal. In the Ottoman Empire, religions were ensured to live peacefully together. The late 19th century was the golden age of nationalism in Europe and no place was crazier than the Habsburg Hungarian Empire. 10 nations in this empire wantedRead MoreThe Between European Powers And The Ottoman Empire Essay1148 Words   |  5 Pagescomponent in European-Ottoman relations , as the latter was an entity comprised of myriad cultural and linguistic aggregates with the existence of socio-religious supremacy within the administrative hierarchy as opposed to regional representation. 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The Ottoman empire ruled over what is now called Palestine. The population there, according to Ottoman records from 1878 was 87% muslim, 10% christian and 3% jewish. Everyone spoke arabic as the daily language and in Jerusalem the religious population was about equal. To give you a sense of life in the Ottoman Empire, an arab orthodox christian musician named Wasif Jawhariyyeh grew up in Jerusalem in the firstRead More British Diplomacy in Palestine Essay1000 Words   |  4 PagesI believe that British diplomacy in Palestine was consistently indecisive and hypocritical but at the same time the British wanted to keep their hands in Palestine’s economy and goods. The reasoning behind this statement is because of the events that played out during the Hussein-McMahon correspondence, the Sykes-Picot agreement, and the Balfour declaration. First, the Hussein-McMahon correspondence was a long-drawn-out exchange of letters between the Sharif of Mecca Hussein bin Ali and BritishRead MoreWestern Imperialist Policies And Goals1360 Words   |  6 Pagesselfish interest. The main ones were being noted getting the areas of oil fields and vast land. Before World War I, Ottoman Empire is found to be really established especially due to the good leadership provided by the three dictators. Its large population is found to be supportive, a factor that enables it to have a large and established army. With over one million soldiers, the empire is well equipped with a sole objective of protecting its territories. This is seen when they launch an offensive attackRead MoreHistorical Conflict Between Palestine And Israel1176 Words   |  5 Pagesdiplomatic future did not prevail. The peace process between Palestine and Israel failed due to the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin, subsequent to the handshake signalling the agreement. The continuity of this conflict initially caused by sovereignty and ultranationalism, has resulted in a current inability for both Palestine and Israel to come to terms with an agreeable, nonviolent, two state solution. The historical conflict between Palestine and Israel, the significance of the handshake, reacti onsRead MoreThe Success And Resilience Of The Ottoman Empire Essay1723 Words   |  7 Pagescentury, Ottoman suzerainty over its non-Muslim subjects in the Mediterranean and its European territories (Balkans and Caucasus) rested on religious identification as the cornerstone of society within the Ottoman Empire. The success and resilience of the empire derived its legitimacy from the flexibility and willingness to accommodate and respect local customs and religions in exchange for taxes (Jyzhia) and pledges of loyalty. Under the Millet system, the administrative institution under Ottoman law

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Mcdonald’s Expands Globally While Adjusting Its Local Recipe free essay sample

Today, McDonald’s golden arches are one of the most recognized symbols in the world, just behind the Olympic rings. While growth within the U. S. has slowed, the picture outside the U. S. has appeared brighter, until recently. However, globally, taste profiles and consumer desires are changing. McDonald’s has responded to these changes by altering their basic products (when necessary) to fit the requirements of the local markets. While not always successful, it has proven to be a winning strategy. )Identify the key elements in McDonald’s global marketing strategy (GMS). In particular, how does McDonald’s approach the issue of standardization? Does McDonald’s think global and act local? Does it also think local and act global? The popularity of American-style hamburgers, fries, and soft drinks is growing around the world. Also, the restaurants themselves offer the consumers a chance to experience for themselves a fast food legend that provide inexpensive food, quick service, and a clean, familiar environment. We will write a custom essay sample on Mcdonald’s Expands Globally While Adjusting Its Local Recipe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Although global dietary preferences are converging (e. . fast food), a solid understanding of food-related cultural preferences is important for companies in the FB industry. In many locations, menu items are adapted according to the customs and tastes of individual countries. McDonald’s offers an ideal example of â€Å"global localization. † E. g. Chicken Maharaja Mac was created for Indian market; local food ingredients were used in India and China, etc. With McDonald’s offering of local tastes and a combination of American fare, McDonald’s thinks globally (product adaption) and acts globally (standardization). E. g. tyle makeover of the McDonald restaurant at Champs Elysees. 2)Do you think government officials in developing countries such as Russia, China, and India welcome McDonald’s? Do consumers in these countries welcome McDonald’s? Why or why not? Despite concerns by governments and citizens in some countries about â€Å"cultural im perialism,† (e. g. French said McDonald’s â€Å"promote globalization industrially produced food†), McDonald’s and other franchises with well-known brand names are generally welcome. Such businesses provide both much-needed jobs and employee training. McDonald’s does a good job of earning the support of local authorities and the local population by working with agricultural producers to develop local supply sources for beef, potatoes, and dairy products. And, owing to changing lifestyles around the globe, more people are embracing the whole concept of fast food. 3)The â€Å"Plan to Win† initiative is built around five factors that drive McDonald’s business: people, products, place, price, and promotion. As a student of marketing what can you say about these factors? These five factors closely mirror the four P’s of marketing: product, price, promotion, and place. For a service marketer: people and physical evidence are also added to the mix. For McDonald’s people and physical evidence are also important P’s of marketing. They are realizing the importance of creating a â€Å"modern, streamlined environment† so as to â€Å"encourage customers to stay longer and spend more†. Another thing they may consider is to improve the service quality to help with that. McDonald’s has tried to enrich its product mix by considering â€Å"What does our brand allow us to consider selling to our customers†, instead of being stuck with hamburgers.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Project Management Methodology Plan for Water Crosby West Bank Water

Question: Discuss about the Project Management Methodology of the Plan for Water Crosby West Bank Water . Answer: Introduction The Mt Crosby West Bank WTP (Water Treatment Plant) is one of the major water treatment plants that have been ranked second among the others. The report here seeks to provide the report containing the plan and the blue print that will serve as the standard for the other objectives ( 2016). The various details that have been provided in this report mainly concentrate on the technicalities of the water treatment plant. These standards will help in improvement of the services that are provided by the company and will help in creation of trust in the stakeholders of the company. The plant which has been installed suffers the wear and tear over the time. Hence the plant equipments that have been installed in the premise needs to be changed with time for maintaining the standards. The scope of this installation which aims to improve the quality of water treatment is four (4) back wash motor that will be used for cleaning the filters, thirty eight (38) actuators for controlling the water flow, thirty six (36) butterfly valves that will be installed within the filter plant and finally the six (6) actuator valve for the pure water well. The water that is treated in this plant is used for both domestic and the industrial purpose and hence the quality should be maintained. Installation of the back wash motor The back wash motors are the pumps that are used for pumping water into the system. The water that is pumped for a specific interval of time is used for cleaning the filters so that the water purifier keeps on filtering up to the mark. For the process of cleaning the filters, water is made to flow in the reverse direction (Al-Sarkal and Arafat 2013). The motors that will be installed on the site have to be properly aligned and the alignment should be checked using the laser alignment technique. The other specifications too have been deliberated in the sheet so that the equipments are easily accepted by the present system and the necessary changes that are necessary for accommodating the pumps can be avoided (Spellman, F.R., 2013). The control system for the motors that too have to be installed in the site should be fitted with the thermistor system for measurement of the temperature in order to prevent overheating. The motor becomes over heated as the efficiency of the motor is not 1 00%, the electrical energy that is used to drive the motor is transferred to the mechanical energy and the heat energy. The heat energy has a disastrous effect on the motor hence the prevention against over heating has to be taken, so that the motor keeps on working in a conducive environment. The relevant documents like the mechanical and the electrical drawing, operation manual and training manual that are used for the installation and proper working of the machine should be handed over to the organization (Kerzner 2013). The maintenance and replacements should be carried out regularly in order to ensure a proper working of the system. In this case the maintenance work is carried out in every three years. Installation of the motors should cost around 650 USD for each motor plus the installation and the transportation charges. The installation will be accompanied by the service period of three months and the bearing vibration reports should be delivered to the site engineers (Laute nschlager et al. 2014). The department of the electrical engineering in the organization is responsible for monitoring and maintenance of the installed motors, hence the engineers will communicate to the respective managers for improvement of the system and the progresses made (Walker 2015). Since the work need intensive capita the management is responsible for the selection of the quotations. Actions Quality Benchmarks Responsibility Timeline Capital Completion Supply and installation of four (4) back wash motors that has been laser aligned. According to the specified specification mentioned on the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 400 USD, the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately Installation of the thermistor control of the motor According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 200 USD the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately Supplying of documentation related to the installation and training According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Nil (Mark appropriately Installation of Auxiliary components The auxiliary components of the motor that has to be installed along with it are electric actuators, valve lower seals, valve spindles, electric actuators and the dive nuts for making the system work properly (Tetzlaff et al. 2016). Hence the sixteen parts that are have been put on the tender takes care of the various aspects like the control of the floodgate or penstock for controlling the water flow. The implementation of the project aims to reduce the leakages of the system that ensures the purified water doesnt mix with the untreated water which will compromise the quality of the water produced. The replacement of the auxiliary system should be carried out in every six months in order to ensure the quality of the water. Apart from the sixteen auxiliary equipments that are to be installed in the site a hand held tools for electrical setup will also be provided. The deliverable also includes the various manuals that are related to the equipments, like the electrical drawings, mecha nical drawings, the training manuals and operation and the maintenance manuals (Schwalbe 2015). The department of electrical engineering is responsible for the working of the equipments that will be installed in the system. The manager of the department is also responsible for the faults in the system after the installation and the commissioning has been done. The manager will oversee the communication and monitoring of the processes, the internal memos that is used for the improving the system will also be generated by the departmental head. The capital investments for the auxiliary equipments are medium, and the installation process will be allocated to the bidder with the least amount of quotation which will be around 1600 USD. Actions Quality Benchmarks Responsibility Timeline Capital Completion Supply, Installation and commissioning of 16 electric actuators, valve spindles, valve lower seals and drive nuts. According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors. Within 1300 USD (Mark appropriately) Supply of hand held electronic set up tool. According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Within 200 USD the present rate will be decided based on the market values (Mark appropriately) Supplying of documentation related to the installation and training According to the specification sheet Manager of the Department of electrical engineering The replacement will be done after three years of the installation of the motors Nil (Mark appropriately) Installation of pneumatic Actuators and back wash inlet valves According to Prescott and Prescott (2016), during the water treatment process, backwash inlet valves and pneumatic actuators are the set of equipment that includes a motor is controlled or operated by gas or water under pressure, and the desired direction of flow water is controlled by the gates. The maintenance of equipment should take for a maximum of one month and can be replaced after three years of service. To reduce the cost of the operation and to maximize efficiency, the company replaces the old ones with new pneumatic valves and actuators. It helps the company to maintain their goal of having higher efficiency within their operational system. The actual number of pneumatic valves and actuators that will be commissioned and installed stands at thirty-six (Burt 2014). As stated in the quotation request upon completion of the work, all manuals and reports of valve pressure test certification and sign off inspection, maintenance and operation manual, mechanical and electrical dr awings, and design specification and justification, must be handed over to the electrical department manager. According to the company objectives and expected output levels, the manager will be tasked for this activity with regards to planning and monitoring progress (Lawson 2014). The manager will be communicating developments, noted owing as a result of the installation to the higher management and the improvement efforts has to be sustained, which will be based on the constant monitoring of these items performance. In three years time, the project will require around 3600 USD as this is a capital intensive project, with the reasonable factor of inflation taken into account (Wright 2013). The objective for this goal statement is mentioned below. Step of Action Quality of Benchmark Person Tasked With Time Duration Resources Required Completion Status Supply of records bearing vibration, specification, inspection, tests and specification, manuals, drawings, and laser alignments. Against RFQ Manager of Electrical Department After three years it will take around one month Nil (Mark appropriately) Commissioning, installation, and supply of 36 pneumatic valves and actuators Against RFQ specifications Manager of Electrical Department After three years replacement will take one month Based on inflation in 3 years price should be within 3600 USD with reasonable variance (Marking appropriately) Installation The air scour valve pneumatic actuators The backwash system has air scour pneumatic valve actuators, which are a set of parts comprised of the motor and are fluid driven to increase the filter efficiency. The reason behind it is that, to conform to the company's objective the production cost in line with being less. This operation includes commission, supply, and installation of ten pneumatic actuators and delivering the critical documentations related to the newly installed equipment, replacement of which will take a maximum of one month after every three years (Lautzenheiser 2013). The manager of the electrical department will overlook the entire operation including sustaining improvements efforts, monitoring plan progress, and improvements noted by documenting the machines performance. The allocated budget for this goal is medium, and the cost will be in the range of USD 500 in three years time subjecting in inflation rates (Felch, Patterson and Wiercinski 2014). The objective for this goal statement is mentioned below. Step of Action Quality of Benchmark Person Tasked With Time Duration Resources Required Completion Status Supply of records bearing vibration, specification, inspection, tests and specification, manuals, drawings, and laser alignments. Against RFQ Manager of Electrical Department After three years it will take around one month Nil (Mark appropriately) Commissioning, installation, and supply of 10 pneumatic valves and actuators Against RFQ specifications Manager of Electrical Department After three years replacement will take one month Based on inflation in 3 years price should be within 500 USD with reasonable variance (Marking appropriately) To regulate the flow of water within various water treatment segments, the backwash outlet penstock valve actuators, which are a set of parts, comprises of an actuator or a motor. Handheld electronic actuator set up tools would be replaced and fitted with twelve actuators under this part. After every 3 years the process will be done and maximum of the total time period, it will take up to one year to complete the task. After the completion of the exercise the report was handed over to the electrical manager of the organization. The report that is handed over to the manager is consists of specific design, operations, maintenance manual, and drawings and signed off tests. If any new equipment will be required then the manger will be responsible for that. He or she needs to communicate with others for communication and improvement. The expected outcome can be achieved by installation of new equipment to the existing system. The scope of budget will be estimated at US 600 to influence the implementation rate. The goals of the actions are as follows: Action step Benchmark Responsible person Timeline management Required resources Completed The supply Inspection, implementation and delivery of 12 actuator valve. It is against the specifications of RFQ. The responsible person is the manger from the electrical department. For replacement at least 3 years will needed. On the basis of the inflation in 3 years USD 600 with variance reasons are considered. Appropriate marking is required to complete it. The actions are needed to be adopted in supply records. The components are as follows drawing, manual designing, inspection and vibration and testing. It is against the REQ. The manager of the electrical department After every three years one months. NA Appropriate marking is required to complete it. Installation of Pure water outlet butterfly valve electronic actuator Pure water outlets are electronics actuators, which comprises of motor, which is fitted with a rod along with the plates that helps in controlling and rotating the flow of water. The plates are sometimes prone to wear and tear and therefore, they must be replaced after every 3 years. The edges of the plates are lost and thus it intends more water. The process involves replacement of 6 actuators which is fitted along with the hand held actuators for handing all the reports as per the requirement. The manager of the electric department is very much responsible for reporting the progress, which is constructed with the help of internal memo, and sustaining improvement through the help of documentation. The table below shows the goal of the objective. Action Step Benchmark (feature) The person who is responsible Timeline Resources Required Accomplished Installation of the six (6) valves Against the disclaimer of RCQ Manager of Electrical Department Replacement requires a time of one month after 1 year. Within USD 600 with reasonable variance based on inflation in 3 years Marked appropriately Supplying the documents Against (RFQ) Electrical department manager One month is required after one month. Nil Marked appropriately References Al-Sarkal, T. and Arafat, H.A., 2013. Ultrafiltration versus sedimentation-based pretreatment in Fujairah-1 RO plant: Environmental impact study.Desalination,317, pp.55-66. Burt, A., Schneider Electric Buildings, Llc, 2014.Advanced Valve Actuator With True Flow Feedback. U.S. Patent Application 14/211,005. Felch, C.L., Patterson, M. and Wiercinski, S., Siemens Energy, Inc., 2014.Composite media for water treatment processes and methods of using same. U.S. Patent 8,753,524. Kerzner, H.R., 2013.Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley Sons. Lautenschlager, K., Hwang, C., Ling, F., Liu, W.T., Boon, N., Kster, O., Egli, T. and Hammes, F., 2014. Abundance and composition of indigenous bacterial communities in a multi-step biofiltration-based drinking water treatment plant.Water research,62, pp.40-52. Lautzenheiser, T.L., Godfrey, D.O., Miles, M.E., Mork, S.O. and Bylsma, R.B., Access Business Group International Llc, 2013.Valve system. U.S. Patent 8,375,970. Lawson, D., 2014. Developing an Asset Management Program for a Wastewater Treatment Plant.Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation,2014(12), pp.2168-2182. Prescott, R.E., RE Prescott Co., Inc, 2016.Aeration control valve system for water treatment system and methods for using same. U.S. Patent Application 15/064,038. Schwalbe, K., 2015.Information technology project management. Cengage Learning. (2016). Mt Crosby | Seqwater. [online] Available at: [Accessed 7 Oct. 2016]. Spellman, F.R., 2013.Handbook of water and wastewater treatment plant operations. CRC Press. Tetzlaff, S.K., Robinson, L.T., Bierig, K.R. and Shaffer, D.A., Baker Hughes Incorporated, 2016.Auxiliary Face Seal for Submersible Well Pump Seal Section. U.S. Patent 20,160,145,984. Walker, A., 2015.Project management in construction. John Wiley Sons. Wright, T., Cornelison, T., Bauer, M. and Abrams, A., ClearCove Systems, Inc., 2013.Method and apparatus for a vertical lift decanter system in a water treatment system. U.S. Patent Application 14/142,197.